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Design of a Transacting System.


Submitted By dafskii
Words 4390
Pages 18







I certify that the study reported in this page was carried out by --------------- in the department of Computer Science, School of Engineering and Technology -------------------

--------------------------------- -----------------------
-------------- Date
(Project Supervisor)

--------------------------------- ------------------------
-------------- Date
(Head of Department)

----------------------------- --------------------------
External Examiner Date

Title page i
Approval Page ii
Table of content iii
CHAPTER ONE 1. Introduction 1. Background of the study 1. Statement of the problem 2. Objective of the study 3. Scope of the study 4. Significant of the study 5. Limitations of the study
Literature review
2.1 A.T.M 2. History of A.T.M
2.3. Components of A.T.M
2.4 functions of A.T.M

3.0 analysis of the existing system 2. Research methodology 3. Methods of data collection 4. Sources of data
3.5 problems of the existing system:
3.6. Input, process and out analysis 7. Information flow chart
3.8. Justification for the new system
3.9. Programming languages used 10. Input specification 11. Output specification
3.12. Software requirement

4.1. Program design
4.2. Program flowchart

4.3 Installation and testing
4.5 Documentation

5.0 summary, conclusion and
5.1 Summary
5.2. Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation

I dedicate this piece of work to God Almighty for his inspiration and on the course of writing this project

I express my sincere gratitude to my family and remain indebted to my beloved parents Mr. and Mrs. -------- for their financial support. Not forgetting my wonderful supervisor ------- for making out time to review this work and all my friends who have contributed to the success of this work. This work would not have been possible without your contributions. May God richly reward you all.

This project is aimed at designing and implementing a transacting system or an ATM machine for Eco Bank Plc, Obosi Onicha. Specially, this study covered the activities of financial institutions in mobilizing cash payments and given the larger part of it to customers who wish to do their cash transactions electronically in Eco bank Obosi Onitsha.
In a bid to successfully carry out a transaction receipt generating system for an ATM machine with a view of finding out its shortcomings, this attempt enabled the researcher to design and implement a transaction receipt generating system for cash transactions that would, if well implemented help to uplift the financial operations of Eco bank Plc Obosi Onitsha. The New system will be developed using Microsoft visual basic 6.0. This programming language was chosen because of its ideal nature for writing windows based application.

CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION The computerization of the banking/financial sector of the economy has really helped eliminate the manual operation of the sector including the innovation of paperless.
Following this, is the introduction of development of the ATM (Automated teller Machine) which had the most laudabe effect in the sector. However, the ATM has really terminated most of the stressful work in the banking sector like queing to check account balance, delay in cash withdrawing and transfer etc.
The ATM gained acceptance due to its Mechanism like dispensing Mechanism (to provide cash on often items of value), deposit mechanism including cheques processing module and batch not acceptor (to allow the customer to make deposits), security sensor and locks (to ensure controlled access to the contents of the vault).
In this work, we examined our overview of the ATM and its record printer.
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The emergency of the ATM brought about the transformation in the banking sector giving rise to inter-bankng services. However, the ATMs inability to generate a hard copy of the operations carried out it has been a concern over the years. In a bid develop a receipt generating system for the ATM to enhance its user-friendliness and flexibility, this study was carried out. 2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Notwithstanding the effective and excellent performance of ATM, its inability to generate a receipt after usage has posed a challenge to users. This is a situation where the machine is unable to issue a receipt which contain the users account details such as the previous balance before withdrawal (in the case of withdrawal), and current balance to the user/customer. Another problem of the system is its failure to issue a record of the business transactions carried out on it. 3. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this study which is the design and implementation of a transactions receipt generating system for an ATM is as follows:- 1. Redesign and restructure the ATM in a way that it will not only give softcopy of the transaction rather be capable of generating a hardcopy of the business transactions carried out on it. 2. Enhance the user’s friendliness with the machine since the machine gives him/her a valid update of the accout detail each time he/her uses the machine

4. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of this study which bothers on design and implementation of a transaction receipt generating system for an ATM is limited only to :- - Payment receipt - Withdrawal receipt
However, other companies may maintain different sources of receipt or teller, but this study, concentrates only on payment and withdrawal receipt system for Eco bank plc, Obosi Onitsha Anambra state.

5. SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY The development of receipt generating system for an ATM enhance the user’s/customer’s knowledge of his/her account details (a complete up to date statement of account) since the system produces a receipt for the transactions he/she made. This also eliminates conflicts over statement of account between the customer and the bank’s operators and also helped transformed our economy from its cash driven nature to a more electronic was of cash conveyance and withdrawal.

6. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY This section discloses the constraints encountered on the course of writing this piece of work. The below is the under listed limitations encountered. a. TIME FACTOR:- Considering the limited time for the semester and the time to gather material/information from the project study, it was not really easy on me but all the same, I tried to apply the principle of time management. b. MONEY:- a lot of money was involved in sourcing for material, running the program, typing and printing the work and binding aspect c. PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED DURING THE WRITE UP:- The toughest was on the debugging of the program, although the research aspect also posed some problems.

2.1 ATM ATM is an acronym for automated teller machine, it is a computerized telecommunication device that provides the customers of a financial institution with access to financial transaction in a public space without the need for a human clerk or bank teller. On most modern ATMs, the customers is identified by inserting a plastic ATM card with a magnetic strip or a plastic smartcard with a chip, that contains a unique card number and some security information such as an expiration date.
Security information such is provided by the customer entering a personal identification number (PIN).
Using an ATM, customers can access their bank account in order to make cash withdrawn (or credit card cash advances) and check their account balance as well as purchasing mobile cell phones prepaid credit.
ATM are known by various other names including automated banking machine, money machine, bank machine, cash machine, hole-in the wall, cash point, bank comet (in various countries in Europe and Russia), multibanco (after a registered trade mark, in Portugal). And any time money (in India) 3. HISTORY OF ATM The first mechanical cash dispenser was developed and built by lurther George Simjian and installed in 1939 in new York City by the City Bank of New York, but removal after six (6) Months due to the lack of customer acceptance.
Therefore, the history of ATMS pursed for over 25 years, until De La Rue developed the first electronic ATM, which was installed first in fulfilled town in North London, United Kingdom on 27 June 1967 by Barclays Bank.
This instance of the invention is credited to John Shepard Barron, although various other engineers were awarded patents for related technologies at the time John Shepard Baron was awarded an OBE.
In the 2005 New Year’s Honors List: The First person to use the machine was the British Variety artist and actor Reg Varney. The first ATMs accepted only a single use token or voucher which was retained by the machine.
These worked on various principle including radiation and low-Coercively Magnetism that was wiped by the card reader to make fraud move difficult. The machine dispensed pre-packed envelopes containing ten pounds sterling. The idea of a PIN (personal Identification number) stored on the card was developed by the British Engineer James Goodfellow in 1965.
However, Donald Wetzel a departmental head at an automated baggage- handling company called docutel, Networked and pioneered the ATM in Dallas, Texas in 1968. Then in 1995, the Smithsonians National Musecum of American History recognized docutel and Wetzel as the inventors of the Networking ATM. ATMs first come into wide UK use in 1973; the IBM 2984 was designed at the request of Lloyd’s banks.
The 2984 CIT (cash Insuring Terminal) was the first cash point is still in function to today’s machine; cash point is still a registered trademark of Lloyds TSB in the UK. All were on line and issued a variable amount. A small number of 2984s were supplied to a US bank. Notable Historical model of ATMs includes the IBM 3624 and 473x Series, die bold 10xx and TABs 9000 series and NCR 5xxx series.

ATMs are placed not only near or inside the premises of banks but also in locations such as shopping centers/smalls, airports, grays stores, petrol/gas stations, restaurants, schools in any places large numbers of people may gather. There are two types of ATM installation.
On and off promise
On premise ATMs are typically move advanced multifunction machines that complement an actual bank branches capacities and thus more expensive off premise machines are deployed by financial institutions and also (independents sales organizations) where there is usually just a straight need for cash, so they typically are the cheaper mono function devices.
Many ATMs have a sign above them indicating the name of the bank or organization owing the ATM and possible including the list of ATM networks to which that machine is connected to this type of sign is called a topper.
Most ATMs are connected to Inter-bank networks, enabling people to withdraw and deposit money from machines not belonging to the bank where they have their account or in the country where their accounts are held (enabling cash withdrawals in the Local Currency). Some examples of inter-bank networks include PULSE, PLUS, CIRRUS, Interall and LINK ATMs rely on other authorizing institution Via the communications network. This is often performed through an ISO 8583 messaging system.
Many banks charges ATM usage fees. In some cases these fees are changed solely to users who are not customer of the bank were the ATM is installed. In other cases, they apply to all users.
ATM typically connect directly to their ATM Contoller via either a dial-up modern over a telephone line or directly via a leased line. Leased lines are preferable to POTS lines because the required less time to establish a connection. Lease lines may be comparatively expensive to operate versus a POTS line, meaning less-trafficked machines will usually rely on dial-up modern. That dilemma may be solved as high speed internet VPH connection become more ubiquitous. Common lower-level layer communication protocols used by ATMs to communication back to the bank include SHA over SDLC. TC500 over syne, X.25 and Tcp/Ip over ether net. The use of ATM machine in Nigeria by banks to enhance transaction started in early 2002. Although, it took a lot of orientation of the customers before the ATM could gain wide acceptance. Today people still see the ATM as an avenue for bank exploit them.

2.3. COMPONENTS OF ATM An ATM is typically made up of the following component Battery back-up.
Card reader
LCD Display Control
Machine Control.
Motion detectors
Power supply
Real-time clock
Secure Micro Controller
Temperature Sensors
Watchdog time.

An ATM is typically made up of the following devices;
*. CPU(to control user interface and transaction device)
*. Magnetic and (or chip card reader (to identify the customer.
*. PIN pad (similar in layout to a secure enclosure
*. Secure crypto processor, general written a secure enclosure.
*. Display (used by the customer for performing the transaction).
*. Function key buttons (usually close to the display) or a touch screen (used to select various aspect if the transaction record printer (to provide the customer with a record of their transaction).
*. Vault (to store the parts of the machinery requiring restricted access).
*. Housing (for aesthetics and to attach signage to).

Recently, due to heavier computing demands and the falling price of computer like architectures using microcontrollers and/or application-specific integrated circuits to adopting a hardware architecture that is very similar to a personal computer – many ATMs are now able to use operationg systems such as Microsoft window and limit. Although it is undoubtedly cheaper to use commercial off the shelf hardware, it does make ATMs vulnerable to the same sort of problems exhibited by conventional computers.
2.4 FUNCTIONS OF ATM Although ATMs were originally developed as just cash dispensers, they have evolved to include many other bank related functions. In some countries, especially those which benefit from a fully integrated cross-bank ATM network (e.g. Multibanco in Portugal), ATMs include many functions which are not directly related to the management of one’s own bank account such as:
*. Deposit currency recognition, acceptance and recycling.
*. Paying routine bills, fees and taxes (utilities, phone bills, social security, legal fees, taxes etc).
*. Printing bank statements Updating passbooks Loading monetary value into stored value cards
*. Purchasing postage stamps.
*. Lottery tickets
*. Train ticket
*. Concept ticket
*. Shopping small gift certificates
*. Games and promotional features
*. Donating to charities
*. Cheque processing module
*. Adding prepaid cell phone credit.

Increasing banks are seeking to use the ATM as a sales devices to deliver pre approved loans and targeted advertising using product such as ITM (Intelligent Teller Machine)
From CRz or Aptra Relate from NCR. ATMs can also act as an advertising channel for companies to advertise their own products or third party products and services.
3.1. INTRODUCTION A system is simply a set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose. System analysis then refers to studying what a system does and why it should be done.
In another development, system analysis can be seen as a process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problem and using the facts to improve the system.
This study focuses on examining how an ATM and its record printer work with the intent of improving it through better procedures and methods.
In order for analysis of a system to be useful, it must be expressed in a way that others can understand it. 5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research is an objective, systematic controlled and critical activity planned and directed toward discovery and development of dependable knowledge. It is primarily concerned with the investigation of the present or existing system, its mode of operation and working procedure. It also contain information on how data was collected; it defines how the objectives of the study will be accomplished and how problems encountered will be solved.
Research methodology is a set or series of methods and procedures used for data collection of the study and the statistical techniques used for the analysis. It is basically a fact finding exercise. 6. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION There exist various methods of gathering facts about a situation. This includes interview, questionnaire, record inspection and observation. Each of these methods has advantages and observation and disadvantages. For the purpose of this study, the following facts finding methods are employed for data collection:-
OBSERVATION: Observation method provides first hand information about the system. It involves systematically watching the operations, procedures and personnel of the organization over a prepaid of time and recording things as they happen.
I employed this method as I observed banking activities in the deposit and withdrawal section of the bank (Eco Bank Plc Obosi).
INVESTIGATION: - the researcher was able to carry out this method by reading newspaper, magazines journals and annual report annual with related information about the bank. The researcher also visit the banks website, other sites with related information to the bank and libraries in search of already written text, journals or software diagnosis to serve as a guide to the study.
INTERVIEW: - As part of the procedures for gathering data, series of interview were conducted on the ATM Operators and users of the machine at random, it involves conversation, discussing system characteristics with respondents carefully selected for their knowledge of the system. Interview method is more advantages because it can quickly uncover misunderstanding, false expectations, or even potential resistance to applications under development. 7. SOURCES OF DATA Two major sources of data involved in this study they include the internal and external sources of data. 1. INTERNAL SOURCES OF DATA:- These are information gotten from entities within the organization (Eco Bank Plc Obosi). The information is gotten directly from the sources which include people and resources of the organization through observation, interview and investigation which could aid in decision making. 2. EXTERNAL SOURCES OF DATA:- These are information gotten entities outside organization which includes users of the system (customers), internet, newspaper and other competitors. They are second hand information.

8. PROBLEMS OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM:- One of the problems of the existing system why this study was carried out is the inability of the machine (ATM) to generate and issue a receipt of the transaction made on it.
2. Another problem of the existing system is conflict between customers and the bank operators over statement of account since they do not have a copy of their statement of account after transacting on the machine
3. Still another problem of the system is that the machine is not capable of giving a correct up-to-date record or detail of the state of their account.

INPUT ANALYSIS The input to the ATM is a plastic card called the ATM card which contains the customer’s account number and gives him access to his account. When the customer inserts the ATM card, the machine prompts him for his pin number. If the PIN is correct, the machine displays options like withdrawal, inquiry, change PIN etc. when the user select withdrawal, the machine displays other options to select the types of account.
PROCESS ANALYSIS After the customer has selected the necessary option, the machine processes the data by checking the bank’s database for the account number and the amount payable from the account.

OUTPUT ANALYSIS After the machine completes the processing, it dispenses the money through it dispenser.


3.8. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE NEW SYSTEM After studying the system and the problem encountered by customers when using it a justification for the design of a system was made as a justification for the design of a system was made as listed below.
*. The existing system has failed to meet the need of the growing population in the society which called for the designed a new system.
*. There is need to design a system which will help make cash transaction error-free, reliable and flexible.
*. It is justified that a system to developed which will be capable of generating of general receipts for business transactions performed on it.
3.9. PROGRAMMING LANHUAGES USED The Microsoft visual Basic is the programming language used for the design. The problem to be solved requires large volume if file and enormous base for the file accessing, updating, storage and retrieval and since VB can handle these look with ease, it held the most attraction for the design moreover, VB is an object oriented programming language (OOP) and an event driven language and it provides the features needed for this design 12. INPUT SPECIFICATION All activities, procedure and specification the prepare data into a useable form for processing make-up the input design. Here, the ATM card is first inserted into the machine, the PIN is entered through the keyboard, and the special character buttons, are used to select options like WITHDRAWAL, INQUIRY, CHANGE PIN, RECHARGE AND TRANSFER on the key in user’s password and to specify the amount of money to withdraw. Below is an overview of the input design.


Often the most important feature of an information system for users is the output it produces. The term output refers to any information produced by a system whether printed on paper, displayed on the screen or produced as audio sound.
The output of the project is shown in the form of report as printed at the below with regards to data entered as input.

PROCESSOR SPEED: 2.5.gigabyte and above
SYSTEM MEMORY 512 megabyte and above
HAND DISK 20gigabyte and above

3.12. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT For the system to be functional standard commercial off the shelf operating system and programming environments can be used inside the ATM. Typical platforms used in ATM development include Rmx, OS/2. and Microsoft operate systems (such as Ms-Dos, and window NT, Windows 2000, widow XP Professional or Window XP professional or window XP embedded). Java, Linux and UNIX may also be used in these environments.
WOSA/XFS, now known as CEN XFS provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for accessing and manipulating the various devices of an ATM.
4.0 IMPLEMENTATION Here, the network of processes (design) is transformed into a sequential machine that is executable by a conventional machine. This is done to cause the ATM to work as an expert system using instruction given to it.

4.1. PROGRAM DESIGN Before a computer program is coded into the computer. It should be designed on paper and organized in a logical order. When the design is completed, a test is performed to see if the system is flexible and if it will produce the desired result.


4.3 INSTALLATION AND TESTING Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance based on the fact that software is a system element and the cost of software failure is enormous. The program developed is installed on a PC (personal Computer) and tested. During the testing, wrong data were inputted in the ATM and the ATM rejected them, this shows the ability of the new system, a complete transaction was performed and the system generated receipt.

4.5 DOCUMENTATION Documentation is a dear and elaborates specifications of details considered in a work written down using appropriate documents. The program is designed in Microsoft visual Basic 6.0.
To access the program design open the CD copy the folder “Linkbank” to the harddisk, double click to open, locate the Icon “project 1” and click to open. When it opens, click on the run icon to run the program.

5.1 SUMMARY The aim of this project is to develop a transaction receipt generating system which will enhance the operation of the ATM in order to be more flexible and user friendly. By the design of this new system, the aim was achieved as the new system was able to generate a receipt after business transaction was successfully performed on it.

5.2. CONLUSION In conclusion, it is necessary that a printer which generates a receipt of every transaction performed on it be built into every ATM used in the financial institution.

5.3 RECOMMENDATION I recommend that organization that are yet to implement the transaction receipt generating system should do so because of its advantage over the ATMs without the Printers it creates a more friendly environment for transaction operations of the ATM.
Finally, awareness should be made among user of ATM to educate them on the need to be conversant between customers and bank operators.
In addition, ATM manufacturers should incorperate the printer on the newer ATMs the manufacture.

Okoh sc (2004); Software methology, principle and practice
Orji. J (1996); Business Research Methology, Enugu Meteston publicity Co. (revised edition)pg 325
Tony Gunton (1988, A Dictionary of IT and Computer science, Blackwell oxford
Akin Bowale. S. (2004); Introduction to winner mixdorf, ATM Products (Unpublished material) corpareti printing publishers Lagos
Luther Klein (2004) Automated Teller Machiner












ENTER PIN > xxxxx








Card number……………………………….
Account type………………………………..
Account creation data………………….
























































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...eBay Structures Its Bid For Change Kendra L. Brown Webster University eBay Structures Its Bid For Change Problem Statement Adoption of an improper organizational structure design that is not flexible enough to the unstable and the rapidly changing external environment in eBay’s domestic and international markets. Analysis and Evaluation A functional organizational structure with various operational areas, such as finance, operations, human resources, and legal units was adopted for the eBay during its establishment. In a functional structure, workers and activities are organized into areas of their expertise or units given specific functions. Therefore, the structure promotes efficiency and development of distinctive, specialized organizational capabilities. However, this kind of structure also causes problems in coordination and conflicts across the functions (Lee, Kozlenkova & Palmatier, 2015). During the Company’s establishment, a system design based on the behavioral model was also integrated into the functional structure design to encourage proper human relations and emphasize on groups’ efforts and interpersonal processes. The objective of this structure was to support the creation of an online community whereby two complete strangers acting as buyers and sellers would engage in open communication, interactions, and trustworthy relationships. The structure would also enhance elimination of bureaucracies, fairness in decisions making...

Words: 1169 - Pages: 5

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Security on the Internet

...Marshall Keese Instructor: David Belva Course: CIS175 Security on the Internet The Internet has had security problems since its earliest days as a pure research project. Today, after several years and orders of magnitude of growth, is still has security problems. It is being used for a purpose for which it was never intended: commerce. It is somewhat ironic that the early Internet was design as a prototype for a high-availability command and control network that could resist outages resulting from enemy actions, yet it cannot resist college undergraduates. The problem is that the attackers are on, and make up apart of, the network they are attacking. Designing a system that is capable of resisting attack from within, is still growing and evolving at a fast pace, is probably impossible. Changes are needed, and once you have achieved a certain amount of size, the sheer inertia of the installed base may make it impossible to apply fixes. The challenges for the security industry are growing. With the electronic commerce spreading over the Internet, there are issues such as nonrepudiation to be solved. Financial institutions will have both technical concerns, such as the security of a credit card number or banking information, and legal concerns for holding individuals responsible for their actions such as their purchases or sales over the Internet. Issuance and...

Words: 2435 - Pages: 10

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...1. Introduction of the Company Hemas is one of the Sri Lanka’s top diversified conglomerates, with the focus on five key sectors FMCG, Healthcare, Transportation, Leisure and Power. It is a publicly listed company with over 3000 employees. Their products and services touch the lives of millions of people from new born babies to large international business. They are working with communities to create exciting learning environments for future generations. Company is governed by four independent non executive directors (including the chairman) a non executive director and three executive directors. As the public listed company, maintaining high standards of governance is important, and Hemas strive to ensure that governance facilities sustainable performance and growth rather than constrain it. Each of its key business is governed by an active board which provides a strategic oversight and ensures business risks are managed well. The involvement of the independent directors who can add value at business level to ensures that performance and conformance go hand in hand. The group started as a pharmaceuticals and trading enterprise in 1948. Over the ensuing Decades the organization has transformed itself in to one of the Sri Lanka’s largest and most renowned firms. Over the last decade the group has been singularly focused on growth a strategy that enabled it to emerge as a leader in many of the sectors that its involved in. However, Hemas most successful Small Business...

Words: 2706 - Pages: 11

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Club It Part 3

...installing operating systems and managing their budgets using the tools provided by these systems. Club IT is no different. While still a success, there are many improvements that can be made by the night club. Organization Description and Demographic Information The owners, Ruben Keys and Lisa Tejada, are both business graduates. They currently own a night club, called Club IT. Club IT is a music venue that centralizes their business as a night club. They recently have been remodeled in order to build business and bring in more clientele. Club IT offers food, such as appetizers and short orders from the kitchen. They have successfully installed four- pour stations in the bar area, so there is always an opportunity for the guest to order a drink. The owners, Ruben Keys and Lisa Tejada are desperate to find more ways to become successful in the night club business. Their mission is to offer live music, DJ’s, dancing, and a community of friends in the night club. (n.d.). Lisa and Ruben are excited to move forward with new ways to use technological systems in the night club. (n.d.). The information system they currently have does not operate well regarding food cost, beverage cost, labor, payroll, concert events, and marketing campaigns. The first step is to install a transacting processing system (TPS) in order to accomplish these goals. With the new TPS system, they can expect to receive a high quality data from management information systems (MIS). Rainer...

Words: 1733 - Pages: 7

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...Technology readiness index measures the readiness of consumers to accept different types of technology • The score suggest how an organisation can launch a new technology successfully. Why people don’t shop online – Security – Not being able to touch the product – Time delay in receiving the product – Trust in the e-tailer Five stages in consumer decision process – Awareness of need – Search for more information – Evaluation of alternatives – Actual purchase decision – Post-purchase contact with firm electronic books are portable computer devices with flat screens that are loaded with digital book content via communication interfaces Social search (using your friends’ activities to suggest something for you). Stickiness is anything about a web site that encourages a visitor to stay longer. A web site is sticky if a visitor tends to stay for a long time and to return. When you purchase or sell from an online trader outside the EU, the EU legislation on consumer protection does not apply Data protection-‘directive on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data’ – Strike a balance between protection of individual and free movement of personal data within EU Personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully, and only collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes or get consent. No transfers outside the EU unless equal protection You can keep the information of your previous...

Words: 1690 - Pages: 7