...Sexism is still in evidence in the workplace and in today's society despite the battle that women are making for themselves. Sexism is a particular concern for society when considering its effect in the workplace. Sexism has always been a particular problem in the labor market especially with the formation of capitalism. Woman hold a large percentage of the work force in companies but hardly any seems to pertain any of the power. There are many obstacles in the way of woman in careers; women are in the quest for equal pay for both sexes. The pay should be the same for the same jobs, but many companies pay men a higher salary then women for the same job causing sex discrimination. Sex discrimination is not only present within the older generation but is also evident throughout the entire age range. Women now hold 46% of the labor work force, with young women seeing housework more of a part-time rather than a full time job. This is an enormous social change for the family giving women less dependence on marriages, which are increasingly falling apart day-by-day and a greater command over the increasing area of technology and resources. With more women getting jobs, it encourages other women who were reluctant to move into the labor market to do the same and become more career minded. The Sex Discrimination Act is in power to help woman in a number of ways and lets them into previously closed doors. However due to the fact that most legal institutions are male dominated...
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...Low pay is not the only type of sexism there is in American women also experience sexism in the form of sexual harassment. Studys shows that 1-3 women have been sexually harassed in the workplaces. Out all of the women, 71% did not report it in fear of losing their job or having constant harassment. That means only 29% of women reported their sexual harassment. Out of all the women that claimed to be sexual harassed 81 %have experience harassment verbally such as name-calling, making sexual noises, Joking about sex, or suggesting having sex with someone. 44% have encountered unwanted touching, such as kissing, hugging, touching of private parts or touching someone in any way when asking not to please remember NO means No . 25% received text...
Words: 365 - Pages: 2
...Sexism: Got equality? Have you ever had a shot? How about used a car heater? Maybe even a dishwasher? These items that get used almost everyday were created by no other than women. Women have struggled with sexism in the workplace since before they were even given the chance to try to work. They were told they were here to have children, to cook, and to clean, but what men did not know was the fact that women were capable of so much more(Jewell, Hannah). Although sexism has been a key problem in the working industry, as evidenced by putting women in lower paying jobs, women today are putting an end by joining the women's movement pushing this issue into the mainstream. Although there we no movements specifically for women's working rights there...
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...In “Women in the Workforce,” women undoubtedly face a steeper path to the top than men do, making up less than a quarter of the population of executive positions, while the end result is the same. Men are favored over women when seeking promotions and when negotiating pay. Decades after World War II, women in the workplace have dramatically increased. Before women have only held “traditional female jobs” like teachers, administrative assistants, nurses, childcare providers. Today more women have corporate positions that were previously dominated by males like medicine, law, engineering, finance, factory work, and so forth. This topic relates to other issues because it will shed light on (1) prejudice, (2) sexism, and the (3) glass ceiling....
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...Homework for Thursday, 2/6-14: Sexism Research and Resources 1. What is the difference between Benevolent Sexism and Hostile Sexism? "Hostile sexism," which involves negative feelings toward women "Benevolent sexism," a knight-in-shining armor ideology that offers protection and affection to women who conform to traditional gender roles (e.g., cute girlfriend, obedient wife, etc.) Scores on each dimension can vary from 0 to 5, and although there is no fixed point that divides sexist and nonsexist people, higher ASI scores are related to greater degrees of sexism. For example, people with high levels of hostile sexism are more likely than others to hold negative stereotypes about career women, and they express attitudes that are more tolerant of sexual harassment and spousal abuse of women. 2. Which one do you think is more dangerous? Why? I think the Hostil sexsism is more dangerous than benevolent sexism, because it assumes that the person has negative thoughts about women. When you have negative thoughts whether it's a person or something else, it is easier to perform "evil" actions. It does not necessarily say that a person who goes under the category of hostile sexism must commit sexual abuses like rape. But I personally believe that it is easier to do something stupid to people you have a negative thought about. 3. How did the wording of the questions in the ASI affect your responses? Do you think that if they had been worded differently your responses...
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...Sexism is bias against people on the basis of their gender. A person who believes that women cannot be competent lawyers is sexist (Matlin, p.37). Feminism emphasizes that women and men should be socially, economically, and legally equal. The word equal is not implying that women and men are equal but rather stating women and men deserve equal opportunities and rights. According to Gary Kelly a sexuality educator from Clarkson University, states a feminist are women and men who reject prejudices that imply any inferiority of either gender and are working together to achieve equality (2008). Sexism can reveal itself in many forms, such as, social behavior, media representations of women and job discrimination (Maltin, p.41). Although, there...
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...Sexism is the discrimination by members of one sex against the other. It has always been a major issue for women which also applies to men, but it is less common. Sexism is one of the five major forms of discrimination. Discrimination in gender is indicated in jobs, sports, advertising, etc. Although, it has decreased compared to before, it is still alive and around. Women struggle to get the same rights as men, especially in the work place. For example, my parents both work as nurses, however, my dad gets paid more when they both do the same exact thing. So where does sexism come from? In the old days, sexism is learned from your parents or the people around you. However, we don’t live in the old days anymore. Children, nowadays, pick up things from the media. The media plays a huge role in kids and teenagers lives. They don’t entirely shape us as the person that we are today but they are a big reason for the way we think, act, and speak. In the media, women are displayed as objects instead of actual human beings. Take a Carl’s Jr. commercial for example, most of it includes a half naked woman advertising their food which I find very disrespectful, demeaning, and very insulting to women. How can we be taken seriously if we can’t be treated with respect. How would guys feel if the roles were switched, if instead of the women, we have men making a fool of themselves on commercials. I understand that discrimination does not only apply to females, however, we do have it worse. ...
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...Sexism is a problem that every person will experience at least once in the life. The oppression can be as simple as a joke, to as a serious as rape or death. This bias is hidden in stereotypes and in common practices, or it can be front page news. Gender discrimination is so ingrained into our society that it will always be commonplace in our everyday lives. The main reason for its continuing in our society is the history of ignorance and misinformation. Sexism is the discrimination or prejudice of a person based on whether that is a man, women, or transgender. Women have the hardest struggle against sexism. These prejudices can affect them in hundreds of ways from the workplace, home, and their safety while out and about. Nationally, women are subject to horrible mistreatment such as domestic violence and sexual assaults. Globally the amount of abuse to women is disgusting. War rapes, gendercide, genital mutilation, honor killings are not only being done to women, but are being accepted as a part of some cultures. The main issue most women face daily is inequality between men and women faced in the media, workplace, marriage, and many other important areas. It’s not only that women need to be accepted in everything they want to do, but also the...
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...Sexism in the American Workplace Coleman Kramer Soci 217 Section 002 Professor Babchuck April 21, 2014 Introduction The passing of the 19th Amendment is one of the most important pieces of legislation passed for the woman’s right movement as it guaranteed women the right to vote. In many people’s minds, this meant that men and women were considered equal because it gave women a voice that was previously unheard. While this was a monumental leap in creating gender equality, it did very little to eliminate sexism in America. Great stride shave been made in the last century to give woman the same opportunity’s as men, I will argue that we still live in a country that discriminates on the basis of ones gender. One of the most common offenders of sexism is the American workplace. The Mad Men era of ass grabbing and over the top sexual harassment may be over, but sexism in the workplace is still very much alive. There is an enormous lack of females in high-level management positions, a wage gap that shows women make less then men in comparable jobs, and women are more often then not subjected to more cases of sexual harassment. In a country that prides itself for its belief that everyone is equal, the facts about sexism tell a completely different story. The Facts One of the most unknown problems in regards to sexism in the workplace has to do with the gap between how much women earn compared to men. Women make up just fewer than 50 percent of the labor force in the...
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...Since the beginning of history, sexism has always been a prominent barrier between sexes. The notion that women are not on the same level as men has always been in existence. We see that even during the book of exodus this belief stems from the creation of Eve, through a rib of Adam. From scripture, Eve's roll was to be considered as a servant and a temptress, the sole reason why Adam ate the apple. Consequently Eve is blamed as being the reason mankind is not living in a paradise. Sexism has continued throughout ancient history and continues occur in our own environment to this day. Sexism is defined as the discrimination or hatred against people based on their gender rather then their individual merits. This is shown though a common modern day event; a girl cannot play in a hockey league because of her gender, similarly a male cannot be a part of many cheerleading squads because of his gender. There are many groups and movements that make this more aware to the public eye and help bring light to these issues but sexism will continue in our world as it has since the roots of mankind's creation. Sexism in its general usage is directed against females. A poll taken from a university in the states reported that 66% of the student body believed that males were the superior gender. Perhaps the grounds of this biased thinking is derived from older customs. In ancient Greece, dating back over twenty-five hundred years...
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...Sexism is the postulation that people of certain sex are superior to the others. The term is also used to describe compliance to the traditional stereotypes of social roles that are based on either being male or female (Plan International Australia, 2016). Any gender can be subject to sexist views, but it is women and girls who are more prone to discrimination than men. The term sexism was coined between the 1960s and the 1980s, where the civil rights movement against racism at the time modelled the use of the term. Sexist views place what either gender should do, and an often infringes on the rights of women. The term was coined in a bid to create awareness on the oppression of girls and women. However, in the 21st century, the term is used...
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...Sexism Sexism plays a role in every country across the globe,some more prominent than others. What is sexism ? Sexism is the discrimination and the view of one sex greater than the other.Even in the modern world today,sexism is in the judicial system,in religious sects,workplaces and relationships.Society has stereotyped gender to what individuals view as the “norm” for a certain gender. The term sexism was established in the 1960’s feminist movement portraying particularly to women's rights but has grown to a more modern term. Sexism in the judicial system has been an underlying problem in our society that many do not wish to talk about . Many studies have proven that in the area of sexual crimes...
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...Online gaming has been increase so quick and much that almost all people have some experience with it. The freedom of playing and the gamers can do whatever they want within the game to not only entertain but release some pressure from the real life as well. However, the majority of the gamers is still male-based and they used to express their feelings by saying women-offended words even with the fast increasing female gamer nowadays. No matter it's by foul-mouthed, or purpose, being called "cunt," "bitch," "slut" and other common misogynist epithets does not make people feel comfortable even for male. Some game developers want to, from their perspective, make things right which is to ban the user whoever make sexual-offended comments either in verbally or literally in order to make the online gaming community clean. Or in gamers' point of view, it's only a game. Game developers such as Bonnie Ross and Kiki Wolfkill are trying to find a way to eliminate online gaming sexual harassment. They offer permanent banning for the user that violates the regulation. Nevertheless, they sometimes do not realize the fact that people tend to do things that regulators do not allow; moreover, they can create more accounts if their accounts had been banned. The method of banning accounts while users made harassed comments is not a proper way to eliminate this type of action since people would still find ways such as symbolized words, icons, images etc.to express what they intended...
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...Spring is coming, which means we are entering the season of the regulation of how much skin girls around the country are allowed to bare. Dress codes, while usually regulating boys' slovenliness, tend to police girls for how much of their bodies are visible. Anyone who's ever painted or stood in a room surrounded by Kara Walker silhouettes can tell you that white space is defining and when we talk about dress codes, girls' skin is the white space we've all been trained to ignore in these discussions. And, while everyone is in theory affected by dress codes, girls and LGTBQ youth are disproportionately affected by them. Challenging schools to align unexamined, traditional dress codes to contemporary values is a tangible place to start if you're interested in teaching kids to live in a diverse, tolerant society. Of course, many parents are not interested. When it comes to girls, skimpy and skin-baring clothes are often the primary issue. Kids know that many words, like "unladylike," are code for "slutty." Other words that are frequently used include "distracting" and "unprofessional." Many teachers worry that girls' skin will "so addle boys' brains that they will be unable to concentrate." Boys, and apparently in Iowa, adult men who can now legally fire "irresistible" women, we are told, simply cannot concentrate in this environment. So, what exactly is wrong with saying girls are "distracting"? I mean, everyone know this, right? •Who gets to be distracted? And, whose distraction...
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...Music v. Society It is well known that American society preaches against sexism and inequality among the sexes and this standard applies to everyone, except our favorite singers. The media praises Feminists and infamies anyone who says or thinks against feminism, but will turn up the tunes on misogynistic songs. Although they may seem common terms now with media and our culture turning to the cause of feminism, let us define some terms. Sexism is prejudice, stereotyping, or discriminating, on the basis of gender. This means that sexism can be discrimination against any gender; this also means that objectifying is, by association, sexist (“Sexism”). Conversely there is feminism, which is “the belief that men and women should have equal rights...
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