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Ten Commandments Constitutionality

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The idea of a public monument which states the Ten Commandments constitutionality is at question.

Pro separation of Church and State
I. There is a running risk of offending members of the community who are not part of the faith being advertised or citizens who find the display disrespectful. The Establishment Clause in the Constitution calls for complete neutrality in terms of favoring one religion over another. The court has also reaffirmed many times, the prohibition of passing laws which help all religions against non-believers. They may also not pass laws which aid religions founded on God against those with controversial beliefs. They may also not favor. (Taking Sides).
i. A respect for any believer in Atheism shall be the …show more content…
No State or Federal Government is to allow laws or force requirements which help those who believe in a religion as opposed to nonbelievers. They may also not pass laws which help religions which are based on an existence of God as opposed to religions which are founded on different beliefs. (U.S. Supreme Court Torcaso v. Watkins) iv. Example: The Supreme Court found that the structure of the Ten Commandments located in a public space in Texas was ruled unconstitutional. (Stevens 271)
v. The Establishment Clause, however, does not prohibit the State or Federal government from acknowledging the religious symbols which may contribute to the history of the American people which has been established in the court (Stevens 272-273)
II. The government is permitted to reprimand those for not following common beliefs such as respecting the property of neighbors, honoring parents, and to refrain from cheating, lying, or stealing. The government also has the right to teach children and adults the role that a belief in God had on our ancestors which led to the outcome of our country. This monument gives the message that all citizens must follow a Judeo-Christian god and follow the divine code.(Taking …show more content…
The Lemon test should be reverted, and the prongs of the test be abandoned. In previous decisions they have moved the search from a genuinely religious motive in government action to hunting for a small religious purpose. (Scalia 286)
III. The displays in Texas were constitutional and this was an ethically right decision on the part of the Supreme Court. These commandments were very essential to the formation of Texas and to showcase a large part of their history shall not stand in the way of those who are not Christians. They should instead be proud that this is a part of history. (Taking Sides)
i. Justice Scalia wants observers who see any sign of the Ten Commandments to understand that the purpose behind these was their contribution to the legal system. Another addition to ensure no violation of the constitution would be a phrase that states the contribution of these commandments to the government. (Scalia 286)

ii. The act of accrediting the source of a historical addition to any governmental framework shall be told as a part of the oldest traditions of our country. (Scalia

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