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Academic Fraud Case

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On May 30, 2008, the sixty – third meeting of the West Virginia University Board of Governors was held. It was called to order as an emergency meeting. Public records of the meeting minutes indicate, that the purpose of the emergency meeting was to review a report generated by a Special Investigative Panel for Review of Executive MBA Program Records. The subject surrounding this case was Heather Bresch, a West Virginia University graduate who falsely claimed to have received a MBA degree from the university. According to announcements made by Mylan Pharmaceuticals in October, 2007, Ms. Bresch had been promoted to their chief operating officer. Shortly after this announcement a local newspaper, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published an article stating that Ms. Bresch in fact did …show more content…
Academic fraud can be defined as any deliberate or attempted act that provides an individual an unfair academic advantage, or creates a detrimental or disadvantage to other students or the academic community. Academic fraud may include cheating, plagiarism, deceiving a professor and many other forms of misconduct. Again for the purposes of this paper, academic fraud specifically related to providing false information, the fabrication and/or alteration of university documents and or the misrepresentation of the transcript of grades or diplomas will be examined. To illustrate this trend, this paper will provide examples of individuals, such as Heather Bresch, who have committed academic fraud in this manner and review the statistics surrounding the prevalence of this professional and academic act of misconduct. Moreover, it will discuss the potential legal ramifications of committing such acts and the impact to both the individuals and the institutions. Finally, the paper will discuss some remedies sought in instances of academic

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