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Daycare Center Research Paper

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Many parents have shown a great interest in commencing a daycare center and they seem to be grabbing this opportunity.

In the modern generation, there are many working parents who are compelled to leave their child at a daycare center. For such children, these centers become their first school to learn and grasp the basic concepts of life as they step into a new world where they get acquainted with other children. Studies have shown that early years in a child's life are very important for his mental development so he becomes agile.

As a result, whatever they learn, whatever they explore, whatever they accept and feel in the first few years of their life affect their overall growth and individuality. Therefore, it is very crucial to for a …show more content…
A nanny might take a leave for a day or two but the daycare center are never closed. So, parents don't have to move wasting their time looking for last minute babysitters.

Safety Environment
Daycare center provides a safer environment for the child. As far as nanny is concerned, parents have to keep a regular eye on her if she is treating the child well or not as most of the times, the child is with nanny only. This can lead an anxiety in parents' mind as there have been instances in the past where the children have been abused by the nannies due to stress they go through while raising them up.

Trained Professionals
Most of the daycare center hire trained staff that has an education in Early Childhood. This indicates that the child is in safe hands as the trained staff understands the needs of children and fulfills them efficiently.

Development of the Child
One of the important advantages of daycare center is that a number of activities are conducted for the mental development of child which include singing, painting, kids art activities, dancing, poetry reciting, storytelling, etc. on daily basis that lead to intellectual development of

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