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Personal Narrative Essay On 'Black Lives Matter'

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It was a cold crisp December afternoon when my daughter and I marched in Washington D.C. We marched with handmade signs that read, “Black Lives Matter.” We marched in between cherry cheeked white faces, faces of Asian persuasion, and purple, blue black faces. Our hearts were warmed that breezy day as we recognized how many people of different races agreed that Black Lives Matter. Black lives stolen from senseless violence at the hands of over eager police officers. Police officers who love their jobs, who love their suburban communities, but are inexperienced in the Black urban communities they serve. Police officers who love their families so much they practice the survival of the fittest shooting technique; shoot first, ask questions later to guarantee a safe return to their loving families. We marched that day not to bash police but to recognize, we are all just ordinary people wanting to get back home to our loving families and that simple notion is lost on Black lives. Black Lives Matter is the bridge to unite the human gap. …show more content…
They froze where they stood. It was a domino effect. The vibrant colorful sea of justice fighters halted. Then died. We died-in. We laid still on the black concrete with tear crust sealing our eyes as we reflected on the Black lives snatched without indictments. We laid and listened to our hearts race and was thankful we were able to rise and fight for justice. Our lips were chapped, our fingers were glued to our sign and we knew we must continue to march. We rose like Antaeus and marched on towards Martin Luther King breathing out the truth of his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech playing on the jumbotron. In that moment, my daughter and I felt the arms of the 1963 masses shielding us from the unforgiving wind as we marched

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