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Diastolic Dysfunction Research Paper

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Diastolic Dysfunction is characterized as the decrease in performance of one (for the most part the left ventricle) or both (left and right) ventricles during diastole. Diastole is the cardiac cycle phase during which the heart is relaxing and filling with approaching blood that is being returned from the body through the inferior (IVC) and superior (SVC) venae cavae to the right atrium and from lungs through pulmonary veins to the left atrium. In diastolic failure, if the patient has symptoms, there is a pathologic cause instigating them. Diastolic dysfunction can be found when doing a Doppler echocardiography in an apparently healthy patient, chiefly in an elderly person.1
Any condition or process that prompts to hardening of the left ventricle can prompt to diastolic …show more content…
Such chronic structural remodeling was joined by normal LV systolic performance, function, and contractility and a high prevalence of abnormal echocardiographic/Doppler indices of diastolic function. This is the normal finding in patients with the LV structural abnormalities seen in such a study group.9 Kasner et al10 found that the ratio of the conventional Doppler measurement of early diastolic peak LV inflow velocity (E) to the tissue Doppler imaging measurement of the early diastolic peak lateral mitral annular velocity (E1), that is, the E/E1 ratio, reliably distinguished the patients with diastolic heart failure from normal controls and that this ratio correlated with invasive measures of diastolic function. The study suggests that an elevated E/E1 indicates the presence of diastolic dysfunction (in a symptomatic patient), but this ratio was not evaluated as an indicator of asymptomatic diastolic dysfunction. It should also be recognized that the ratio is generally increased in patients with systolic heart

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