... June 7, 2012 Duane Wallace Deviant behavior refers to behavior that does not conform to norms, does not meet the expectations of a group or a society as a whole. After birth, children begin to experience situations with others and during this time they are taught what he or she should and should not do while learning good from bad and right from wrong. Learning habits that conform to the customs and traditions of the groups into which the child is born develops a system of values in a child. These values provide justification and motivation or for wanting to refrain from behavior that is disapproved. After reading this week, one can see how a behavior is considered deviant, but the question is, “Why is a certain type of behavior considered deviant?” There are so many different ways to be deviant but everyone at one point or another has done something that someone else disapproves of or they have second thoughts about. Perhaps they have stolen something, told a lie, or told a story about someone else while in the midst of gossip. There may also have been occasions where you have gotten drunk, used drugs, driven too fast or even recklessly. No matter what we do, any action we could do or think of may be ok in ones’ eyes but not ok in others. We depart from someone’s rules, simply by acting or being ourselves. There are too many rules that exist to not end up doing something that seems deviant to others. Sociologists refer to behavior that is regarded as wrong doing that...
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...An example of human behavior that is considered deviant in one society but is not considered deviant in another would be the way women dress. In the United States it is okay for women to dress in whatever they want whether skirt, shorts, heels, dress, and we can show as much or as little skin as we want without getting into trouble or it being considered a deviant behavior. We can also wear colorful clothing. However, women from Saudi Arabia are not allowed to dress anyway. Women of Saudi Arabia must cover the parts of the body that are awrah (not meant to be exposed). Basically the only parts of the body that are not considered awrah are the hands and eyes. The women’s clothing must also not reveal anything about her body; the cloth must be opaque, thick and loose. The cloth must be of a dull color, unadorned, and cannot resemble men clothing or non-Muslim attire. The factors that have contributed to Saudi Arabia’s perspective of deviant behavior are basically their religion or the Qur’an. Mostly everything that is done in Saudi Arabia is dictated by their religion. They follow it to the letter. For example a Saudi Arabian woman cannot be seen in the company of a non-relative male or she is considered a woman of loose morals; however, American women will party, speak, and even have as roommate a non-relative male. When a crime is committed by someone who has a powerful status in this society, their deviant behavior is handled very publicly and with kids’ gloves...
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...Deviance is a term coined by William Graham Sumner meaning a violation of established contextual,cultural or social norms whether folkways,mores,or codified law (Lesson 7, Textbook). Deviant behavior can be divided into two broad categories mild and severe also known as primary and secondary. What is deviant behavior cannot be answered straightforward it is dependent on location, audience, and individual committing the act (Lesson 7, Textbook). Primary deviance also known as "mild" is a violation of a norm that does not result in any long-term effects on the individuals self-image or interactions with others (Lesson 7,Textbook). One example of this is a high schooler going to a party and decides to try alcohol, this does not make the teen...
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...Shyra Ponder CCJ 1600- Nealy Assignment 1 27 September 2013 Deviant Behavior Deviant behavior is defined as behavior that violates existing and generally accepted and social norms. This type of behavior involves actions which are not in agreeing to social expectations. It can range from anything as simple as someone picking their nose in public, spitting on the floor, or throwing garbage on the streets. It can also involve illegal actions, such as, stealing money from your job, violating a traffic law, or rape, just to name a few. Although, there is a definition for deviant behavior, it can be very conflicting when trying to determine which “acts” are considered either deviant or normal. And the reason why deviant behavior is such a conflicting definition, is because everyone’s perception of what’s “normal” is not the same. To make things a little simpler you can determine whether an act is either positive deviance or negative deviance. Positive deviance is based on perspectives and the way a whole view a behavior; an example would be prophets, ministers, or as simply identifying someone as being smart. Negative deviance is considered to be not the normal for a whole; an example would be mental people, or someone being identified as stupid. Perspectives also play a key role in simplifying deviant behavior. The first one is, Positive perspective, which is considered to be traits in your genes. Positive perspectives consist of three assumptions about what deviance is:...
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...Deviant Behavior Janis Byrse SOC 120 02/16/2012 Nik Roberts Deviant Behavior In Iran listening to rap music is considered as deviant behavior. All music except music with religious lyrics was outlawed in Iran by Leaders in 1979. The leaders feel that the lyrics in rap music are blasphemy ad invasion of western cultures. Rap music is forbidden and people can receive punishment of being arrested or their business closing. The government feels that this is a deviant behavior because it has an influence on the younger generation (Chopra, 2008). The reason why listening to rap music is not considered as being deviant in the cultures in the Untied States is that people have the right to listen to what ever type of music they want. Rap artist also have the right to free speech which means they can rap about anything that they want. Listen to rap music is a norm in the societies in America. When someone who has a powerful status in society, they are not treated they same as a person who does not have a powerful status. The norms of society suggest that people with power people are not consider as deviant. When they are faced with being labeled as deviant the have numerous resources to fight the claim. While a person with no power is not able to use the same resources they are likely to be labeled as deviant and can not do anything about it (Macionis, 2011). References Chopra, A. (04/16/2008). Rebels of rap reign in Iran. Retrieved from http://www.sfgate...
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...Deviant Behavior In Saudi Arabia, a woman is not allowed to vote. She is also not allowed to operate a vehicle. In that country, a woman's status is below a man and she is not able to obtain the same equal rights as her male counterparts. This leads me to believe that the people of Saudi Arabia still believe a woman's place is in the home and she needn't be afforded any extra rights. Saudi Arabia uses religion and tribal customs as a basis for women's rights, which is likely the reason they are not afforded many privileges. This perpetuates the belief that a woman must be submissive or second-rate, so it becomes a social norm. In the US, as part of a free country, we all have a voice and want it to be heard. We understand and acknowledge the need to be treated fairly, and we work hard to be able to get these rights enacted for the people A person who has more power in society will likely be treated as less of a criminal, and most often times, will be punished in a civil court rather than criminal court. These higher ups usually also have great attorneys and ample money to help handle getting the case closed in their favor. A person who does not have these luxuries or notoriety will likely be appointed an over-worked, underpaid state attorney that does not spend much time on the case, regardless of his or her feelings on whether the defendant is guilty or innocent, possibly resulting in poor representation and greater consequences(Macionis, 2011). REFERENCES ...
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...CheckPoint: Deviant Behavior Diadelisse Davila University of Phoenix Introduction to Sociology SOC 120 Melissa Moore July 25, 2013 CheckPoint: Deviant Behavior The definition of deviant behavior according to the dictionary is any form of behavior that is different from ‘normal’ behaviors or any behaviors that are socially accepted. A great example of deviant behavior is when a man or woman is allowed to marry multiple spouses. This kind of behavior is not only well seen in the United States or elsewhere but it is also illegal or an act of bigamy to live with multiple spouses. Some cultures see this as an act of hierarchy but to many that do not comprehend the behavior they will see it as deviant. In my outlook, some behaviors in American culture are categorized as deviant because of labeling. Our culture puts categories on many behaviors and automatically categorizes them as being deviant, such as cousins marrying each other or public bathing. In addition, when an individual has money and power and they commit an act of crime, when all is said and done they can get away with a crime either by having money or pull to get out of the problem. Just take the cases of OJ Simpson, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Michael Jackson, Robert Blake, Senator Ted Kennedy, and President Bush, just to name a few. In many cases, people that have money and power get many unique freedoms than most of us would in the same type of circumstance. If we were ever found guilty of crimes...
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...Deviant Behavior Social disorganization BIBLIOGRAPHY Both “deviant behavior” and “social disorganization” have been variously defined, but there have been few efforts to distinguish between the two concepts. In fact, it has been suggested that they are not different, that along with “social problems*’ and the somewhat outmoded “social pathology,” they signify only a potpourri of conditions that are considered undesirable from the standpoint of the observer’s values, conditions that vary at different times and with different observers. According to this view, these terms have no scientific value and no legitimate status as sociological concepts. Such nihilism and counsel of despair are not justified. True, there is no consensus on the meaning of these terms, and they are, indeed, burdened with value connotations. However, they point to a number of distinctions that sociology must take into account. Concept of deviance. Turning first to the concept of deviant behavior, we must distinguish among the several definitions of the term, which are discussed below. Behavior that violates norms. Deviant behavior is behavior that violates the normative rules, understandings, or expectations of social systems. This is the most common usage of the term and the sense in which it will be used here. Crime is the prototype of deviance in this sense, and theory and research in deviant behavior have been concerned overwhelmingly with crime. However, normative rules are inherent in...
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...Deviant Behavior Deviant Behavior Deviance can be defined as a wayward turn from all of the cultural norms of society that are in place. Basically, it is a violation of the normal ways of thinking and acting by our society. Society looks at deviance as generally having a negative impact on society. However, this can be disputed. What is deviant behavior in one part of the country may be of the social norm in another part of the country. Society and culture determine what is and is not deviant behavior. Deviance can be seen in different forms throughout our society. Actually, deviance does not always have to be looked at as a negative. Deviance could have a positive effect on a society. The norms of a society will change on a continual basis. Sometimes it is necessary to violate a norm so new norms can be introduced. Societies need to keep up with modern norms. Without changing norms from time to time, we would live in a boring world. Everybody would continue to do the same things over and over again. Society would be telling us when to go to wake up and go to bed. Furthermore, without deviance, there would not be a need for a decision making process. Everything would be pre-determined. It would make for a pretty boring world. There is a negative side to being deviant. Some people want all of the attention on them no matter what the cost. These types of deviants are usually very disturbed and depressed. They will not follow the normal...
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...human behavior that is considered deviant in one society, but is not considered deviant in others. What are the factors that have contributed to this society’s perspective of the deviant behavior? Why does this society consider the behavior to be deviant but other societies do not? When a crime is committed by someone who has powerful status in this society, how is their deviant behavior handled in comparison to someone who has less power in society? Deviance is defined as “the recognized violation of cultural norms” (Macionis, 2006). Some animals, such as the cat, dog, and horse, are domesticated in the United States society. The law states that it is illegal to slaughter and consume an animal that has not been tested and approved by the FDA. The government does not provide a facility or accommodate the testing of these animals because it not considered a cultural norm to consume them. If someone was to try to slaughter and consume these animals it would be considered deviant behavior in the United States society. However, in South Korea’s society “dog meat is the main ingredient in South Korea’s highly prized Bosintang soup” (Greenberg, 2010). It is not considered to be deviant behavior to consume this animal because it is considered to be a cultural norm. The factor that makes the action mentioned above a deviant behavior in the United States is because it is an illegal action and goes against the cultural norms. It is not considered to be deviant in South...
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...Social Structure & Social Interaction, Groups, Deviance, Poverty and Social Class Both Sides Microsociology emphasis is placed on social interaction- rules, codes, survival strategies, relationships, face to face contact. 1/54 Study: Speller Learn Test Play Games: Scatter Space Race All 54 terms PrintExportCopyCombine Order by Terms Definitions Microsociology emphasis is placed on social interaction- rules, codes, survival strategies, relationships, face to face contact. Location in Social Structure People's location in the social structure accounts for differences in their behavior & attitudes Ascribed Status involuntary status; a status you inherit o Class of parents, gender, sex, ethnicity, race Achieved Status voluntary status; a status you earn o Student, criminal, doctor, friend Society people who share culture & territory Hunting & Gathering Societies simplest form of society, few social divisions, few people, nomadic, most egalitarian [treat all as equals, no one is rich or poor], society with most leisure time. Role Conflict When what is expected of us in one role is incompatible with what is expected in another role. Role Strain When the same role presents inherent conflict- one role Thomas Theorem If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences- think of people as less than and they will be treated as such. Group members of a group think of themselves as belonging together, they interact with...
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...1. Assault and Aggravated Assault Assault is defined as the unlawful use of physical force against another person. Legally it is broadly divided into two categories; aggravated and simple. 2.1. Aggravated is when a person attacks with intent to kill or with the use of a deadly weapon. 2.2. All other forms of assault are considered simple and are also considered misdemeanors. 2.3. Similar to homicide research assaulters are more likely to be poor, to be black, to reside in large cities, commit the crime during the weekend, to live in the south, to be men and so on. 2.4. Research suggests assault is different form homicide in two ways. 2.5.1. Assaulters are less likely to use firearms for a crime. 2.5.2. During the summer season assault number rice significantly due to heat driving poor people out and a number of other factors. 2. Who is More Likely to Kill? The main striking trait about killers is that they are poor and blacks generally being poorer than whites are more likely to commit homicide. Similarly poor nations also have higher homicide rates. There are any findings like these but the book discusses them in detail further. 3.5. Class and Race Over 90 percent of murders in the United States are committed by unskilled, semiskilled and welfare recipients. Proving that poverty plays a role in homicide and besides there are several reasons for links between murder and poverty. 3.6.3. The poor are more...
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...Based on study, some authors have argued that deviant behavior is, for the most part, learned in the process of interacting with others who serve as role models (Humphrey, 2012). Granted, (Humphrey, 2012) stated the greater the involvement in conventional society and acceptance of the prevailing value structure, the less the desire to deviate from deeply held norms and beliefs (Humphrey, J. A., 2012). Similarly, individuals who are tightly bound into conventional society are considerably less prone to engage in positive deviance, less likely to find the need for innovation and creativity (Humphrey, J. A., and Schmalleger, F. 2012). Moreover (Humphrey, J. A., 2012) also states that families that entertain their children to value learning and inspire creativity and critical thinking highly increase their potential for excellence (Humphrey, J. A., 2012). Although it is possible to be innovative and creative apart from exceptional educational and socialization advantages, but at the same time, it is far less common. In other words, positive opportunity structures can only provide the conditions that are more apt to lead to high achievement (Humphrey, J. A., and Schmalleger, F. 2012). Sociocultural factors are customs, lifestyles and values that characterize a society from (Heckert, D. M., 1998). More...
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...Deviant Behavior Provide an example of a human behavior that is considered deviant in one society, but is not considered deviant in others. Deviant behavior is behavior that is a recognizable violation of social norms. Formal and informal social controls attempt to prevent or minimize deviance. One such control is through the medicalization of deviance. It is not the act itself, but the reactions to the act, that makes something deviant. In Saudi Arabia, women exposing skin other than the forehead, eyes, or hands is reflected as deviant to that culture. However, women in America or other parts of the world excluding the Middle East do not consider it deviant when women reveal skin, other than eyes, forehead or hands. What are the factors that have contributed to this society's perspective of the deviant behavior? Why does this society consider the behavior to be deviant but other societies do not? Factors that have contributed to this cultures perspective are based on their beliefs. According to Islam culture any clothing worn by any women should have following qualities: * Must not be tight so to reveal the body's shape and figure. * Must not be transparent or see-through, even partially. * Must not expose any part of the body. * Must not resemble the opposite sex's clothing. Now the reason it is considered deviant, as noted above is not the culture itself, but the action thereafter for those that do not follow through. For the Islam culture...
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...1. Define and describe the group. When I was in High School I had joined H.O.O.C. club which stood for Helpers Of Our Community. This was a community service club that met every Mondays and Wednesdays after school. They helped families who couldn’t afford to celebrate the holidays, we fundraised, fed the homeless. 2. Define what is normal behavior for the group. Usually everyone was suppose to show up to every meeting if you joined the club. You would participate and do your hours on helping fundraise during carwashes or little fair booths at the school. On Christmas people were suppose to get volunteers to buy children presents. Then everyone had to come after school to wrap those presents. For the kids that still didn’t have a presents we would go shopping with the money that we raised. Everyone had to wear their club shirts and show up to every event....
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