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Directed Reading-Thinking Activity


Submitted By gbailey101213
Words 919
Pages 4
Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA)
EDUC 302 Instructional Practices for Reading Teachers

Complete the template below.

|Teacher Candidate: Gabrielle Brown |
|Student Grade Level:1st |
|Reading Selection (narrative, informational text, or story): Where Butterflies Grow by Joanne Ryder |
|Directions |
|See text page 215 and 363 for details and examples. If you are not presently teaching, you can still conduct this activity with at least three elementary aged |
|children. |
|Have students focus on the title and illustrations and ask them: |
|“What do you think this story will be about?” |
|“Why do you think so?” |
|Write students’ predictions on chart paper or the board. |
|Direct students to read to a logical stopping point. Then ask:

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