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Dig Tech K Maps


Submitted By gshunsbergerjr
Words 934
Pages 4
Question 1 (2 points) Question 1
Looping on a K-map always results in the elimination of:
Question 1 options: variables within the loop that appear only in their uncomplemented form. variables that remain unchanged within the loop. variables within the loop that appear in both complemented and uncomplemented form. variables within the loop that appear only in their complemented form.
Question 2 (2 points) Question 2
In a K-Map the number of squares in a cover (loop) is allways a power of two.

Question 2 options: True False
Question 3 (2 points) Question 3
What theorem is used when two terms in adjacent squares are combined?

Question 3 options: Uniting


Multiplying and factoring


Question 4 (2 points) Question 4
What law of Boolean algebra justifies using a 1 on a map in two or more covers (loops)?

Question 4 options: Commutative laws

Associative laws

Distributive laws

Idempotent laws

Question 5 (2 points) Question 5
For a three-variable map, which squares are "adjacent" to square 6?

Question 5 options: 2,3,4,7



None of the above.

Question 6 (2 points) Question 6
For a four-variable map, which squares are "adjacent" to square 8?

Question 6 options: 8,9,12,13



None of the above.

Question 7 (2 points) Question 7

The figure above shows the truth table of a four variable F(A,B,C,D) and four K-maps. Which K-Map corresponds to the function F?

Question 7 options: A




None of the above

Question 8 (3 points) Question 8

How many prime implicants are present in the Karnaugh map given?
Question 8 options:

Question 9 (3 points) Question 9 Saved

The figure depicts a Karnaugh map of a four

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