Premium Essay

Disaster Recovery Plan / Enterprise Continuity Plan


Submitted By bobdixon
Words 2423
Pages 10
Disaster Recovery Plan Enterprise Continuity Plan

This presentation will explore the different parts and pieces necessary for a successful Disaster Recovery Plan / Enterprise Continuity Plan. More specifically, this presentation will provide information needed to garner and bolster support for such a plan from the university’s executive team. A well prepared, maintained and rehearsed recovery and/or continuity plan should have the ability to keep the university up and running throughout any type of disruptive event.

DRP/ECP Team Members & Roles
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Crisis Management Team Administrative Support Team Damage Assessment Team Recovery Coordination Team Corporate Communications Team Human Resources Support Team Site Restoration Team Transportation Support Team System Restoration Team Voice Recovery Team and End-User Tech Support Team

The Crisis Management Team should be a cohort of upper level management that will be responsible for all significant decision making in response to the current event. Only specific members of the Crisis Management team should be authorized to declare an emergency and decide on the appropriate action. Key responsibilities of this group include: analyzation of preliminary reports, disaster declaration, determination of appropriate response, activation of contingency plans and notification of team leaders (Hiles, 2010). The Administrative Support Team includes representatives from all major departments who can provide ongoing support and logistics for any needs of the Crisis Management Team. Key responsibilities of this group include: setting up the emergency command post, ensuring that administrative duties have been addressed, coordination of internal notifications and gathering of forms and supplies needed for disaster recovery (Hiles, 2010). The Damage Assessment Team is formed by individuals from

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