...Explain how theories, such as Dependency theory and World systems theory can contribute to an understanding of changing patterns of global power (15 marks) The changing global power of countries can be difficult to understand as there are a variety of views and theories used in order to explain the shift. The recent developments of BRIC countries has an influence upon this and may be a reason as for why theories such as the Dependency theory and The Worlds system theory are not in line with the current patterns of global power and why they may be considered as over simplistic and ‘outdated’. Dependency theory was out forward by A.G Frank and is used in order to explain how countries maintain power through neo-colonialism- this term refers to ‘new colonialism’. This is where countries such as Ghana remain under the control of the wealthier countries, even though they are supposedly independent. Dependency theory suggests that the capitalist core, for example the USA and the UK keeps the periphery in a state of underdevelopment by exploiting its cheap resources and taking their trained skilled workers. This is often referred to as a ‘brain drain’ whereby the skilled workers are not given any opportunities in their home country; as a result they migrate to the core in order to get a job therefore resulting in a shift of knowledge from the core to the periphery. Additionally by selling expensive manufactured goods. The developing world effectively helps the developed world to become...
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...often-discussed but seldom-defined phenomenon. In my opinion it can be defined as interconnectedness on a global level, which usually means that something in one part of the world can impact upon the rest of the world. Additionally, it is all those processes by which people of the world are incorporated into one single society and impact countries and individuals in an uneven manner. There are various categories of globalization and they could be economic, cultural, technological and also social. However, this essay’s main focus is on identifying three social issues that arose because of globalization and discuss how they have affected the quality of life of the people in the Caribbean. These issues include; poverty, migration and culture and identity. To begin, (Ritzer, 2011) stated that, “globalization is the spread of worldwide practices, relations, consciousness, and organization of social life.” This implies that globalization is the driving force within society, which allow for the sharing of common goals and values for both social life, financial and political aspects as well. This helps move society from an obsolete to technological way of thinking. (UNDP, 1997) posits that “globalization encapsulates both a description and a prescription. The description is the widening and deepening of international flows of trade, finance and information in a single, integrated global market. The prescription is to liberalize national and global markets in the belief that free flows of trade, finance...
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...Organization Theory Schools of Thought Abstract Organizational theory involves identifying the different approaches to understanding organizations, which cover a wide spectrum of views over many decades. The history of organizations really starts with armies (Orlikowski, 2010). Armies were the first large-scale cooperative groups formed specifically for a purpose and they are characterized by a hierarchy of authority within which decisions are made at the top and passed down in the shape of orders which must be followed. A second early development was that of public administration whereby “organizations came into being to implement the decisions of government: initially to collect taxes, but increasingly to order and regulate society through laws and the application of various rules” (Tushman & Romanelli, 1985). Again, these organizations were characterized by hierarchy of authority and a requirement to comply with its exercise. These models for the large-scale organization of people for a purpose were, with a few exceptions, followed by business organizations as they developed in the Middle Ages and, through industrialization, came to dominate work in society. The study of organizations emerged from what some would call today sociology (Knorr, 1997). This owed its origins to philosophers turning their attention to the way in which whole societies function and, in due course, to the study also of the social constructions which are created in them. Knorr believed...
Words: 8615 - Pages: 35
...MT&O 2 Organization Theory and Design - Richard L. Daft Organization Theory and Design Richard L. Daft LEESTOETS 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 2 PAGE 3 – 31: ORGANIZATIONS AND ORGANIZATION THEORY ............................................................... 2 PAGE 161 – 173: BUREAUCRACY AND AUTHORITY .............................................................................. 3 PAGE 201 – 220: ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE ...................................................................................... 4 PAGE 441 – 461: POWER AND POLITICS ................................................................................................ 4 LEESTOETS 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 6 PAGE 58 – 69: EFFECTIVENESS ............................................................................................................. 6 PAGE 81 – 106: ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................ 7 PAGE 119 – 149: TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 7 PAGE 201 – 233: STRUCTURE (ZIE LEESTOETS 1).................................................................................. 8 PAGE 249 – 258: STRUCTURE ..................
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...THEORY SYNTHESIS #3 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, DOMINGUEZ HILLS PUB 502 SANDRA TAYLOR I. Theories of Organizational Culture and Change Organizational Culture and Change theories were first introduced between the 1950’s and 1960’s, but gained an unsavory reputation in the 1980’s. The origins of this theory came from the realization that U.S. companies and government agencies had lost their competitiveness and agility during the last three decades of the 20th century (Shafritz, Ott, Jang, 2011, pg. 338). This was in addition to the understanding that organizational change required more than structural or functional tweaking but instead that that organizational cultures had to be reformed (Shafritz et al., 2011, pg. 341). Organizational culture is simply the culture that exists in an organization. It is made up of a number of intangible phenomena, such as values, beliefs, assumptions, perception, behavioral norms, artifacts, and patterns of behavior (Shafritz, Ott, Jang, 2011). It is the force behind the organizations activities; culture is to the organization what personality is to the individual, a hidden, yet unifying theme that provides meaning, direction, and mobilization (Shafritz et al., 2011, pg. 338). Thus, in order for an organization to make lasting changes the organization culture must change as well (Shafritz et al., 2011, pg. 338). It is common practice for organizational members to hang onto familiar beliefs, values, and policies and practices even if...
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...chromosomes, hormonal profiles as well as internal and external sexual organs or genitalia.The term sex since classical times has been used to designate matters related to biological and anatomical makeup of a person. Thus while ones’ sex as male or female is a biological and universal fact that is however not the same with gender since sex is tends to be similar across all cultures while gender varies one society to another. Sex relates to the biological characteristics that categorise someone as either female or male; whereas gender refers to the socially determined ideas and practices of what it is to be female or male. Patriarchy - Systemic societal structures that institutionalise male physical, social and economic power over women. Culture - The distinctive patterns of ideas, beliefs, and norms which characterise the way of life and relations of a society or group within a society. Gender discrimination - The systematic, unfavourable treatment of individuals on the basis of their gender, which denies them rights, opportunities or resources. Gender division...
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...The Development of Organizational Theory Carla Coleman Strayer University ECO 550 Managerial Economics and Globalization Dr. Ian McDevitt December 21, 2013 The Development of Organizational Theory Introduction Organizational theory involves identifying the different approaches to understanding organizations, which cover a wide spectrum of views over many decades. The history of organizations really starts with armies (Orlikowski 2010). Armies were the first large-scale cooperative groups formed specifically for a purpose and they are characterized by a hierarchy of authority within which decisions are made at the top and passed down in the shape of orders which must be followed. A second early development was that of public administration whereby organizations came into being to implement the decisions of government: initially to collect taxes, but increasingly to order and regulate society through laws and the application of various rules (Tushman and Romanelli, 1985). Again, these organizations were characterized by hierarchy of authority and a requirement to comply with its exercise. These models for the large-scale organization of people for a purpose were, with a few exceptions, followed by business organizations as they developed in the Middle Ages and, through industrialization, came to dominate work in society. The study of organizations emerged from what some would call today sociology (Knorr, 1997)...
Words: 7381 - Pages: 30
...will find a generally close correspondence between class and readings in what follows. Be aware that these notes are not intended to replace reading the text. Also, these are “rough” notes. They were devised initially for my own use. They are not polished and stand open to correction. But I think you want them, so here they are. Dr V What is culture? A complex system of meaning and behavior that defines the way of life of a given group or society. Material and non-material Characteristics of culture: Shared Learned Taken for granted Symbolic (meaningful) Defining idea: transmission by non-biological means Distinctions(?) between human and animal cultures (language & tools). Elements of culture: Language: symbol systems. Does language shape culture? Norms: cultural expectations for how to behave in a given situation. Implicit vs. explicit; ideal vs. real. Folkways/mores/laws/taboos Social sanctions Ethnomethodology and the study of norms. Beliefs. Values: Value-orientations Institutions. Cultural diversity: Dominant culture. Most support from major institutions. Function of power. Subcultures. Often develop as a result of exclusion from mainstream society and culture. Counter-cultures Rejection of dominant cultural values, often for moral and political reasons. Cultural diversity issues: Ethnocentrism Seeing things only from the point of view of one’s own group. The judging of a culture by the standards of another. Multiculturalism...
Words: 5518 - Pages: 23
...34.Concept of Globalization Why does the concept of GLOBALIZATION excite so much interest? We are beginning to think about the world in new ways. The importance of borders between different countries is reduced, and cross-border structures are strengthened. The power of organizations operating only within the nation state is weakened. Individuals who possess the necessary skills find it easier and faster than before to implement complex interactions. By pushing computer keys a banker can almost instantaneously transfer sums of money between London and New York, between New York and Bangkok, between Bangkok and Paris, and so on. The political and legal institutions of these different countries no longer present insurmountable obstacles to doing business between them. The problems of predicting the effects of globalization in part stem from uncertainties about how the notion should be defined. These uncertainties arise because the terms are used in many different ways. Gowan (1999) reflects on this ambiguity in the introduction to his text: The 1990s have been the decade of globalization. We see its effects everywhere: in economic, social and political life, around the world. Yet the more all-pervasive are these effects, the more elusive is the animal itself. An enormous outpouring of academic literature has failed to provide an agreed view of its physiognomy or its location and some reputable academics of Right and Left even question its very existence. It is not necessary to...
Words: 11409 - Pages: 46
...of maps * Map projection: a systematic rendering on a flat surface of the geographic coordinates of the features found on Earth’s surface * Ethnocentrism: the attitude that a persona’s own race and culture are superior to those of others * Imperialism: the extension of the power of a nation through direct/indirect control of the economic and political life of other territories * Masculinism: the assumption that the world is and should be shaped mainly by men for men * environmental determinism: a doctrine holding that human activities are controlled by the environment * globalization: the increasing interconnectedness of different parts of the world through common processes of economic, environmental political and cultural change * ecumene: the total habitable area of a country. Sine it depends on the prevailing technology, the available ecumene varies over time. Canada’s ecumene is so much less than its total area. * Geodemographic research: investigation using census data and commercial data (i.e. sales data and property records) about populations of small districts to create profiles of those populations for market research * Geographic information systems (GIS): an organized collection of computer hardware, software and geographical data that is designed to capture, store, update, manipulate and display spatially referenced information * Regional geography: the study of ways in which unique combinations of environmental and human...
Words: 24912 - Pages: 100
...Statement of the Problem ii. Against Economism iii. Critique of Competition iv. Poverty is Unnatural v. Thesis Statement vi. Methodology vii. Structure of Dissertation 1 1 1 5 6 9 10 15 CHAPTER ONE: DIMENSIONS OF DEVELOPMENT AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON AFRICA 1.1. What is Development 1.2. Development and Economic Growth 1.3. Schools of Development Thought and their Influence in Africa 1.3.1. The Modernization School and its Essential Claims Growth Theory under Economic Liberalism Evolutionary Theory Functionalist Theory Common Assumptions and Methodology The Influence of Modernization on Development Practice in Africa Critique of Modernization 1.3.2 Dependency Theory and its Essential Claims 21 21 25 27 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 39 i 1.3.3. The Theoretical Heritage of Dependency Theory Structuralist Economics and the ‘Prebisch Thesis’ Marxism 1.3.4. Common Assumptions of Dependency Theory 1.3.5. Criticisms of Dependency Theory 1.3.6. The Influence of Dependency Theory on African Development Practice Nkrumah’s Communalism and Development Preoccupations Nyerere’s Ujamaa 1.4. The Neo-Liberal Perspective and its Basic Claims 1.4.1. Theoretical Heritage and Context 1.4.2. Shared Assumptions 1.4.3. Influence on African Development Plans and Practices Common Approaches to Africa’s Development The Lagos Plan of Action Structural Adjustment...
Words: 90729 - Pages: 363
...11. Understanding Development Theory In the Context of Social and Community Change by Michel Adjibodou[1] I. INTRODUCTION If you are fortunate enough to have walked the land and worked with the people of South Central Los Angeles in California, the mountains of Chiapas in Mexico, the plains of Tanga in Tanzania, the hills of Save in Benin, the streets of Hartford, Dorchester and Roxbury, the hills of Funyula in Western Kenya, one common characteristic you probably noticed is the resolve and resilience of those communities. Despite the daily challenges and stresses on their health, income, environment, land, and physical security, the residents are determined to improve their communities and create greater opportunities for their children. Many of us who chose to work in “development”, or who accidently ended up doing this work, must learn how to work in communities which face horrendous challenges. Engaging people in improving their own communities and, perhaps, working on broader issues demands that we develop great skills and knowledge, not to mention a certain attitude, some character, plenty of courage, and listening skills. Most of us simply behave like backpackers on our way to solve the world’s problems and save humanity from itself. Mistakes are made along the way, success stories abound, lives are damaged and rebuilt, hopes restored, and life goes on. Many practitioners working in communities around the world, and people who want to become...
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...Anthropology Queens College / CUNY, Spring 2015 TuTh 12:15-1:30PM, Kiely 150 Professor: Ramona Lee Pérez, PhD Email: ramona.perez@qc.cuny.edu Office hours: Th 2-3 PM, PH 315H COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to the range of human diversity through an exploration of the peoples of the world. We will cover the basic concepts, theories, and methods that anthropologists use to study variations in cultural norms and social practices, economic systems and rules of law, social organization and patterns of inequality, identity and worldview, and patterns of social and cultural change. Focusing on the culture concept and the method of ethnography, we begin with the historical foundations of anthropology and then follow its attempts to understand contemporary human cultures. Comparative analysis of multiple ethnographic case studies and major theoretical approaches illuminates the range of human diversity, the forces that shape cultures, and how people adapt to a rapidly changing modern world. The central objectives of this course are to develop your intellectual skills, your cross-cultural fluency, and your sense of civic and moral engagement in global society. I hope that this course inspires many of you to become anthropology majors or minors, and grants each of you an anthropological perspective on your own life. REQUIREMENTS This is an intensive course that requires full participation from every student. You must attend all lectures, study all the...
Words: 9454 - Pages: 38
...basic language of organizational behavior to diverse audience/students, including those who are studying this as a supporting subject for their bachelor degree program. This course is designed to provide you the foundations of organizational behavior whether you intend to work in any field of interest. Organizational behavior offers both challenges and opportunities for managers. It recognizes differences and helps managers to see the value of workforce diversity and practices that may need to be changed when managing in different countries. It can help improve quality and employee productivity by showing managers how to empower their people as well as how to design and implement change programs. It offers specific insights to improve a manager’s people skills. In times of rapid and ongoing change, faced by most managers today, OB can help managers cope in a world of “temporariness” and learn ways to stimulate innovation. Finally, OB can offer managers guidance in creating an ethically healthy work climate. Managers need to develop their interpersonal or people skills if they are going to be effective in their jobs. Organizational behavior (OB) is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within an organization, and then applies that knowledge to make organizations work more effectively. Specifically, OB focuses on how to improve productivity, reduce absenteeism and turnover, and increase employee citizenship and job...
Words: 81220 - Pages: 325
...Theories of Communication – MCM 511 VU LESSON 01 COMMUNICATION Defining communication Communication is seen as central to our everyday ideas about what makes life worth living. It is not surprising that academicians have attempted to unravel the secrets of the communication process. In this section of the study we will examine the theorizing and theories of this discipline of communication. To understand communication theory we need to understand the nature of communication. Nature of communication People define terms in different ways, and those differences in definition can have a profound impact on the extent to which we understand each other and the way we move forward with both academic and everyday pursuits. Given the variety of ways in which words are used and understood, we are often ill-served to search for the single, so-called correct definition of a term. In other words, it is better to evaluate definition in terms of their utility rather than in terms of their correctness. So we should not assume that there is always a single right way to define a concept. There is a great deal of variation in the definitions. Some are very abstract and some are extremely specific. Few definitions are cited below. Communication is the process by which an individual (the communicator) transmits stimuli (usually verbal) to modify the behavior of other individuals (the audience). (Hovland Janis and Kelly in 1953) Communication is the process by which we understand others and in turn...
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