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Die Because It's Time and Not Because There Is a Line.


Submitted By renats
Words 526
Pages 3
Renata Libertuci de Orio.
College Prep – Tuesdays and Thursdays.
March 15th 2012.

One of people’s greatest fears in life is death and this fear only gets bigger when people think that to try to prevent an early death, or even to die having a little comfort and knowing that you did everything you could, it will cost a lot of money, especially if you are in the United States. That is probably why people do everything they can to have health insurance, which is monthly paid and kind of expensive, but unfortunately, that is not enough because when you need to see a doctor or go to a hospital, it is charged an extra fee. It is written in the Human Rights “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services…” If health care is that much important, shouldn’t it have universal coverage within the United States?

If going to the hospital wasn’t so expensive people would take better care of their health. I have seen a lot of people not going to the doctor, myself included, just because it is expensive. Of course, in some occasions it can be impossible, depending on what kind of accident you had or pain you are feeling. However, most people don’t seek for a doctor if they consider their symptoms transient. It is hard to imagine myself going to the doctor every time I have the flu, or my throat hurts but what we often forget is that depending on what kind of Influenza you have, you can die from it and a non-well healed sore throat can end up being a callus in your vocal cords, and these are only two examples on how small things can get big regarding health.

Also, having a universal coverage would get doctors focused on healing the patient right away rather than on

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