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Death Race: Grand Theft Auto (GTA)

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Negative Behavior is a result of Violent Video Games
Today, many young children who play violent games are in jeopardy of having a negative effect on their behavior due to the violence shown. Online or offline, these games can influence children in a negative way. Though the situation is hard to solve as a whole, the solution is very simple. Parents must watch what their child is playing. Parents must only buy games that are rated by the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board). The ESRB rating is found on the bottom left corner on the cover of the game and rates the content of the game. The ESRB rating will indicates whether it is appropriate for a child based on age.
Death Race was an arcade game that swept the United States in the 70’s. Though Death Race was a simple 8-bit game, it was …show more content…
GTA is the most popular game among children today. The game is widely known for its depiction of violence, sexual/nudity content, and drug/alcohol use. The first installment of the game was in 1997 and became so popular that the game series has five installments with rumors of a sixth to come soon. People like to live through these games and that’s why it’s very popular, especially among younger people. Many young children have gone to duplicate the actions that they see in these game. In July of 2008, six boys replicating the actions from GTA IV went on a crime spree throughout New York, “Six Long Island teens, apparently inspired by the violent video game Grand Theft Auto, were charged with robbery after a crime spree” (“Game Over”). The boys had robbed people and broke into cars with a crowbar, a bat, and a broomstick. These are weapons that are used in the game. When the boys had been caught, they said they were copying the actions they had witnessed in the game. Many would argue and say that they only blamed it on the game to get away with the crime and lessen their

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