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Define Diversity In America

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Without diversity America would be drab, it is what makes America unique and worth living here. If we had no diversity we would all be uninteresting and stale. Diversity is a hard word to describe because it is dense and has many meanings. Democracy is a great thing but if we had no diversity then we would have no need. We need diversity of thought of mind and of ideas, It helps us acknowledge struggles of others and their personal lives.

What is diversity? Diversity is more than just multiple cultures combining into a melting pot of unique racial backgrounds, it is also diversity of thought and ideas.The dictionary definition is “the condition of having or being composed of different elements.” You can elaborate the definition of so much more than …show more content…
Think of a potluck of multiple dishes from all different countries, a plate of mixed boiled vegetables, a pot full of warm posole full of different spices, a dish full of different types of desserts: rich chocolate cupcakes with bright neon frosting, warm and fresh pan dulce, a new dish of warm tiramisu, and a bunch of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies so freshly baked that you can smell the vanilla and chocolate chips. In the background you can hear some old jazz, you can hear the brassy instruments, the sweat dripping of their necks from playing with pure heart and passion, you can even hear them tapping their feet gently on the wooden floors. Across the room you can see so many people of different cultures: at one table the man is wearing a turban and his beard is almost down to his knees, next to him is his wife who is wearing a traditional bana of navy blue and gold. The table on the other side has a woman with a kimono on: it is light blue and has cherry blossoms all over it, and a beautiful white sash across her waist. Next to her is a little girl with broken overalls and a messy braid, she has a little bit of dirt on her

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