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Deforestation In Brazil

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Growing global concern over protecting our environment has prompted nations to band together to address the harmful impact of deforestation in Brazil. Global warming has become a reality, and deforestation has played a major part in its occurrence. Trees naturally absorb most of the carbon and greenhouse gases in our air, while simultaneously releasing oxygen. The removal of trees not only reduces the ability of carbon in our air to be absorbed, but it releases stored up carbon into the air, which is a contributing factor to global warming. Additionally, as the earth’s natural canopy is removed, nothing is standing between the sun’s rays and the ground, which is causing the ground to retain the heat from the sun. This leads to an increase …show more content…
This soil erosion can also lead to issues with the local water supplies. When the rain falls, and the dirt is washed away because there is nothing to aid in its absorption, that dirt can be carried to local water supplies. Silt can contaminate the water supply, which can cause illness in those that utilize local water supplies. Deforestation is also causing a large number of animals that call the forest their home to lose their natural habitat. Fires cause animals to flee to safer areas, which may be far from their original home. While animal activists are working to relocate animals to areas within the forest that are protected, there are many other animals that are now facing possible extinction. Not only are the lives of animals being impacted, but the health of human beings as well. The rainforest contains many plants that are unique to the area that may be used for medicinal purposes. Medical research is constantly evolving, and without the ability to obtain these plants, development of medications may be negatively impacted. Changes must be made to protect our environment, and a concerted effort must be made so that deforestation is …show more content…
REDD+ is a project where developed countries will pay to have developing countries reduce their carbon emissions, and the developed country would be able to take credit for protecting trees in the developing countries though the carbon market. Brazil was one of the countries that wanted to find a way to incorporate REDD+ into their plans. As REDD+ was starting to take off, Brazil had made a goal to be able to reduce deforestation by 80 percent by 2020. To do this, the Norwegian government donated over one billion dollars towards their cause. Between 2005 and 2010, Brazil was able to come close to completing their goal ahead of their predicted date of 2020. The dramatic results were able to happen in part by the efforts at federal and state levels, along with Non-Governmental Organizations (“NGO’s”). With assistance from these branches, Brazil was able to come together and push for laws that would be followed and enforced. Law enforcement agencies are now able to enforce laws regarding illegal logging, timber, and sawmills. The government has played a pivotal role in the drive to reduce deforestation. As such, the “jailing of the perpetrators (including government officials who had been taking bribes to look the other way), has shown that the government’s

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