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Did Buddhist Traditions Lead To Spiritual Enlightenment?

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What Buddhist traditions lead to spiritual growth and eventually spiritual enlightenment? Where did it originate from and why? How has these traditions changed with the movement and progression of Buddhism? Spiritual growth and enlightenment in Buddhism come through practicing the beliefs they emphasise like, asceticism, meditation through yoga and fasting, knowledge of Buddhist texts, and Anatman. Originating in asia and spreading through the world, it has had many advances and changes including the separation of Theravada and Mahayana
The word Buddha means The Awakened One, coming from the Sanskrit root budh – 'to wake'. He is a man who has woken fully, as if from a deep sleep, to discover that suffering, like a dream, is over. The historical Buddha was however a man like any other, but an exceptional one; what he rediscovered was a way that anyone can walk, providing that they are so inclined.
The historical Buddha Gautama was not the first Buddha. There had been others who had walked …show more content…
The first is the “right belief,” this is simply belief in the truth. The second is the “right intent,” or, to do good rather than evil. The third is the “right speech,” avoidance of untruth, slender or swearing. The fourth is the “right behavior,” which is avoiding blameworthy behavior. The fifth is the “right livelihood,” some occupations like butchers, were disgraced. The sixth is the “right effort,” your effort to good. The seventh is the “right contemplation,” contemplation of the truth. The eighth is the “right concentration,” which will result from following the Noble Eightfold Path. Siddhatha Gautama’s Buddhe teachings were to provide the bases for the establishment of Buddhism. Pushing Buddhism to be a significant religious and also philosophical movement. In india, for more than a thousand years, Buddhism has been present and moving towards other parts of Asia and the

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