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Daylight On English Essay

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A. Bibliographical Information
Jones, D., Shol, S., Kohen-Klieman, C., & Miska, M. (2015). Spotlight on English. Doral: Santillana USA Publishing Company, Inc. (431 pages)
Santillanna’s Spotlight on English for Kindergarten is divided into eight different units to offer various topics to discuss and expose ELL students to throughout the year. Each individual unit contains daily lessons that are integrated to include all academic content areas such as, Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Science, Social Studies and Math and each unit is designed to last approximately 6-8 weeks. This type of thematic approach allows teachers to expose their ELL students to grade level academic content while maintaining their motivation to explore topics that are of interest and relatable to them. This textbook is part of a grade level series from the Santillana’s Spotlight on English curriculum which offers ESL textbooks from grades K-8.
B. Intended Audience
The intended audience for Santillana’s Spotlight on English textbook are ELL students who are entering Kindergarten. The textbook is intended for use with all six of the levels of language proficiency (Entering, Beginning, Developing, Expanding, Bridging and Reaching) as described by WIDA however, this textbook breaks each proficiency level down into three main categories listed as …show more content…
The characters in each of the stories are represented by multicultural characters that students can relate to. For example, in the story “Neeta Goes to School”, Neeta is a character of Hispanic descent that goes to school with her friends who are also multicultural. In the story Neeta wears traditional school attire such as a skirt, sneakers and carries a book bag while her mom drives her to school in her car. The setting is definitely aligned with what students would be exposed to in their own

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