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Uncontrolled Diabetes Research Paper

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In this PSA, you cannot tell what the issue is until the end of the video. However, if you know the signs of uncontrolled diabetes, then you know what the dementor is out to get. The dementor is a figure to suck the life out of people. It is based off of novel and movie “Harry Potter”. There are many major outcomes from not taking care of your diabetes. Four of the major outcomes are shared in this PSA. This PSA is just trying to show awareness to diabetes and what affects it can have on the body if it goes uncontrolled. It stats at the end, “Learn how to stay healthy”. Meaning if people stay healthy and on top of this disease, none of these will happen to you. The first victim the dementor takes is a woman’s eyes. It is not uncommon with …show more content…
Uncontrolled diabetes makes the heart work a lot harder than usual. Diabetics have more heart problems because when sugars are uncontrolled the heart has to try to pump more healthy blood to the body. Overtime, it affects a person’s blood vessels and cause them to wear out. Also in adults with diabetes, the leading cause of death is heart disease and stroke. “Women with diabetes have a 40% greater risk of developing heart disease and a 25% greater risk of stroke than men with diabetes do (Center for disease control and prevention). Therefore, this victim is portraying the leading cause in death of diabetics. The last victim is a man that the dementor focuses in on. Then the death grabs the man and flies him over the town. Then the death plows this man into the ground and you see a head stone arise from where the man was put. Meaning that the man died. The dementor took his life. That says a lot about this PSA, many people undermine diabetes so much and think it is not as serious as it really is. Diabetes is more than healthy lifestyle and medicine. It is a lifestyle all in itself, it is a lot to handle every day, and it is easy for people to lose sight of what good control

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