...This purpose of this paper is to explain what causes diabetes and the associated effects this condition has on the organs and systems within the body. Diabetes mellitus has been known to have an effect on nearly every part of the body and has been linked to conditions like hypertension, and diabetic neuropathy. Recently there has been a significant increase in the number of cases of Diabetes mellitus within the United States alone the number of cases has dramatically increased over the last decade. This increase does not only affect the U.S. but a majority of the world. The increase has been seen in both type one and type two. Many of the areas have correlating health issues associated with Diabetes mellitus. It is most prevalent in the North...
Words: 1038 - Pages: 5
...“What is Diabetes Mellitus?” Definition: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which the pancreas is no longer able to produce enough insulin (Type 1) or cells stop responding to the insulin that is being produced (Type 2), so that glucose in the blood cannot be absorbed into the cells of the body. Symptoms often include frequent urination, lethargy, excessive thirst, and hunger. The treatment for this disease includes changes in diet, oral medications, and in some cases, daily injections of insulin. Historical Background Diabetes mellitus was first described in ancient Egypt. It was first named by Aretaeus in the 1st century A.D. In the 2nd century, Galenus blamed the cause of diabetes on, kidney weakness. There were several theories...
Words: 1703 - Pages: 7
...Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disorder that affects how the body regulates blood glucose. The most common form of diabetes in our country today is Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, which is a non-insulin dependent disorder. DM is caused by non-compliance of a healthy lifestyle; such as, uncontrolled weight, unhealthy eating habits, and uncontrolled sugars. DM is a rapidly growing issue in the world today. According to the 2014 National Diabetes Statistics Report, “29.1 million people or 9.3% of the population have diabetes.” One of the many conditions resulting from uncontrolled diabetes is foot ulcers. Foot ulcers can lead to an increase hospitalization stay for wound care treatment. The standardized method for treating foot ulcers consist of saline moisture gauze. The newer technology to promote wound healing is Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT). One type of NPWT is vacuum-assisted closure device. With the rapid growth of diabetes, there comes an...
Words: 3371 - Pages: 14
...until pregnancy and the formation of gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a temporary form of diabetes that only affects pregnant women, which can lead to type two diabetes and an increase risk of childhood obesity. If gestational diabetes is left untreated, it could then lead to high levels of glucose. Research shows that doctors do not know the immediate cause of gestational diabetes and why it happens, but there are many theories or assumptions. According to the Consumer Health Complete, “hormones inhibit the function of insulin, thereby causing a rise in the mother’s blood glucose levels” (Mills). As a result, when the pancreas does not meet the amount of insulin that is demanded, this causes gestational...
Words: 1054 - Pages: 5
...beverages you have daily. Imagine being my father and the other 29 million people in the United States to be diagnosed with diabetes. I have a long history of diabetes in my family, not only is my father diagnosed but my two uncles, and aunt (all from my father side of the family) are diagnosed. My father has been diagnosed for over 20 years,imagine all the hundreds of dollars that went towards diabetes medication. An average American diagnosed with diabetes spend $13,740 a year towards their diabetes medication. There are two types of diabetes, type one and type two. The cause of type one diabetes is unknown...
Words: 802 - Pages: 4
...Gestational diabetes happens when your body can’t make enough insulin during pregnancy. According to the website during pregnancy, your body makes more hormones and goes through other changes, such as weight gain. These changes cause your body’ cells to use insulin less effectively. My advice or action that are needed to help a woman with Gestational Diabetes reduce the risk of having these complications in her pregnancy would be, to lose some extra weight and increase physical activity levels before getting pregnant. She would also want to continue with activity during pregnancy. She would also want to eat healthy during pregnancy and not a lot of junk food. If she is unable to maintain the desired blood sugar levels with meal planning and...
Words: 450 - Pages: 2
...Gestational Diabetes When a woman first receives the news of being pregnant from a home pregnancy test many things run through her mind. One of the most important thoughts should be who the obstetrician will be. Finding one a she likes and trust is also very important. Early and regular prenatal care is crucial to a healthy pregnancy. Between 24 and 28 weeks you will receive a glucose test which will be used to test for gestational diabetes. Women who have had gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies should be tested between 16 and 18 weeks. This test will consist of an initial 1 hour test and depending on the results you may have to do a longer 3 hour test. If the results come out positive, you will be diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes....
Words: 693 - Pages: 3
...In this PSA, you cannot tell what the issue is until the end of the video. However, if you know the signs of uncontrolled diabetes, then you know what the dementor is out to get. The dementor is a figure to suck the life out of people. It is based off of novel and movie “Harry Potter”. There are many major outcomes from not taking care of your diabetes. Four of the major outcomes are shared in this PSA. This PSA is just trying to show awareness to diabetes and what affects it can have on the body if it goes uncontrolled. It stats at the end, “Learn how to stay healthy”. Meaning if people stay healthy and on top of this disease, none of these will happen to you. The first victim the dementor takes is a woman’s eyes. It is not uncommon with...
Words: 756 - Pages: 4
...When considering a career in the medical field, many individuals find themselves looking towards the nursing field. However, there are many different types of nursing. How do you know which is the one best suited to your interests? The following contains some different types of nursing, plus a description of each, including a general overview of the daily tasks involved. Diabetes Nursing These nurses work primarily with patients who have diabetes. Most of their time will be spent helping patients monitor their blood sugar and giving nutritional therapy. These nurses will also be well-versed in the proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle those with diabetes should lead. Some diabetes nurses choose to become diabetes educators, or diabetes nurse...
Words: 488 - Pages: 2
...Gestational Diabetes can affect a pregnant mother within twenty-four weeks of pregnancy. Gestational Diabetes begins in a women’s body when the body doesn’t use enough insulin needed during a pregnancy. If a person doesn’t have enough insulin, glucose won’t be changed to energy. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot leave the blood and be changed to energy. Women need to be informed of all risks to include information on gestational diabetes before conceiving. They need to be presented with information to help them understand how to help prevent it and what to do if diagnosed with gestational diabetes. http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/gestational/what-is-gestational- Gestational Diabetes Analysis Gestational Diabetes only happens while a woman is pregnant. The placenta produces hormones and that can build up sugar in your blood. If your pancreas can not create enough insulin, and your blood levels are high, you are likely to get Gestational Diabetes. Some factors to consider with Gestational Diabetes; if a women is overweight before pregnancy, diabetes is common in their family, they have had gestational diabetes before, blood sugar levels are high and...
Words: 1048 - Pages: 5
...Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Diagnosis Gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes mellitus) is a temporary form of diabetes that some women develop during pregnancy. This usually occurs around weeks 24–28 of pregnancy. In gestational diabetes, one or both of these problems may be present: • The pancreas does not make enough of a hormone called insulin. • The cells in the body are less responsive to the insulin that is made (insulin resistance). Normally, insulin moves sugars (glucose) from food into tissue cells. The tissue cells use glucose for energy. Insulin resistance or lack of insulin causes excess glucose to build up in the blood instead of going into the tissue cells. As a result, high blood glucose (hyperglycemia) develops....
Words: 1097 - Pages: 5
...Diabetes Type 2: Diabetes is a disease, which causes your blood sugar levels to be higher than normal. This can also be called hyperglycemia. Type 2 diabetes is when your body doesn’t produce enough insulin to keep up with the blood sugar levels or your body isn’t responsive to insulin. This is called insulin resistant. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas after you eat to bring blood sugar levels down to normal through converting the extra glucose into glycogen in the liver and muscle cells. What happens after you eat sugary food? As blood sugars rise, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin. The blood with the insulin and glucose travel to the liver, where the insulin stimulates the liver to produce enzymes such as glycogen...
Words: 597 - Pages: 3
...Diabetes mellitus is a disease where blood glucose levels go too high, or into hyperglycemia, as a result of no insulin releasing, or insulin resistance and not enough insulin to make up for the insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that gets glucose into body cells after glucose is extracted from food molecules. In type 1 diabetes, insulin is not produced or produced in a very little amount, and cannot respond to all insulinogenic stimuli. In type 2 diabetes, insulin is not made well or used well by the body. A third type of diabetes is existent in which there are defects with beta cells or insulin. Prediabetes means that a person is at a high risk to have type 2 diabetes and that a person has high blood glucose but not enough to be diagnosed...
Words: 386 - Pages: 2
...Diabetes is a devastating disease that causes chronic problems globally. Diabetes comes in different forms; type 1 diabetes is caused from the pancreas inability to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that acts as a key that opens the cell to allow sugar inside to process into energy. Type 2 diabetes is caused from an insulin resistance, the cell becomes misshapen from an increase in adipose tissue that will not allow the key insulin to open the cell and allow glucose inside. This causes the glucose to be trapped in the blood stream. The blood of humans is thin like water, but as the glucose builds up in the blood stream it becomes thicker making it harder to transport through the various body systems. Diabetes is a vascular disease. It...
Words: 2205 - Pages: 9
...Diabetes in the United States is at epidemic proportions. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2012), reports that diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death. Twenty nine million people are diagnosed with diabetes and a projected 79 million Americans are estimated to have pre diabetes. If trends continue, the incidence of diagnosed diabetes is expected to increase to one in three persons in the U.S. by the year 2050. The impacts of diabetes extend to all body systems, sometimes with devastating results. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, non-traumatic lower limb amputation and new cases of blindness in the U.S. Diabetes complications can be postponed or prevented with proper medical treatment, education, follow...
Words: 620 - Pages: 3