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Elderly Treated In Foraging Societies

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I am very fortunate to still have my grandmother in my life. She is a very instrumental person in helping me become who I am today. I believe the elderly today are being treated exactly how they should be, respected, loved, and well taken care of. What about other societies? How are the elderly treated in foraging societies? Is there any variation, or are the old considered to be useless entities that cannot hunt or gather? How are they treated in the society I grew up in? Let’s answer those questions beginning with how they are treated in foraging societies.

The onset of old age is partly measured in terms of the median life span in all societies. In foraging societies, that age ranges from 45 to 75 years old. Early research theorized …show more content…
As they aged and their strength or energy levels diminish, their contribution is limited which diminishes their status. This is not the case according to current ethnographic data. Elderly men are more respected and honored. Age is an important factor in considering status and decision making as the elderly make most of the important decisions within their group. Although there is little material security for the elderly in some foraging societies, they are not abandoned and maintain a high status within the group. Although the elderly do not contribute in a productive role, they are able to maintain their security due to close family relationships. They are able to accomplish this through mutual exchanges within the economic network of foraging societies. Anthropologists have also discovered that the elderly possess a much higher status than younger people in the foraging societies. Due to the vast amount of knowledge they have obtained, which is required for certain activities, making political decisions, as well as spiritual and intellectual counseling, the elderly receive much respect and are treats very differently in a positive way. The control of information is an important

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