...------------------------------------------------- CLASS 2: GAP, TOP ------------------------------------------------- Date: April 28, 2013 ------------------------------------------------- • Nouns ------------------------------------------------- ✚ Review: Clause Elements ------------------------------------------------- (S) : Performer, topic ------------------------------------------------- (O) : Recipient ------------------------------------------------- : Direct object (DO) and indirect object (IO) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- I sent you a letter. (S) + (V) + (IO) + (DO) ------------------------------------------------- I sent a letter to you. (S) + (V) + (DO) + preposition + (IO) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- : Object of a verb and object of a preposition ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- I kicked you. [You is object of the verb ‘kicked.’] ------------------------------------------------- on the table [Prepositional phrase: The table is called object of the preposition] ------------------------------------------------- • Object of a preposition cannot be the subject element. ------------------------------------------------- ✗ [In the world] have many people. ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...University of Phoenix Material Mentorship Information During this class in the University of Phoenix MBA program, you will be expected to locate and work with a mentor. The mentorship is designed to work in tandem with your course objectives, assignments, and discussions. The purpose of the mentorship is to provide you with a one-on-one relationship with someone who can give additional guidance, input, support, encouragement, and share real-world experiences to enhance your classroom learning and to provide information you can use in your career. Where do I find a mentor? Here are some suggestions of individuals who might be suited for the mentorship role: • Former or current managers • Former colleagues in a leadership position at their organization • Retired leaders—check with SCORE (http://www.score.org/) formerly called Service Corps of Retired Executives • Leaders in an organization in a similar industry • Someone in a leadership capacity at other organizations you are affiliated with, such as your place of worship, volunteer organizations, and so forth • Former faculty members • Community leaders • Your local Chamber of Commerce business members • U.S. Small Business Administration staff members—if you work with government contracts only • Personal acquaintances, family, friends, or relatives Be careful using a friend or a family member as a mentor. While there is no rule against it, you must remain...
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...МИРОВОЗЗРЕНИЕ – система взглядов на мир и место в нем человека, на отношение человека к окружающей его действительности и самому себе, а также обусловленные этими взглядами основные жизненные позиции людей, их убеждения, идеалы, принципы познания и деятельности, ценностные ориентации. МИФОЛОГИЯ – форма общественного сознания, исторический тип мировоззрения; способ освоения мира человеком на ранних стадиях общественного развития, сущностью которого является процесс обобщения и осмысления в образно-символической и эмоционально-ценностной форме важнейших способов и средств удовлетворения человеком своих потребностей. Рели́гия (лат. religare — воссоединять) — особая форма осознания мира, обусловленная верой в сверхъестественное, включающая в себя свод моральных норм и типов поведения, обрядов, культовых действий и объединение людей в организации (церковь, умма, сангха, религиозная община). ФИЛОСОФИЯ – форма общественного сознания, направленная на постановку, анализ и решение коренных мировоззренческих вопросов, связанных с выработкой целостного взгляда на мир и место в нем человека, уяснение различных форм отношения человека к миру (познавательное, ценностное, практическое и др.). Философия – это теоретически сформулированное мировоззрение, система взглядов. НАУКА – сфера деятельности человека, функцией которой является выработка и теоретическая систематизация знаний о действительности. Иску́сство (от церк.-слав. искусьство (лат. experimentum — опыт, проба); ст.-слав. искоусъ —...
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...* Dddddddddd ddddddddddddd dddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddd dddddddd d ddddddd ddddddd dddd dddddddd ddddddddddd dddddddddd dddddddddddd ddddddddddd ddddddddddd ddddddddddd ddddddddddd ddddddddddd ddddddd d ddddddddd ddddddd dddddddddddd dddddd ddd dddddddd dddddd dddddddd ddddddd ddddd ddddd dd ddd d dddddddddd dddd dddddd d dddd ddddddd ddddddd ddddd d d ddddd ddddddd dddddd d ddddddddd dddddd d ddddddd dddddd ddddddd ddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddf fffffffffff ffffff ffffffff fffffffffffffwwwwwwwwww wwwwww w w w w wwwwwwww wwww www www w wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwFGDSFGDFGDFSG The ability to communicate with one another is of paramount importance to the success of the human race (Hartley, 1999). Communication is a dynamic process with the interacting components of sending and receiving information. Nonverbal cues may provide clarity or contradiction for a message being Premium1504 Words7 Pages * Communicating with Nonverbal and Verbal Communication One thing we all have in common is that we must all communicate in one form or another. Everyone communicates even if they know it or not. Both verbal and nonverbal communication is used during conversations. Using both forms helps convey and support the message you are trying to send. Up to Premium484 Words2 Pages * Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication Paper Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication Paper Abstract In the abstract, summarize what you learned by completing the Dimensions...
Words: 1079 - Pages: 5
...of all this man-made legislation and return to living in safety, freedom and prosperity under God's Perfect Laws of Liberty. There is absolutely NO other option if you want to survive. that God gave us expressly forbids mankind from legislating all of these evil rules that benefit the richest 1% at the expense of the 99% (i.e. YOU). The Supreme & ONLY TRUE LAW of the land, given to us by The Ruler of the Universe, designed to protect us from evil and reinstating it is not only our lawful right but our duty under The Law. Step 1: Please pass this message on to all of your friends, family and neighbors. Step 2: See "The Nazi Banksters' Crimes Ripple Effect" on the internet today. It's free. Who REALLY won WW2? The answer may surprise you: ddddddd The Perfect Law of Liberty http://jforjustice.co.uk/banksters Step 3: Plan to occupy Congress on Armistice/Veteran's Day,...
Words: 517 - Pages: 3
...2. The Entity-Relationship Model 2. The Entity-Relationship Model This section’s goal: After completing this chapter, you should be able to explain the three phases of database design, Why are multiple phases useful? evaluate the significance of the Entity-Relationship Model (ER model) for DB design, enumerate the basic constructs of the ER model, develop ER diagrams (schemas in the ER model) for a given application, translate ER models into equivalent (as far as possible) relational models. Marc H. Scholl (DBIS, Uni KN) Information Management Winter 2007/08 48 2. The Entity-Relationship Model Introduction Database design (1) Overall goal of DBMS usage: Efficiently develop programs to support given real-world tasks. These programs need to store data persistently. To develop these programs, apply proven methods of software engineering—specialized to support data-intensive programs. Definition (Database Design) Database Design is the process of developing a database schema for a given application. DB design is a subtask of the overall software engineering effort. Marc H. Scholl (DBIS, Uni KN) Information Management Winter 2007/08 49 2. The Entity-Relationship Model Introduction Database design (2) The specification of programs and data is intertwined: The schema should contain the data needed by the programs. Programs are often easy to develop once the structure of the data to be manipulated has been specified. Data, however, is an independent...
Words: 7024 - Pages: 29
...SCHAUM'S OUTLINE OF THEORY AND PROBLEMS OF COLLEGE PHYSICS Ninth Edition . FREDERICK J. BUECHE, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor at Large University of Dayton EUGENE HECHT, Ph.D. Professor of Physics Adelphi University . SCHAUM'S OUTLINE SERIES McGRAW-HILL New York St. Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogota Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto McGraw-Hill abc Copyright © 1997, 1989, 1979, 1961, 1942, 1940, 1939, 1936 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-1367497 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-008941-8. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more...
Words: 181360 - Pages: 726
...©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=542 1 MEAP Edition Manning Early Access Program Copyright © 2010 Manning Publications For more information on this and other Manning titles go to www.manning.com ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=542 Licensed to Andrew M. Tearle 2 Table of Contents Part 1 LEARNING POWERSHELL 1 1 Welcome to PowerShell 2 Foundations of PowerShell 3 Working with types 4 Operators and expressions 5 Advanced operators and variables 6 Flow control in scripts 7 PowerShell Functions 8 Advanced functions and scripts 9 Using and Authoring Modules 10 Module Manifests and Metadata 11 Metaprogramming with ScriptBlocks and Dynamic Code 12 Remoting and Background Jobs 13 Remoting: Configuring Applications and Services 14 Errors and exceptions 15 The PowerShell ISE and Debugger Part 2 USING POWERSHELL 16 Working with paths , text, and XML 17 Getting fancy—.NET and WinForms 18 Windows objects: COM, WMI and WSMan 19 Security, security, security appendix A Comparing PowerShell to other languages appendix B Admin examples appendix C The PowerShell grammar appendix D Additional PowerShell Topic ©Manning Publications Co. Please post comments or corrections to the Author Online forum: http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=542 ...
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