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Hurricane Katrina In New Orleans Research Paper

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Words 1535
Pages 7
Trey Grimes
English 1010
Professor Magrans
Post-Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans During that calm, quiet time before any storm hits, the people of New Orleans and it’s surrouding areas prepared for a beating. Most citizens left the city in heed of the warnings sent out. As landfall came closer and closer, researchers began changing their predictions on how much rain they would get as well as the cripplng flood levels. Getting everyone evacuated from danger zones wasn’t as simple as it sounded. Many people wouldn’t leave due to sentimental reasons or they just simply didn’t want to let their home go. Following Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans as a whole had to recover from; loss of property, death, record flood levels, and their stunned economy. The flooding that occured in New Orleans wasn’t anything meteorologists predicted. First, the levees that stood against the banks of swollen rivers, were built back in the 1960s. These decade old …show more content…
The city itself sits in a “bowl”, which explains why the water rushed in so fast and with such force. As water levels continued to rise, people were forced to the roofs of their homes just to escape the debris-filled waters. New Orleans real estate market crumbled after Katrina. Nearly every home within 10 miles from downtown were inundated with feet of water. “Shaik argues that, because of gentrification, New Orleans residents who do not own their own homes, many of whom are African Americans, must contend with rising rents while also suffering income stagnation and unemployment.”(Shaik). In the last sentence, Shaik describes the life of people after Katrina and just how crippling damage was. Along with homes being swept away, buisness throughout new Orleans suffered. The first 10 months following Katrina resulted in a loss of almost 100,000 jobs. Tourism took a hard hit losing nearly 30,000 jobs and and estimated $380 million

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