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Describe the Roles and Responsibilities Relating to the Health, Safety and Security of Individuals in a Health and Social Care Setting


Submitted By shanjade123
Words 1227
Pages 5
M1 – Describe the roles and responsibilities relating to the health, safety and security of individuals in a health and social care setting
Within this essay I am going to be describing the roles and responsibilities relating to the health, safety and security of individuals in a health and social setting. I will be using the health and social care setting in a nursery to help describe what roles there are within the workplace and what their duties are. And then I will be discussing a range of other scenarios that other people’s roles are such as; surgeon, fire fighter etc.
The definition of the word ‘role’ is the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation. Having an important role means that you have something particular to do, you are in charge of many situations and may include being in charge of other people. For example, there are many roles in a general practice surgery such as, a secretary, doctors, and nurses all who have specific things they diagnose, like ear, nose and throat doctors, skin doctors etc.
The definition of the word ‘responsibility’ is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. It is the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something. To make sure the general practice is run professionally and correctly the person/people in charge must allocate appropriate jobs to the suitable staff which will ensure all jobs are completed successfully and all members are kept safe and are well.
Within any work place or environment every individual will have an allocated job which will allow them to have an understanding of any goals they may have to reach to make sure that all staff and others are receiving the right help. The health and safety requirements will allow all staff to receive the correct jobs which will able one

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