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Difference Between Associate Degree and Baccalaureate Degree Nursing


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Differences in competence between Associate degree and Baccalaureate degree 1


Education preparation: Differences in competences between nurses prepared at the

Associate degree level versus Baccalaureate degree level nursing

Awudu Braimah Shaibu Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V Professional dynamics.

Date: 10/07/2012

Differences in competencies between Associate and Baccalaureate degree level nursing 2 Associate degree level nursing is a two year nursing program that is being pursued in most of the community colleges in the United States of America. Students pursuing associate degree complete or earn 60 credits in order to graduate from this program. Baccalaureate degree or BSN level nursing is a four year nursing program that is offered in most of the colleges/universities across America. Students pursuing this program required to complete/earn 120 credits in order to be able to complete the program. This paper is going to look at the differences in competencies in these two programs. Research has shown that quality patient care depend on having a well educated nursing workforce (AACN, April, 12). The main differences between the associate level degree and that of the baccalaureate level degree nursing in terms of quality of care is that quality of care is higher with nurses with baccalaureate level degree of nursing. Research has also shown that lower morbidity and mortality rate, fewer medication errors, and positive outcomes are all linked

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