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Coaching Conflicts Case Study

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Coaching Conflicts
An athletic director at a NCAA Division I University is currently negotiating an employment contract with Will Wynn, the new head football coach. However, athletic directors must always remember their role in protecting the University’s best interests in this contract. Many different clauses in the conflict must be negotiated ranging from reassignment clause, to restrictive covenants (not to compete and non-recruit), as well as rollover clauses. The athletic director must do his best job to maintain the interests of the University in order for them to have their best interests represented and negotiated.
Reassignment Clause The purpose of the reassignment clause is to allow an institution the opportunity to remove an …show more content…
For the athletic director, he must use it in his advantage in the contract with Wynn not to leave the University in case the football program succeeds. If a collegiate or professional coach in a lower level to mid-tier team starts succeeding at a high-level, often times higher-level teams will want to offer these coaches larger salaries and a better opportunity. Having a not to compete restrictive covenant guarantees that Wynn stays with the University for the time being. Furthermore, the athletic director needs to include the phrase “non-recruit” as part of the restrictive covenant. The coaches duties are to teach and manage a team, not to fully assist in recruiting players. Others are in charge of recruiting. There are two other aspects in the reassignment clause worth considering. The first is the to not interview which states that Willy Wynn cannot interview for another coaching position while head coach with notice or approval. The second is to not solicit or share proprietary …show more content…
A stated terms in years agreements stops the contract after a set amount of time. A rollover provision/clause extends the duration of an employment agreement for an additional year in case the college athletic director staff is satisfied and pleased with the coaches performance concluding every season. A rollover clause works can be a win-win for both the head coach and the football program. For instance, consider if new Arizona State University (ASU) football head coach Herm Edwards has a rollover clause on his contract. If ASU starts succeeding, their staff may offer him a rollover clause. If Edwards loves Arizona and the culture, this may motivate to work hard with ASU and continue extending his rollover

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