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Direct and Indirect


Submitted By jessikaray
Words 492
Pages 2
Direct and Indirect Cash Flows
July 9, 2014
Jessika Ray
Christopher Phillips

Direct and Indirect Cash Flows
When a company is trying to convert the net income from an accrual basis to a cash basis they would use either the direct method or the indirect method. When completing the conversion the company will have the ability to come to the same total amount for the “net cash provided by operating activities.” Even though the company can use either method to come up with the same total there are different steps used with each method.
The method which is used by most companies is the indirect method because it is more cost effective and easier to use. This method is also the best way to reconcile reported net income to cash provided by operations. When computing the cash flow from operations you would begin with the net income for the company. Then add back any non-cash expenses such as depreciation and amortization. You will also need to make adjustments for gains and losses on any sales or assets during the period in question. When making the adjustments you will need to add the losses in and subtract out the gains. There needs to be an account for changes in any non-cash assets. These are any current assets the company has during the period. Finally, you must account for changes in any and all assets and liabilities. These assets and liabilities do not include notes payable or dividends payable.
On the other hand the other method is the direct method. This method is not as appealing to companies because it requires more information than the indirect method. The company would be required to produce any and all cash receipts from sales and add interest and dividends. Then you would deduct any cash payments which were used for purchases, operating expenses, interest, and income taxes. Each one of these steps has its own equation which needs to be

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