...THE ULTIMATE PHRASAL VERB BOOK Contents 4 TO THE TEACHER 6 TO THE STUDENT 7 1. FOCUS ON: separable and nonseparable phrasal verbs 9 come from 9 figure out 10 give back 10 look for 10 put on 10 run into 11 show up 11 take off 12 2. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and do, does, and did 16 come off 17 doze off 18 fall for 18 give in 18 hear about 18 pull through 18 stay off 19 throw up 19 3. FOCUS ON: three-word phrasal verbs 22 feel up to 22 get over with 22 go along with 22 go in for 23 look forward to 23 put up with 23 screw out of 23 talk down to 23 4. FOCUS ON: present and past continuous phrasal verbs 26 cheat on 26 go after 26 look up 27 pay for 27 plan for 28 point to 28 put to 28 wrap up 29 5. FOCUS ON: pronunciation of two-word phrasal verbs 32 break down 32 burn down 34 call in 34 find out 34 hand back 34 look at 35 setup 35 6. FOCUS ON: pronunciation of three-word phrasal verbs 40 boil down to 40 come down with 40 come up with 41 get around to 41 get out of 41 go back on 41 go through with 42 monkey around with 42 7. FOCUS ON: separable phrasal verbs with long objects 45 cut up 45 hold up 46 let out 46 point out 47 run over 47 see about 48 take in 48 8. FOCUS ON: present perfect phrasal verbs 54 burn out 54 fall over 55 fight back 55 hear of 56 pick...
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...Memo The Toronto Ultimate Club (TUC) is located in Toronto, Ontario and is a non-for-profit organization that focused on growing the sport of Ultimate Frisbee (Ultimate). As a result of their previous strategic plan TUC ‘s membership has stopped declining, but the general manager Jason Robinson was still not satisfied. The competition between TUC and for-profit organizations has increased, forcing TUC to develop a new marketing plan focusing on new strategies for fiscal 2009. The alternatives TUC has are to stay with the traditional standard Ultimate rules or to modify the “house rules” like the competitors. TUC can offer additional team recreational leagues like hockey, football, etc. or stay with Ultimate. TUC has the choice to stay with recreational and competitive or add a beginner, all-woman/male leagues, as well as offer clinics and modify prices. They need to decide whether to continue sponsoring the touring teams or focus on marketing abilities in other areas. The target markets TUC should be more aggressive in are the visible minorities, young professionals and secondary school students. Toronto was one of the most multicultural cities in the world where visible minorities made up 47% of the cities population. Focusing on this segment shows that TUC cares about diversity and that this sport is open to and for anyone. TUC’s current market is focused on competitive players aged 22-40, focusing solely on young professionals in their 20’s would add to the current...
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...years, I have continued to maintain my academic standards. Nevertheless, I have also made sure that I am more than an academic person. I am an active one as well. In middle school, the most popular game during lunch was a basketball game called Salt and Pepper (white vs. black). The first day of school, I stepped onto the basketball courts and was greeted by cries of consternation, "Who is he? Is he salt or pepper?" But after the game, I had made a name for myself. From then onward, I would be known as Spice, and the game we played became Salt, Pepper, and Spice. When I moved to California, things were no different. I continued to play an active part both academically and socially. My involvement with Cross-country, Speech and Debate, Ultimate Frisbee and numerous clubs guaranteed that I would not be only known as an Honors student. Like myself, Duke is much more than an academic institution; it is a living institution. I feel that I will be given the opportunity to excel both academically and socially. Duke is a university known for its rich history and strong academic program. And, at the same time, it is also known for its innovation and progressiveness. These are qualities which draw me to the college. In addition, Duke and I have a lot in common. The two most important extracurricular activities I have are a major part of Duke University. Duke's Speech team is known for its strong Extemp squad. I remember the time when my speech coach asked me what schools I was applying...
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...ERIC LEDERMAN 29 Kings North Road, Jackson, NJ 08527 | H: 732-252-5283 | C: 732-616-1247 | eric.lederman7@gmail.com Profile I am a 22 year old student who is attending DeVry University. I am very interested in multimedia and design, as well as simulations. For the past 5 summers I have worked at a day camp but I have grown to become a leader in group projects. I was the captain of my Ultimate Frisbee team at Rider University and gained a lot of experience in a leadership position. I am a quick learner and up for any challenge. | |Core Qualifications | | | | | | | |Fast Learner | |Leader | | | | | | | |Task Completer | |Team Player | | | | ...
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...Is ultimate frisbee fun to you? Ultimate frisbee is a very good sport to be added to the Olympics. Ultimate frisbee is good because it is like other popular sports. The Olympic committee will be given a description, the scoring, venue, schedule and the history of ultimate frisbee to add it to the Olympics. Ultimate frisbee is a sport like soccer and football. Ultimate frisbee is a game of two teams. The teams have seven people on each team. In ultimate frisbee, you try to score. To score you through the dice into the other team's end zone. Ultimate frisbee is played on a field. The field is rectangular. The field is 70 feet by 40 feet. The end zones are 25 feet deep. The game contains 2 halfs. Each half is 20 minutes long. The sport ultimate...
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...Y-fit Activity Mon-Fri 3/19- Frisbee Noodle Equipment: Cone, Foam Ball, hula hoop Objective: Place cones into groups of three, each team should have a frisbee for each set of three teams. Middle player will get the hula hoop around them. The far player going have nothing. The player going must throw the frisbee through the hula hoop, take one step to the left and then to the right. If it goes through the hula hoop the team get a point. Then the person on the left and right must switch places also the person in the middle. 3/20- Corner Ball Equipment: One Ball and Four Cones Objective: Each person stands behind the cones, Number off each player on the team. Place the ball in the middle. Call out a number and those number from each group will have to kick the ball in an opposite group direction. Who ever get the ball in the direction will win a point for their team. The other team, must do some type of exercise. 3/21- Capture the Ball Equipment: Cones, Balls, Hula Hoop Objective: Place a ball on top of the cone. Then, place the students into group of two. Have one person from each group be a guard for each of the team. Then place Hula hoop around the guard to provide a safe place for each of their team. Each team will have a jail to place opposite team member of that group. Member from opposite team can go in safe place so that they don’t get caught. Switch up the game for each round. Another player can save a teammate from jail without get caught by opposite team. Whatever...
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...tturk@reddingacademy.org Web site: www.reddingacademy.org click on the link for Mrs. Turk Course Description: This course is designed to expose students to a variety of activities, some traditional team or individual sports, and others nontraditional. The purpose of this class is to introduce the students to activities that they can participate in through-out their adult life. One of the primary objectives is for the students to make fitness a permanent component of their lifestyle. The activities that the class will participate in will be selected from the following list. badminton pickle ball basketball ping pong bowling running conditioning skating cycling softball disc golf swimming exercise DVDs Ultimate Frisbee flag football volleyball fitness testing walking golf strength training hiking soccer Grading: Grades are based on daily points and weekly activity log. Points are available each day for attendance, dressing down, participation, sportsmanship, attitude, and cooperation. The point scale is as follows: 2 pts. attendance 3 pts. dressing down 5 pts. participation, sportsmanship, attitude, and cooperation Being a good sport and displaying a positive attitude and a cooperative spirit are essential ingredients to a fun class. For severe infractions including but not exclusively, fighting, swearing, ridiculing others, insubordination, or extreme lack of cooperation the students may be removed from...
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...“The integrity of Ultimate depends on each player's responsibility to uphold the Spirit of the Game, and this responsibility should remain paramount.” According to www.usaultimate.org. It this research paper I will be explaining the history of the sport, where the Frisbee originated from, the rules of the sport, and much more. Ultimate Frisbee developed in 1968 by a group of college student at Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey. In 1969 a team had been formed at the school and they played in a parking lot. The only lines that existed were the goal lines, usually marked by the telephone poles or piles of the players' coats according to www.wfdf.org. The brand name Frisbee which was created by Wham-O was officially created in 1958....
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...The frisbee is one of the best toys ever invented because of its versatility. People have created many games that involve using a frisbee. As stated by John Doe, the creator of the frisbee,”When I invented the frisbee I wanted the uses to be limited to the imagination of the user.” Ultimate frisbee, Tips, Can Jam, Frisbee Horseshoes, and Frisbee Bowling are just a few examples of the games people have created just for the frisbee. As a matter of fact you can play over 100 different games with a frisbee. Frisbees can be used to play many sports including Football, Golf, and Water polo. According to the national toy diversity association, frisbees can be used to replace a ball in more sports than any other toy. Football and golf were originally...
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...event showed some of the best traits of FLO through the building of friendship during the picnic, and the exploring of Austin by going to an event that many had probably not experienced previously. 5. What FLO activities have you participated in this year? I went Kayaking, I participated in Assassin’s, I helped proctor Quelf for FLO’s board game night, I went to Laser tag, and I’ve gone to quite a few FLinners. 7. Please list your expected commitments for 2012-2013. School, of course, is a big commitment. I don’t know how many hours I’ll be taking, but in my experience as an Electrical Engineer (and honestly, I’m sure everybody else is like this, too), taking 14 hours requires a large investment of time. I also plan to be playing on the Ultimate Frisbee team next year, so that will take up my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights, as well as a few weekends throughout both semesters. I am a part of Hope 242, which is a Christian outreach group on campus, and we meet every Tuesday night for bible study. I have also recently gotten involved in the Texas e-Sports Association, which meets every other Tuesday night, and I hope to continue to stay involved with this group. 8. Please list any circumstances you’d like us to take into...
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...C ampus Spring Games Sponsor: Student Activities & Recreation Room: 112 at the Rec Contact Information: rec@hayward.cengage.edu What Are the Campus Spring Games? The Campus Spring Games are campus-wide competitions that celebrate the spirit of the Olympics. Students compete in traditional events and those of their own design. Do you love croquet, log rolling, or skateboarding? Organize a co-ed team and compete to win a coveted bronze, silver, or gold medal. Events from Previous Years The Campus Spring Games have quickly become a fun and highly anticipated tradition at Hayward College. Need some inspiration for your team? Following are a few events organized in previous years: Dodge ball tournament Beach volleyball Ultimate Frisbee Disc golf Skateboard obstacle course Trivia contests Board game...
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...Ultimate Frisbee Ultimate Frisbee History Ultimate frisbee is kind of like frisbee and football mixed. The object of the game is to score points by passing the disc to a player in the opposing end zone. The ultimate frisbee begins with Joel Silver. He proposed a school Frisbee team in the fall of 1968. The following spring, a group of students got together to play what Silver claimed to be the "ultimate game experience," adapting the sport from a form of Frisbee Football. In 1979 and 1980 the Ultimate Players Association was formed. The UPA organized regional tournaments and has crowned a national champion every year since 1979. Ultimate frisbee is now called just Ultimate. Ultimate Frisbee Rules To begin play the ultimate players from each team line up on their end zones and the defense team throws the disc to the other team as a kick-off. We normally throw the frisbee far so the offensive team has poor field position and a chance for the us to get down the field soon enough to stop advances. The disc may be moved in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. After catching a pass, a player is required to come to a stop as quickly as possible, and then can only move their non-pivot foot. A point is scored when a player catches a pass in the end zone his team is attacking. After a point is scored, the teams exchange ends. The team who just scored remains in that end zone, and the opposing team takes the opposite end zone. An incomplete pass results in a change...
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...RULE 101. SCOPE; DEFINITIONS (a) Scope. These rules apply to proceedings in United States courts. The specific courts and proceedings to which the rules apply, along with exceptions, are set out in Rule 1101. (b) Definitions. In these rules: (1) “civil case” means a civil action or proceeding; (2) “criminal case” includes a criminal proceeding; (3) “public office” includes a public agency; (4) “record” includes a memorandum, report, or data compilation; (5) a “rule prescribed by the Supreme Court” means a rule adopted by the Supreme Court under statutory authority; and (6) a reference to any kind of written material or any other medium includes electronically stored information. RULE 102. PURPOSE These rules should be construed so as to administer every proceeding fairly, eliminate unjustifiable expense and delay, and promote the development of evidence law, to the end of ascertaining the truth and securing a just determination. RULE 103. RULINGS ON EVIDENCE (a) Preserving a Claim of Error. A party may claim error in a ruling to admit or exclude evidence only if the error affects a substantial right of the party and: (1) if the ruling admits evidence, a party, on the record: (A) timely objects or moves to strike; and (B) states the specific ground, unless it was apparent from the context; or (2) if the ruling excludes evidence, a party informs the court of its substance by an offer of proof, unless the substance was apparent from the context. (b) Not Needing...
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...Animal In the Storytelling animal written by Jonathan Gottschall, basically conveys the idea that stories help humans live their lives. The more we dwell on a story, the more we change and are affected by it. During my time exploring different story, I have not been able to dwell on such a story partially because I do not believe I am at that time in my life where I can understand and appreciate a story and allow it to change my life. Diving into the gist of the book, Gottschall points out that people read less every day or “less than we used to.” We used to read fiction all the time, but it has seemed to go away. This is not to say people have forsaken the idea of fiction but instead look for fiction in other ways. TV’s, music, movies, computers, and much more are consuming our ability to actually read fiction and appreciate it. The reality is people are watching more TV and consuming themselves with stories that may not be entirely fiction or nonfiction. The stories that used to be abundant in books and people are now protruding in a box and screen. American children are being affected by this the most because as they grow up, a fear is they won’t experience the same fiction fairy-tale like childhood most children had before. A topic that I found quite interesting was the science of dreams. Do dreams tell stories? Do they hold some secret prophesy for an individual? Do dreams have any use in this world? These questions were some I have had my entire life...
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...NEUROSURGEON EXPERT WITNESS A neurosurgeon is a medical specialist trained to treat conditions of the brain, spine, and peripheral nerves. Our neurosurgeon expert witnesses have experience in multiple disciplines and have provided both non-operative and surgical treatment to patients of all ages. The field of neurosurgery is vast and many neurosurgeons often find themselves working alongside other medical professionals such as psychiatrists, neurologists and therapists in order to provide more thorough care for patients with neurological disorders. What is neurosurgery? Neurosurgery can refer to operations on the brain, spinal cord, and other cerebrovascular systems. Because of this, neurosurgeons can choose to specialize in specific types of spinal problems, such as those involving the neck (cervical), lower back (lumbar), and spinal cord. Pediatric neurosurgeons specialize in treatment and therapy for infants and children. NEURO-ONCOLOGY EXPERTS One specialty of neurosurgeons is neuro-oncology, which focuses on treatment of the central nervous system, such as brain tumors and metastatic tumors – or, brain cancer. Cancer can spread to the nervous system through several different methods and that’s why neurosurgery expert witnesses are often needed for lawsuits. We only pair you up with the right neurosurgeons for your case. We have medical experts with real world experience who have completed surgical procedures. Brain surgery is an extremely complicated procedure, and any...
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