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Definition Essay On Heroes

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It is believed that throughout history many individuals who fought against corruption and inequity rose from the lower class. However, many of those who we consider heroes didn’t necessarily volunteer open handily; heroes aren’t born but rather made and their purpose of existence is to undue the wrongs and pave a better life for the poor. Suggesting that setting did play a big role in structuring the ideal hero, we can assume that those who lived in a third world country suffered most and probably had a higher chance of corruption and political issue. However, views change depending on the social class, those that fight for the people are looked as bad individual and is label as outlaws while those with powers and authority are treated and …show more content…
Celebrities are seen as a national icon to many and worship as heroes or heroines. Their talents may be to sing or act but they are far from being called a perfect hero. Compared to Iljimae who risk his lives and even gone through losing most of his beloved family members to a corrupt society, it made him a true hero being that he lost everything and was still able to contribute to the poor. We tend to overlook many aspects of celebrities because we focus too much on looks and performance skills. However, if we were to devote ourselves to such talents only then we would never produce any actual heroes but just ordinary people who are infatuated with a power that makes millions love them. Instead if we paid more attention to history and realized the true heroes that our country created we can then determine what a hero looks like compared to a fraud. For instance, Harriet Tubman will forever be seen as a brave heroine who help enslaved many black African American slaves. The action she took by putting her life on the line for the freedom of many can truly identify her as a heroine. And just like Tubman, Iljimae also put his life on the line when going through the night stealing from the corrupt government officials. These two are what we can consider a hero while those who sing or act and gets many recognitions from their audience are not your ideal heroes and should not be put on the same scale as a

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