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Direct To Consumer Genetic Testing Case Study

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Personalized medicine has been promulgated by the scientific community as a new paradigm in healthcare service. Direct-to-consumer genetic testing involves the marketing of genetic tests to consumers directly so that tests may be ordered without going through a healthcare provider. There are more than a few companies that offer health-related genetic testing for direct purchase by the consumer; however, further scrutiny of these companies demonstrated that overall, these biotech companies do not provide enough information for consumers to make well-informed decisions. Of the several concerns raised by direct-to-consumer genetic testing, biotech companies do not consistently offer genetic counseling services nor information on the clinical value of the tests provided. Moreover, consumers are susceptible to being misled by the results of invalid tests and without genetic counseling, they may make important decisions …show more content…
Criticism also stems from the methods by which these companies advertise and market their genetic tests. These advertising campaigns tend to overstate the importance of genetic testing, provide misinformation about risk of disease, and overemphasize genetics in healthcare. There are significant concerns with personalized medicine albeit its great promise in the healthcare arena. The key issues raised by direct-to-consumer testing focus primarily on the potential harm of such tests and the lack of regulatory or professional organization, but there are also broader issues about genomics and society involved. Potential unauthorized use of genetic information by genetic testing companies and third parties could result in an invasion of consumer genetic privacy. The concept of informed consent is derived from the principle of autonomy and supports counseling that fosters a complete understanding and disclosure of the risks and

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