...to the elderly and to report elder abuse. With a total of three divisions and eight offices, this specific department also houses the Division of Family and Children Services [DFCS]. These representatives and workers do what they can by all means necessary when it comes to the care and welfare of children of the state. However, there are times when they fall short of their jobs and the children suffer. Throughout this paper, the reader will come to identify the current issues that the agency is facing, what is currently being done to correct those and recommendations for a brighter future. The funding of afterschool programs, emergency food assistance, the proper investigation of child abuse and neglect, and adoption needs are just a few of the services that DFCS provides to its clients. They are the department that assists and oversees the safety and prosperity of children by offering what it can to parents and guardians to make things just a bit easier as they deem appropriate. For children to become upstanding and productive citizens of society, they must have the relationships with loving adults who offer appropriate shelter and meals as well as an adequate environment to grow and thrive. Yet, some parents are not able or refuse to provide these simple, basic necessities of life. This is when DFCS steps in and takes over. With the overwhelming reports and cases that overload the workers, they are doing what they are able to maintain sufficient order. It is coming to a point...
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...Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) Presentation Structure Concept of Industrial Corridors Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project Madhya Pradesh – advantages and opportunities DMIC – Madhya Pradesh Industrial Corridor-Concept Corridor Development concept is primarily to take advantage of underutilized potential by ensuring effective integration between industry and infrastructure • Leads to economic and social development To develop a sound industrial base served by world-class competitive infrastructure • Prerequisite to attract investments into export oriented industries and manufacturing Around the World, industrial corridors have been built along major transport arteries, i.e. road and rail trunk routes 3 Industrial Corridor-Concept Advantages of Industrial Corridor development approach: Closer economic integration Improvement in transit-transport efficiency Ensures balanced regional development Harnesses latent economic potential Enhances economic competitiveness Promotes regional trade and investment Promotes innovation and development of high technology regions Improved quality of life Enablers Manufacturing base Procurement/Sourcing Multi-Modal Logistics Support Distribution Network Example of Industrial Corridor “Tokyo-osaka industrial corridor” of Japan: Along 515 km Tokaido-Shinkansen High Speed Railway, built in 1964 The network now totals about 2000 km Connects three...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Division of Family and Children Services “DFCS,” where I was employed for 1.5 years in Child Protective Services “CPS,” is under the Georgia Department of Human Resources “GA DHR” that investigates child abuse and neglect, provides placement for foster children, provides assistance to low-income families in the form of childcare assistance, on-the-job training, and other support services. In an effort automate case management procedures, DFCS participated in a federally funded program that offers states the opportunity to create SACWIS (State Automated Child Welfare Information System). The plan to implement this system was divided into phases as follows: Planning Phase, Work Phase and Active Implementation Phase. These plans entail implementing new technologies through SACWIS and partnering with community groups that may serve the same clients and work process redesign where the actual case management duties are automated through the system. Using Kotter’s Change Model, I analyzed the strategic change initiatives DFCS initiated and gathered very interesting results. Additionally, I analyzed this organization to be in the growth phase in the life cycle of development, entering maturity. The change was driven by the state of the economy and the need of the department to manage the volume of applicants, child abuse and neglect cases on the rise, and the need for technology advances within this government division. I evaluate the efforts to...
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...lives in poverty and the infrastructure is in tatters: reportedly, 40 per cent of its street lights don't work. This is where a long-term plan called the Detroit Future City (DFC) framework, announced by a study group in January, could help. Its aim is to regenerate the city over the next two decades by downsizing Detroit's infrastructure – tailored to its 2 million residents in the 1950s – to fit its current population of 700,000. To this end, the DFC proposes that the city take some unusual steps. It proposes converting the city's 5200 hectares of abandoned space into ecological sanctuaries and urban farms. Hundreds of small farming and gardening initiatives have already sprung up in recent years, bolstered by private investment and grants. Other initiatives include building "blue infrastructure," which would convert unused streets into conduits to collect rainwater for irrigation and relieve the pressure on Detroit's sewer system, and new regulations to increase energy efficiency across the city. But with the city saddled with debts estimated at $18 billion, will these plans ever take off? They will take several years to initiate, so the city's bankruptcy filing should not slow them much, says urban law expert John Mogk of Wayne State University in Detroit, who was not involved in the DFC report. Working out deals with creditors should take two to three years, after which...
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...SUMMARY FOURTEEN YEARS OF DIVERSIFIED EXPERIENCE IN TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, APPLICATION SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, WEB BASED APPLICATIONS AND CONTENT MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS. Expert in technical architecture and solutions of enterprise content management, professional knowledge to ensure that the work products and deliverables are of the highest caliber to ensure client satisfaction, improve engagement productivity, increase efficiencies, mitigate risks, optimize cost savings and efficiencies, experience with ITIL, incident management, problem management, change management and release management • Documentum Certified Professional – EMC Proven Content Management Professional • Sun Certified Java Professional • Well versed with Agile Methodology, Waterfall and Iterative Model • Extensive experience with Documentum Content Server, Documentum Composer, Documentum Foundation Classes, Documentum Foundation Services , Documentum XML Store, XDB, Documentum ACS/BOCS, Documentum Reporting Services, Documentum Advanced Document Transformation Services, Documentum Audio Video Transformation Services, Documentum Document Transformation Services, Documentum Media Transformation Services, Documentum Thumbnail Server, Documentum XML Transformation Services, Documentum Workflow Manager, Documentum Webtop, Documentum Web Development Kit, Documentum Administrator, Documentum Webpublisher, Digital Asset Management, Documentum Media Workspace, Documentum Process Builder...
Words: 4656 - Pages: 19
...Proposal The organization that I chose is called Academy Bank. I am currently a personal banker at Academy. This bank is for mainly the U.S Armed Forces. We provide easy and affordable access to our services through toll-free customer services numbers. We offer freedom checking, saving accounts, money market accounts, loans of all types, cashier checks, money orders, cash advances, wire transfers etc. Most of our branches are conveniently located in Wal-Mart Super Centers and are open 7 days a week with extended evening hours. Academy Bank is a national bank, financially strong and stable. We are part of a banking group owned and operated by Dickerson Financial Corporation (DFC). DFC is a multi-bank holding company headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri. The organizational problem that I will do research and resolve is communication. Communication is a process by which information is exchange between individuals. With all the amenities that we offer customers to make sure they are satisfied with their accounts. How can us as an organization lack communication? The terminal Course Objective that relates to the topic is A, given that people make the difference in how well organizations perform, assess how an understanding of organization behavior concepts and theories is a knowledge base for career success and for improving an organizations effectiveness. TCO E, given an understanding of communication process and given specific incident of communication problem at...
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...Providing exceptional services to their customers, these companies can have the ability to grow. For example, (GUCU) can increase its members due the protective care they have where fraud is concern, Xpress will be able to attract new riders, by providing efficient services, and in regards to (DFCS) we will have more happy clients and safer homes for children and families. This technology can enable powerful marketing, which allows the retailer to reach out to consumers with highly targeted offers. Sinha,...
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...INFRATSRUCTURE The Eleventh Five Year Plan emphasized the need for removing infrastructure bottlenecks for sustained growth. It, therefore, proposed an investment of US $500 billion in infrastructure sectors through a mix of public and private sectors to reduce deficits in identified infrastructure sectors. As a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP), investment in infrastructure was expected to increase to around 9 per cent. For the first time the contribution of the private sector in total investment in infrastructure was targeted to exceed 30 per cent. Total investment in infrastructure during the Eleventh Plan is estimated to increase to more than 8 per cent of GDP in the terminal year of the Plan --higher by 2.47 percentage point s a s c ompa red t o the Tenth Pl an. The private sector is expected t o be contributing nearly 36 per cent of this investment. RAILWAYS Some of the major goals set for Vision 2020 in the document include (a) laying of 25,000 km of new lines; (b) quadrupling of the 6,000 km network with segregation of passenger and freight lines; (c) electrification of 14,000 km; (d) completion of gaugeconversion; (e) upgradation of speed to 160-200 kmph for passenger trains; and (f) construction of 2,000 km of high-speed rail lines. • Freight performance: Freight loading on Indian Railways during April-November 2011 was 618.0 MT as compared to 593.4 MT in April-November 2010, an increase of 4.14 per cent. • Upgradation...
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...2.1 Incorporation of Organization EXIM Bank Limited was established in 1999 under the leadership of Late Mr. Shahjahan Kabir, founder chairman who had a long dream of floating a commercial bank that would contribute to the socio-economic development of our country. A group of highly qualified and successful entrepreneurs joined their hands with the founder chairman to materialize his dream. This bank starts functioning from 3rd August 1999 with Mr. Alamgir Kabir, FCA as the Advisor and Mr. Mohammad Lakiotullah as the Managing Director. Both of them have long experience in the financial sector of our country. By their pragmatic decision and management directives in the operational activities, this bank has earned a secured and distinctive position in the banking industry in terms of performance, growth, and excellent management. The bank has migrated all of its conventional banking operation into Shariah based Islami banking since July/2004. 2.2 Mission and Vision of EXIM Bank The efforts of EXIM Bank Limited are focused on delivery of quality service in all areas of banking activities with the aim to add to increased value to shareholders investment and offer highest possible benefits to the customers. Mission: ❑ To be the most caring and customer friendly and service oriented banks. ❑ To create a technology based most efficient banking environment for its customers. ❑ To ensure ethics and transparency in all levels. ...
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...UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & ENERGY STUDIES DEHRADUN Group Project RAILWAY LOGISTICS (HEAVY HAUL TRAIN OPERATIONS) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (MBCQ 721) Submitted to: Dr. NEERAJ ANAND Associate Professor& HOD – QT/RM/Operations CMES Submitted by : Name: AmolKhare Roll No: R600212004 Name: Ruchika Sahu Roll No: R600212039 Name: Rahul Kushwah Roll No: R600212031 MBA (LSCM)Sem II Batch 2012-14 Railway Logistics (Heavy Haul Train Operations). Page 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Our deepest thanks to, Dr Neeraj Anand, Associate Professor & HOD–QT/RM/Operations for College of Management and Economic Studies, as a guiding hand for us. He has taken pain to go through the project and also had spent time in giving necessary suggestions as and when needed. We would like to express our gratitude towards Mr R K Khare, Assistant Design Engineer, Track Department, of Research Design and Standard Organisation, Lucknow. Thereby our parents & classmates for their kind co-operation and encouragement which helped us in the completion of this project framework. We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving us such attention and time. Our thanks and appreciation also goes to the colleagues in developing the project and people who have helped us out with the different aspects of this Project. Date: 23, April 2013 Names: Amol Khare Rahul Kushwah Ruchika Sahu Railway Logistics (Heavy Haul Train Operations). Page 2 INDEX Sr. No. Topic Page No. 1...
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...DFC 2033/LE3/DEC14/01 LAB EXERCISE 3: SQL (DDL & DML) 30 Name: Matrix No.: Date: Class: CLO2: Develop a database using a concurrency control and data recovery technique based on Database Management System (DBMS). (P3, C3, PLO2, PLO1) CLO3: Solve an organization’s requirements by selecting the correct database query formulation using an appropriate commercial Database Management System (DBMS). (A3, P3, PLO6, PLO2) Answer all questions. Write and run the SQL command. Students are required to print screen the command and the output and submit the hardcopy / softcopy to lecturer. 1. Create database PBU. (1 mark) 2. Use database that you have created. (1 mark) 3. Create tables LECTURER and DEPARTMENT based on tables show below (8 marks) LECTURER Lec_ID First_name Last_name IC_no Address Dept_no CHAR (10) VARCHAR(30) VARCHAR(30) INT (12) VARCHAR(50) INT (10) PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE NOT NULL NOT NULL NOT NULL NOT NULL DEPARTMENT Dept_ID INT (2) PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE Dept_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL 4. Add Subject_Offered column (which can store how many subject that are offered by each department, refer table in question 6) in DEPARTMENT table with appropriate datatype. (2 marks) 5. Alter column Lec_ID data type to INT (10). (2 marks) DFC 2033/LE3/DEC14/01 6. Add the following values into table LECTURER and DEPARTMENT. (8 marks) Lec_ID First_name 2012011601 AZIZAH Last_name IC_no SAFIE 2012111601 NOORHALAWATI...
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...559 4562 Fax No +2711 559 3207 DFC Tel No +2711 559 6349 Fax No +2711 559 6425 e-mail web-science@uj.ac.za 16 November 2015 Dear Student REGISTRATION 2016 This letter contains information about the 2016 registration period for the Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). Please read through the letter carefully and do not hesitate to contact the Faculty Office should you have any queries regarding registration. 1. REGISTRATION ARRANGEMENTS 1.1 The “Online Registration Guide” which contains information relating to the registration process and contact details, is available online at uconnect.uj.ac.za click on Registration. All students will be able to register online (off-campus) from Monday, 11 January 2016. Should you be unsuccessful with off-campus online registration you are welcome to visit the Faculty on your specific registration date and time, to assist you with registration. Please note that should you not register for your qualification before or on the scheduled date, your place cannot be guaranteed. The final on-campus registration schedule is available online at uconnect.uj.ac.za click on Registration or contact the call centre on (011) 559 4555 for more information. No student may attend lectures for a module/course if they are not registered for it. 1.2 The Faculty of Science on-campus registration venues: Auckland Park Kingsway campus (APK) – D1 Lab 109 Doornfontein campus (DFC) – Perskor Building, Room G202 ...
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...Handling Situations Assertively Assertiveness is a skill necessary in the profession of Social Work. Having the ability to effectively express ones-self in a positive way can be difficult. All too often a social worker can be too aggressive or passive when interacting with colleagues or employees, finding a happy medium takes assertiveness. I have had the opportunity to handle a situation at my internship at the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS). Being an intern at DFCS means shadowing extremely busy Family Protection Specialists (FPS) or workers. I have had to be assertive when finding workers to shadow, many of them get busy and do not see the importance of having an intern to shadow them. Building a rapport with the workers...
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...Kelner v Baxter (1866) – pg 134. contract signed by promoters who added “on behalf of – X company ltd”. Company concerned was not in existence at time contract made. Court said that if person makes contract as agent when the principal has not been formed then the agent is bound personally. Newborne v Sensolid (Great Britain) Ltd (1954) – pg 134. N contracted to sell tinned ham to S. Contract signed using coy name but not yet incorporated and added a scrawl under name which was individual’s signature. Held that coy or individ. could not enforce contract as individ had not signed as agent and coy was not in existence. Elders Pastoral Ltd v Gibbs (1988) – Walker v Carter (1993) – Dfc v McSherry Export Kilns Ltd (1987) – pg 137. DFC advanced money to MEKL. MEKL granted a debenture to DFC. This was executed on same day as incorporation, however incorporation did not take place until the following day therefore making it a preincorporation contract. Debenture was lodged 3 days later however this was not held to be deemed a deliberate act that ratified the contract. Class-Sea Boats v Duke (1996) – pg 137. actions to carry out terms of pre incorp contract do not constitute ratifying contract. Topic 7 – Directors Duties Sojourner v Robb (2008) – “best interests of company as perceived by director”. Courts rarely interfere. It would have to be a decision that no reasonable person could think was in best interests of coy – extreme. Regal (Hastings) Limited v Gulliver...
Words: 1963 - Pages: 8
...mental health (Raymond, Teare, & Atherton, 1996). Generalist social workers are able to make decisions on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Generalist social worker uses a person-in-environment perspective to help their clients. Meaning that a generalist social worker knows and fully understands how their client’s environment impacts their lives, and makes the best decisions in order the serve their clients accurately. They incorporate diversity into their practice and are expected to advocate for human rights and social justice (Hepworth, Rooney, Rooney, Strom- Gottfried, Larsen, 2010). I currently work at Dougherty County Department of Family and Children Services, in the social services department as an investigator. I’ve worked with DFCS for past four years. I have worked as an investigator for the past 7 months. So I can totally relate and understand completely with the A day in the life article. I felt like the reporter was riding along with me for a day. As a CPS worker my main duty is to insure that a child is safe and away from danger and harm. I have to make referrals for families whether it’s helping families get connect to parenting classes so they can be better parents, or helping a child get counseling for being sexually molested by their...
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