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Diamond T Ranch Case Study

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Diamond T Ranch is a ranch located around Potter Creek in Bannock County, Idaho. The manager being J. Phillip Adams. Like most farms, Diamond T Ranch mostly deals with farming and ranching actions. Now, it was in 2001 when Adams wanted to fix a road that was crossing over Potter Creek. The reason why is because Diamond T Ranch had two fields with the creek cutting it in half. So, with the improvements on the road they could transfer equipment between both fields. The project ended up being called “Potter Creek Project”.
Now, news of this project got out. The United States Army Corps of Engineers found out by Idaho Department of Water. The problem was that there was a potential Clean Water Act violation. There had been no permit given to Diamond T Ranch or Adams regarding this project, which was underway. So, Idaho Department of Water gave Adams a Notice of Violation and fee because of not having a permit. The permit dealt with the Stream Channel Protection Act, Idaho Code Ann. §§ 42-3801 to -3812.
After Diamond T Ranch received the Notice of Violation, they decided to send in a “Joint Application for Permits. This would allow them to finish the stream changes that …show more content…
They then had evidence that work had been done regarding the “Potter Creek Project” without permitting. So, the Corps issued a Notice of Violation, Cease and Desist Order, and Order for Initial Corrective Measures. Diamond T Ranch then gave the United States Army Corps of Engineers their “Crossing and Restoration Plan”. However, the Corps did not think the plan was complete to standards. They then sent a list of seven modifications that needed to be implemented into Diamond T Ranch’s plan. Now, Adams decided to go ahead and start the “Potter Creek Project” without responding to the request by the Corps. The work for this project was then completed soon after receiving the modification

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