...This essay is going to compare and contrast both Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, They both had some major differences, but other things they had the same thought process. Many things were different about their beliefs with the role and nature of the newly created United States government. Hamilton mainly like the more power of the government the better it is for society. Jefferson wanted more of a smaller government and having people with individual rights. Hamilton and Jefferson were two ways different thinkers in what they want for society and believe in. Hamilton was in favor of a strong central government and a national constitution. He wasn't really a strong supporter of democracy or even the Bill of Rights. Favored implied powers, a loose construction of the constitution. He was one of many writers of the Federalists papers. Also favored the wealthy, urban commercial interests of the nation. Hamilton created national debt and actually paid for it all through a brilliant plan of taxing whiskey. He was an official member of the Federalist party and the first secretary of treasury. He was unfortunately killed in a duel vise president Aaron Burr. He was one who was fond of and greatly admired England or Britain, which is known as...
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...In American history, Alexander Hamilton emerged as a pivotal figure, contributing profoundly to the nation’s quest for independence. Transitioning from a humble immigrant’s early challenges in the Caribbean to the strategic battlegrounds of the Continental Army, Alexander Hamilton’s journey encapsulates the essence of the American narrative. This evolution lays the groundwork for comprehending the diverse contributions of a man whose impact reverberates in the foundation of the United States. Alexander Hamilton, a pivotal figure in the American struggle for independence, not only navigated significant challenges but also served as a compelling exemplar, inspiring others to join the movement for freedom. Alexander Hamilton, a central figure...
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...Chanice Lighty November 3rd, 2014 Harrold US History John Adams vs Alexander Hamilton Born October 30, 1735 in Quincy, Massachusetts. John Adams our 2nd president of the United States, grew up with a father who was a farmer, deacon, and town councilman. Adams was a federalist one of his famous attributes was the argument about the stamp act of 1765. He wrote a response to the act called “Essay on the Canon and Feudal Law” in which he argued that: ‘the stamp act deprived American colonist of their rights to be taxed by consent and to be tried by a jury of their peers.’ He also made it clear that the act was null and void in a speech he sent out to the governor of Massachusetts along with his council. In 1796, Adams was elected as the federalist nominee for president. Thomas Jefferson led opposition. During his presidency France and Britain began a war, which started a political uproar for the United States causing Adams administration to focus on diplomatic efforts for France, when France denied the United States and later after the war died down Adams lost his favoritism from the public and lost his re-election to once opposed Thomas Jefferson. Alexander Hamilton born January 11, 1755 on the island of Nevis in the British West indies. Hamilton was part of George Washington’s administration, and one of the leading figures. Hamilton was also a nationalist, who stood for the “wealthy elite” meaning he believed the government should protect the wealthy. Hamilton’s goal...
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...imposed trade restriction in order to weaken each other’s economies. Resulting in testing the Americas Neutrality and hurting their trading. Jefferson passed this document restricting neutral trade to the U.S. docs Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists (1780). Stronger central government, state representation from states each 2 representatives, no Bill of Rights, Articles of Confederation useless, because states had more power, wanted larger public, and they believed in large farming and industrialization,.. antif federalist, wanted state rights, wanted add the House of Represeantives, Bill of Rights, they thought the aritcles needed to be ratified not taken away completely, smaller public, believed Americas future is small farming Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans (1790s) – Hamiltonians (known as federalist party) vs. the Jeffersonians (Democratic Party) Differences between Federalist stances (1780s) vs. Federalist Party stances (1790s)- Federalist of 1780-Stronger central government, state representation from states each 2 representatives, no Bill of Rights, Articles of Confederation useless, because states had more power, wanted larger public, and they believed in large farming and industrialization.. Federalist Party Stances of (1790)- Led by Alexander Hamilton strong central government led by the wealthy and industry, emphasis on manufacturing ,trading, and shipping.. loose interpretation...
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...There are similarities and differences between Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist controversy. The Federalist and Anti-Federalist controversy explores the views of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The Federalists supported the Constitution, and they wanted the Constitution to become law or ratified. Moreover, the Federalists wanted and believed in a strong, central government. The Federalists consisted of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. On the other side, there were opponents of the Constitution (the Anti-Federalists). The Anti-Federalists thought the Constitution would give the government too much power and control; there was no Bill of Rights to protect the people and their rights from...
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...Jefferson vs. Hamilton: Confrontations that shaped the Nation Thomas Jefferson was born in affluence to his father, Peter Jefferson, a rising young planter in the Virginia colony, and his mother, Jane Randolph, who held a high status within the colony as well. Due to his father’s prosperity Jefferson was afforded the absolute best in the ways of education, starting with private tutors at the age of five, then moving on to learn how to read Greek and Roman and finally taking his studies to the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg which he would say is “…what probably fixed the destinies of my life…” (5). On the other side of the spectrum, Alexander Hamilton son of James Hamilton, a Scotsman of a well-known family but never flourished on his own, and his mother, Rachel Fawcett Lavien, who had left her husband to live with James Hamilton. Hamilton’s early life was just that his father “drifted away” and his mother passed in 1768. Lacking wealth, Hamilton’s educational opportunities in his young life were nonexistent; however this did not stop him from gaining a vast knowledge of business and finance that he would later on use in his services to President George Washington. In addition to these politically influential men’s different early lives, they have their differences in opinions. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were not just on different issues that shaped the nation, but they were at the head of those differences. Jefferson distrusted the federal government...
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...had a debt that they needed to pay, yet the country had no money or credit support from other countries to do so. Hamilton believe that shifting power from the state level to the national level would get things done, hence wanting a complete ratification of the constitution. They were a couple key things that the Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist were looking to implement; a stronger and centralized government to solve national problems, a national bank, and a strong executive. The way the Federalist would back up their contentions was by believing that the government needed necessary means in order to fulfill its ends. One example is that under the Articles of Confederation the United States takes full responsibility of paying off debt, Hamilton and the Federalist argue that in order to fulfill that end they must implement a stronger government who can raise more revenue but in order to do that must be given the means. In Federalist No. 23 it states. “…because it is impossible to foresee or define the extent and variety of national exigencies, or the correspondent extent and variety of the means which may be necessary to satisfy them” (Alexander Hamilton, APT “The Federalist No. 23”, Pg. 116). Hamilton believe that the problems the country can face were endless and the government need to be given the means (more power) to meet the certain...
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...United States Constitution are the historical documents that have been the building blocks of democracy that America is known for today. The Articles of Confederation are in many way an extension of what makes up the United States Constitution. In 1777, there wear a combination of thirteen states that came together to mold a type of government document that the United States could determine as “central” style of government. These states included New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. By late 1787, the Articles of Confederation were replaced by a more complete United States Constitution. There are several differences and similarities that lead to this American government transformation. The origination of the Articles of Confederation were a dynamic that was set into place in order to safeguard the union of states from any foreign control. It was a time in which the newly born states were yearning to be a set of sovereign states but stay independent from British colony control. Thus, the Articles of Confederation were originated. There were several important aspects of the Articles of Confederation that helped the United States reach a somewhat government goal. In the articles, states were allowed to collect taxes from its citizens in order to further the development and provide the necessities of that state. Each individual state was permitted...
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...concerning the structure of America's new government. Differences in these ideas caused people to separate and take sides, leading to the formation of Political Parties, each with their own unique set of opinions and beliefs. Political parties that formed in the United States got their start in Washington's Cabinet. Thomas Jefferson, the Secretary of State, and Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, began the divisions that would produce two separate parties with disagreements over presidential affairs. Hamilton designed a five step financial plan that he believed would help the new country recover from the economic crisis it was now in as a result of the Revolution. Jefferson disliked almost every aspect of this plan and encouraged Washington against it. Throughout their time as members of Washington's Cabinet, similar conflicts were frequent. The personal feud between Jefferson and Hamilton became evident to the public, causing dissent and segregation among the population....
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...imposed on a domestic product in the history of the newly formed United States of America, imposed by the government and Alexander Hamilton as an attempt to collect enough money in order to pay the part of $52 million federal debt, accumulated through the Revolutionary...
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...The differences between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists are apparent and complex. The Federalist Party most famously included: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. Their overall vision was to create a strong, central government. Moreover, they were against the Bill of Rights, favored the Constitution, and supported the urban areas. They felt that a stronger national government and the ratification of the Constitution would help relieve the tensions following the American Revolution and would help properly manage the debt. Hamilton guaranteed the delegates that the Constitution would create a perfect balance between liberty and power. Anti-Federalists who opposed the ratification insisted that the Constitution would focus more on the latter. The benefits of Federalism include a protection against tyranny, since the power is divided between the national government...
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...and many with different ideological views. Washington’s first order of business was to establish his Cabinet. The Department of State, under the first secretary Thomas Jefferson, was responsible for U.S. diplomatic problems. The Department of Justice, under General Edmund Randolph, was responsible for enforcing the laws and an administration of justice. There was also the Department of the Treasury, which was overseen by Secretary Alexander Hamilton, and was responsible for managing government revenue. Lastly, the Supreme Court was established which was the governing force of the federal government; this is where federal cases were disputed. With the initial set up of the federal government system, came the first political parties of the U.S. government. Each political party had its common interests and views which was there main focus in their way of governing. The first two political parties were called the Federalists and the Republicans. The Federalist Party was initially established by Alexander Hamilton and his followers. The Federalist Party’s main focus was on having a strong central government to oversee the people and the states government as well. They believed that a federal government should have complete power over the states and governing, and that state government rights should be limited, as well as for its people....
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...to come out of the revolution, and despite their differences, the Founding Fathers unified in order to ensure freedom for Americans....
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...George Washington never ran for president, he was unanimously elected. He received all 69 electoral votes. Throughout his presidency, he faced many challenges that led to creative and rigorous thinking. For example, there were some economic problems he faced. Like taking one war debt from the revolutionary war. Secondly, he faced the country being split into 2 political groups. He had a lot of pressure being put on his shoulders, which led to quick thinking and critical decision making. As the first president, he had no example and had to be very creative in setting up the government for our newly established country. During Washington's presidency, he faced a series of economic problems. He was leading the country out of the revolutionary...
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...The Articles of Confederation was the first type of operating system that the United States operated under. It first took effect in 1781 and then was replaced by what is the Constitution known today. The U.S. Constitution took effect in 1788. The Constitution shifted a lot of decisions, laws, and military authorization from the state level to the federal level, thus making every state have similarities. There were many simulations and differences between the two doctrines that ruled America. However there were more differences between the two then there are similarities. The major similarities between the two was that they were both written by the same people, just at different times. Both doctrines state that one state cannot enter into war by itself, the central government is in charge of the value of the money, term limits to the...
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