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Discover the Chief Health Benefits that have made Moringa Tea Famous * Boosts energy levels * Improves digestive function * Improves mental clarity/focus * Promotes sound sleep * Provides all vital vitamins * Contains several important minerals * Is an extremely powerful free radical fighter * Moringa has very high levels of fibers * Cleanses and Detoxifies the body of infectious toxins * Strengthens your immune system * Enhances sexual desire and performance * Fights cancerous cells * Slows down the aging process * Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin * Alleviates diabetes * Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levels * Helps maintain healthy heart function * Minimizes inflammation * Improves Blood Circulation * Prevents artherosclerosis * Enhances visual acuity * Helps stabilize normal blood sugar levels * Helps improve patients suffering from leukemia, dengue * Fights general depression and stress * Supports weight loss * Improves upon your overall physical strength
If you’re looking into living a very long life… and… staying young and healthy… this very well could be the most important message you will ever read.
One small common malungay tree is taking on the entire world’s illnesses…and winning!
The secret all lies within how cells in your body die. Did you know there are only TWO ways for a cell in your body to die?
Apoptosis – The Good Way
The process where a damaged cell signals for a white blood cell to come and destroy it thoroughly.
The Result: No leftover parts of the cell to damage other cells.
Necrosis – The Bad Way
The destructive process cells go through unassisted: Electrons fall off into other cells wrecking havoc and causing everything we know as aging, including non-genetic diseases.
They become free radicals.
The Result: The body ages, develops Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Tumors, High Blood Pressure, etc…
So theoretically, if you could stop Necrosis from happening, you would stop aging completely and live healthy forever!
The only defenses we currently have against Necrosis are Antioxidants. Antioxidants are natural compounds shown to block or ‘soak up’ the extra cell parts (free radicals) left over from Necrosis.
The Result: Slower aging, less illness.
There are thousands of compounds in nature that are considered to be Antioxidants, but they are always found in very small concentrations. Within the last six years, the most concentrated source of antioxidants has finally been discovered.
The most powerful antioxidant on earth is Dried Moringa Leaves. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds work best when combined with other antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Nature allowed for a better efficacy when combined, a synergy of the compounds being much more effective than a single compound. Moringa contains the following antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds or compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics.
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B (Choline), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6, Alanine, Alpha-Carotene, Arginine, Beta-Carotene, Beta-sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic Acid, Campesterol, Carotenoids, Chlorophyll, Chromium, Delta-5-Avenasterol, Delta-7-Avenasterol, Glutathione, Histidine, Indole Acetic Acid, Indoleacetonitrile, Kaempferal, Leucine, Lutein, Methionine, Myristic-Acid, Palmitic-Acid, Prolamine, Proline, Quercetin, Rutin, Selenium, Threonine, Tryptophan, Xanthins, Xanthophyll, Zeatin, Zeaxanthin, Zinc.
Anti-inflammatory compounds:
Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Arginine, Beta-sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic Acid, Calcium, Chlorophyll, Copper, Cystine, Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, Fiber, Glutathione, Histidine, Indole Acetic Acid, Indoleacetonitrile, Isoleucine, Kaempferal, Leucine, Magnesium, Oleic-Acid, Phenylalanine, Potassium, Quercetin, Rutin, Selenium, Stigmasterol, Sulfur, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Zeatin, Zinc.
There are over 46 antioxidants and 36 anti-inflammatory compounds all naturally occurring in the Moringa plant. This is why people prefer Moringa as the best natural source of anti-oxidants.Moringa Tea is here now being delivered to us by MORINGA ysp Tea in condensed powdered form from the Miracle Tree Moringa Oleifera.
Moringa ysp Tea is made of pure moringa leaves freshly harvested and packed using the latest, advanced Japanese technology – exclusive at Yumeshoji Trading based in Cebu.
Moringa ysp is also presently being exported to major countries like Japan and Germany. Growing number of satisfied consumers have already given their testimonials including how various ailments like influenza, dengue, diabetes, stroke, obesity, various digestive system disorders, high cholesterol have been addressed
In a joint collaboration with a German alternative medical Doctor Oliver Hill Ph.D. and Japanese herbal specialist, we have developed the most sophisticated MORINGA LEAF POWDER and TEA with the following characteristics:

1) Low temperature chamber processed.
2) Advanced Packing System 100% Organic
3) BFAD Registered
4) Halal Certfied
1 aluminum pack contains 30 tea bags,1 tea bag/1.500 mg total of 45 mg/pack good for one month consumption one tea bag a day.
Moringa, scientific name Moringa oleifera of the family Moringaceae, is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses.
It is dubbed as “miracle vegetable” by the Department of Agriculture because of its wonders.
Malunggay in Tagalog, it is known for its rich vitamin content and it is often used by breastfeeding mom to increase their milk. It is a good source for calcium and phosphorus. Nutritional analysis has shown that malunggay leaves contain larger amounts of several important nutrients than the common foods often associated with these nutrients.
Moringa’ s Key Benefits:- | Clinically proven | | Bind up to 28% of fat intake | | Reduce excess weight | | Reduce blood cholesterol | | Suppress appetite | | Weight management |
These include vitamin C, which fights a host of illnesses including colds and flu; vitamin A, which acts as a shield against eye disease, skin disease, heart ailments, diarrhea, and many other diseases; calcium, which builds strong bones and teeth and helps prevent osteoporosis; potassium, which is essential for the functioning of the brain and nerves, and proteins, the basic building blocks of all our body cells.
Recent studies done in India disclosed that malunggay is a potential source of anti-cancer compounds. It contains phytochemicals that may help foil cancer cells. It is also beneficial for women with problems in reproductive organ like epithelial ovarian cancer. malunggay has anti-oxidant that helps cure arthritis, kidney diseases and heart complication.
According to Mark Fritz of Los Angeles Times, gram for gram of fresh kalunggay leaves provide seven times the vitamin C of oranges, four times the calcium of milk, four times the vitamin A of carrots, three times the potassium of bananas, and two times the protein of yogurt.
Interest is growing in the use of malunggay in addressing malnutrition in developing areas of the world. Also because of its high vitamin and mineral content, in Africa it has become popular as a locally produced nutritional supplement for individuals infected with the HIV/AIDS virus.
It has been used successfully to combat malnutrition among infants and women of childbearing age. In Africa, nursing mothers have been shown to produce far more milk when malunggay leaves have been added to their diet, while severely malnourished children have made significant weight gains when the leaves have been added to their diets. It is commonly added to porridge increase its nutritional content.
There is no doubt that the pure malunggay leaf is the source of incredible health benefits. It is the ultimate, natural, organic, energy and endurance health supplement. India’s ancient tradition of ayurveda medicine sites 300 diseases that are treated with the leaves of the Moringa tree.
Malunggay leaf is organic and absolutely safe. There are no known side effects. It is one of the most secret performance enhancing products taken by athletes today who ingest megadoses that help them physically and mentally. It is great for people of all ages, especially oldsters who are losing their alertness.
On September 14, 2007, Philippine Senator Loren Legarda campaigned for the popularization of malunggay, after a recent scientific report that it boosts male potency. Research at the Bureau of Plant Industry found that a steady consumption of its fruit increases sperm count: “helps to raise sperm count and mobility, which both translate to increased opportunity for the sperm to fertilize an egg .” It is also rich in high density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. Malunggay also helps to purify water, a cheaper alternative to mechanical filtration.
Moringa oleifera?
Moringa oleifera Lam is the most widely cultivated species of the monogeneric family Moringaceae (order Brassicales), that includes 13 species of trees and shrubs distributed in sub-Himalayan ranges of India, Sri Lanka, North Eastern and South Western Africa, Madagascar and Arabia. Today it has become naturalized in many locations in the tropics and is widely cultivated in Africa, Ceylon, Thailand, Burma, Singapore, West Indies, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Malabar, Malaysia and the Philippines (Fahey, 2005).
Moringa oleifera is considered one of the world’s most useful trees, as almost every part of the tree can be used for food, or has some other beneficial property.
In the tropics it is used as foliage for livestock. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses.
The Moringa oleifera plants is absolutely power-packed with nutrients and minerals, including Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Copper, Flourine, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Osidum, Selenium, Sulfur and Zinc, Vitamins A, B, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Folic Acid, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, and vitamin E.
Medical Properties of Moringa?
According to Fahey, J.W. (2005), the known medicinal uses/effects of all the parts of Moringa tree are:
Anti-Bacterial • Infection • Urinary Tract Infection • Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV)
• Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1) • HIV AIDS • Helminthes • Trypanosomes • Bronchitis • External sores/Ulcers • Fever • Hepatic • Anti-Tumor • Prostate • Radio Protective • Anti-Anemic • Anti-Hypertensive • Diabetes/Hypogclycemia • Diuretic • Hypocholestemia • Thyroid • Hepatorenal • Colitis • Diarrhea • Dysentry • Ulcer/Gastritis • Rheumatism • Arthritis • Headache • Antioxidant • Carotenoids • Energy • Iron Deficiency • Protein, Vitamin/Mineral Deficiency • Lactation Enhancer • Antiseptic • Catarrh • Lactation • Scurvy and Tonic • Dental Caries/Toothache • Common cold • Snakebite • Scorpion bite • Digestive • Epilepsy • Hysteria • Antinutrietional factors • Abortifacient • Aphrodisiac • Birth control • Asthma • Cardiotonic • Flatulence • Anti-spasmodic • Rubefacient • Vesicant • Gout • Hepatamegaly • Low back/Kidney pain • Splenomegaly • Syphilis • Typhoid • Earache • Throat infection • Anthelmintic • Skin cancer • Joint pain • Warts • Goitrogen
What are the nutritional values of Moringa leaves?
Nutritional analyses indicate that Moringa leaves contain a wealth of essential, disease-preventing nutrients. They even contain all of the essential amino acids, which is unusual for a plant source. Since the dried/powdered leaves are concentrated, they contain higher amounts of many of these nutrients, except vitamin C.
Moringa Leaves Compared to Common foods
The following graphs show a comparison of the nutritional content of fresh Moringa leaves and dried Moringa leaves compared to common foods, gram for gram. Again, nutritional contents of these common foods can also vary depending on varieties, seasons, location, climate, and soil conditions. For example, some studies show higher iron content for spinach and higher potassium content for bananas. The data for fresh Moringa leaves and common foods come from Gopalan, et al.1 Data for dried Moringa leaves come from Fuglie.
Why is Dried Moringa the Best?
Within 6 hours after being picked off the plant, the Moringa leaves begin to loose their precious vitamins and Mineral value. This is why the preparation and process is vital to you and how you consume Moringa Tea. The two best ways to preserve Moringa’s vitamin value is to either Freeze them or Freeze dry them.
Dried Moringa – Less Expensive and Easy to Use
The easiest most effective way to take advantage of Moringa is to take an easy to use dietary supplement called Moringa Tea. Moringa Tea use dried Leaf to preserve its powerful characteristics, giving you all the benefits of eating moringa right off the plant. This incredible product can be taken with just 1 small teabag a day, giving you 1,500 milligrams of 100% Pure Moringa Leaves, up to 10 times more than seen with overpriced multivitamins products.
The following figures show a comparison of the nutritional content of fresh Moringa leaves and dried Moringa leaves compared to common foods. All values are per 100 grams of edible portion.

Do Moringa leaves have any negative side effects?Moringa leaves have not been found to be toxic. Very extensive health and safety studies conducted at the Noguchi Memorial Medical Research Centre in Ghana determined that Moringa leaf powder has no toxic elements. Absolutely no adverse side effects from even the most concentrated Moringa diet were observed. | Is it safe to feed pregnant women and infants with Moringa leaf powder?In 1997-98, Alternative Action for African Development (AGADA) and Church World Service tested the ability of Moringa leaf powder to prevent or cure malnutrition in pregnant or breast-feeding women and their children in southwestern Senegal. Malnutrition was a major problem in this area,with more than 600 malnourished infants treated every year. During the test, doctors, nurses, and midwives were trained in preparing and using Moringa leaf powder for treating malnutrition. Village women were also trained in the preparation and use of Moringa leaf powder in foods.This test found the following effects to be common among subjects taking Moringa leaf powder:* Children maintained or increased their weight and improved overall health.
* Pregnant women recovered from anemia and had babies with higher birth weights.
* Breast-feeding women increased their production of milk. Properties |
Malunggay is not originally from the Philippines but from Arabia, where it is called Moringa, and from India, where it goes by the name Sajina. It eventually could be found in most countries around the world, and is called by its scientific name, Moringa oleifera. One of the main reasons so many people use Malunggay is because it has been found to have an astonishing amount of nutrients, and can be used in many medicines. It is also used for children with malnutrition and to boost the diet of pregnant women. It is also used for AIDS victims. Malunggay is full of nutrients. Gram for gram, it contains more Vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than oranges, and more potassium than bananas.
It is also known to survive even the toughest conditions, including droughts. That is why it can live in most places; it is extremely adaptable. It is being used in many poor areas of the Philippines. It seems to have adapted very well to the climate of the Philippines and appears to endure the droughts and the typhoons because of its long roots. Its use is becoming widespread in the Philippines. Why is Malunggay so popular? What can malunggay do to help the Filipino people? Can malunggay be used to make medicine? If so, how? What are some of its major nutritional values? Is it safe to eat? Can it be used to help people with nutrition problems? Is it possible to find new places and environments to grow malunggay? What kinds of vitamins are found in the plant? Why is this plant more beneficial than most others? How does it affect people? Why is it not more well known? Is there any way to create a paste or pill using malunggay to help people with nutrition problems? Recent observations show that the people of the Philippines add malunggay to everyday meals and they especially use it when a woman is pregnant because of the nutrients. Malunggay is now in many medicines. It has been shown to be effective against H. Pylori, a bacteria causing ulcers, as well as several other forms of bacteria. It has been shown to help fight cancers and tumors in mice. Not only does it have the potential to help fight disease and prevent malnutrition, it is said to be beneficial in a variety of ways including, oil for cooking, use as a plant growth enhancer and, due to its long roots, erosion control. It could be enormously useful to the people of the Philippines. The initial purpose of this project will be to research the nutrients of malunggay. Through firsthand observations and research, malunggay will be tested on how easy it is to grow, how it tastes and how it helps reduce malnutrition. These findings will help guide the experimental phase of the project.
It is hoped that the uses identified for malunggay can be shared with the local community, which may improve the nutrition and livelihood of the people able to use it for improved health.

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Common Names and Synonyms Malunggay (Philippines) scientific name is Moringa oleifera. It is also known as The Miracle Tree. Because of its popularity it has gathered many more names including Mulakkaya (Telugu), Tamil (murungai), Nuggekai (Kannada), Mulakkaya (Telugu), Marathi (Shevaga) and is commonly called the horseradish tree, benzolive, drumstick tree, kelor, marango, mlonge, nébéday, saijhan, and sajna.

Classification Kingdom: | Plantae (Planta, plantes, plants, Vegetal) | Phylum: | Magnoliophyta (angiospermes, angiosperms, flowering plants, phanérogames, plantes à fleurs, plantes à fruits) | Class: | Magnoliopsida (dicots, dicotylédones, dicotyledons) | Order: | Brassicales (eurosids II group of dicotyledons) | Family: | Moringaceae (Moringa) | Genus: | Moringa (Adans. – Moringa) | Species: | Moringa oleifera (horseradish tree) |

There are many types of M. oleifera (drumstick tree). They have been given a Nomen number: 24597; the Place of publication is Encycl. 1:398. 1785 and the name was verified on: 27-Oct-1995 by ARS Systematic Botanists. main table of contents... Morphology and Physical Description

It is perennial tree that is short, slender, and deciduous. It grows to about 10 meters tall. It has thin and drooping branches with brittle stems. The bark is corky and its leaves are pale green and feathery. It has many small leaflets that are about 1.3–2 cm long and 0.6–0.3 cm wide. Its flowers 2.5 cm in diameter, borne in sprays, with 5 at the top of the flower and are fragrant and either white or creamy-white. Its pods are brown and triangular, and they split lengthwise into 3 parts when they are dry. They are 30–120 cm long, 1.8 cm wide, and have about 20 dark brown seeds. The roots are thick and long.

It grows best in dry sandy soil, but can grow in most types of soil, even in costal soil. It is a fast-growing tree that is drought resistant. The plant is propagated by plant cuttings that are about 1–2 m long. The plant starts bearing pods 6–8 months after being planted but regular bearing starts after the second year and bears for several years. This tree is not able to bear frost or freezing. Is thrives on the sun and likes heat. Malunggay tends to be very fragile on the outside main table of contents.
Getting Food Malunggay, like most plants, feeds on the sun, water and the nutrients the plant gets from the minerals in the water. Through the process of photosynthesis, which uses light reactions, the plant makes glucose. This is the plants main energy source. The other process the plant uses to make glucose is night reactions. The plant also uses nitrates in the ground and pulls them into the roots. Because of Malunggay deep roots it is able to get plenty of nutrients form the ground. That is why it is used in most countries. In the Philippines, Malunggay is propagated by cuttings that are about 1-2 meters long. It is preferable to plant Moringa in the months of June to August. The seed can be geminated all year round. It grows best in dry sandy soil. main table of contents... Reproduction Malunggay reproduces ether asexually and sexually. Asexually, is a process that does not involve meiosis or syngamy. It reproduces by having spores/pollen in the flower being transported to another flower by animal transport or wind pollination. The pollen lands on the stigma. Then the spores/pollen goes down the pistil into the ovary fertilizing the seeds. Sexually, the plant reproduces when two plant exchange genetic material fertilizing a seed. main table of contents...
Environmental Factors Malunggay grows best in dry, sandy soil. But because of its long root system, it is able to grow in almost all climates and can survive droughts. The plant is used as food for many people and highly nutritious. It is resistant to many of the common pests, but termites and some caterpillars have been known to damage the plants. Some farm animals such as pigs and cows will eat the leaves and pods. If there is too much water, the roots can rot. It is now being used world-wide. main table of contents...
Origin and Distribution The origin was India and the Middle East, Africa and the Himalayas. The plant was idely developed and adapted to parts of tropical America, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Malabar, and the Philippines. It has taken root and is now used all over the Philippines, especially in poor areas. main table of contents...
Importance to People It is eaten for food in many ways including vegetable curries, added to soups, in salads, for pickling, and as a substitute for horseradish. People have dried the leaves to preserve the nutrients and then later put it into food. It has also been made into oil which is used for making perfume and hairdressing. But the most common use is eating the plant for nutrition. Malunggay is also a good vegetable to farm because it is easy to use for food and to grow as a crop. The nutrients in malunggay are also a big factor in why it is used so much. Malunggay has an amazing amount of nutrients as seen in the chart above.
Malunggay is often cooked with chicken as tinola or is cooked with fish and other vegetables. Good with mango soup dishes.

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Survivability and Endangered Status

The Malunggay has a low endangered status; in fact it is one of the most popular plants around the world. Because of the deep root systems it is able to survive almost any place in the world. In fact it is widely being used all over the world. It is not endangered; it is flourishing. A company called Biotechnology has now established 30 malunggay plantations that cover 3000,000 hectares nationwide. The owner of these plantations is now looking to buy another 200,000 hectares in Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Davao, Ilocos, Pangasinan and Bohol. main table of contents...
Potential Solutions
Is there a way to educate the Filipino people to start using malunggay as a practical solution for the problem of malnutrition in the Philippines? Through research the malunggay has proven to be a high source of nutrients. It has been named the “miracle vegetable” repeatedly. “Malunggay has been promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the past 20 years as a low-cost health enhancer in poor countries around the globe.” It has not yet been established if malunggay has any side affects. Further research and field studies about possible toxins in malunggay are needed. There seems to be several potential livelihood projects that may be able to assist the Filipinos that have malnutrition problems. Below are two possibilities with an analysis of the advantages and the progress made to date on each of them.

Possibility 1 - When looking for a plant for this project, malunggay seemed like the perfect candidate. It can survive in very hot temperatures and even the dry season. It also has more almost all types of soil, it can be planted almost anywhere. Through an after school club I was in called “DERT CLUB,” I learned about how it was full of nutrients and very healthy. Later in an internet article called ‘Moringa Oleifera: The Tree Of Life,’ I leaned that malunggay is good cooked, and can be cooked in many different ways. Also nearly all parts of malunggay are edible. Through “DERT CLUB” I purchased three malunggay plants. Then two weeks later, I planted three more plants in our yard from cuttings of other malunggay trees near our house. Through “DERT CLUB” I learned how to take care of malunggay and what they need to live. The malunggay had been growing at my house for about six months when I started this project. I was looking for a plant that could survive anything and was healthy to eat, so malunggay seemed perfect.

Action Step After choosing this project I decided to test if malunggay enhances or detracts from the flavor of food, or has no impact. I did this by cooking two soup samples. Two batches of soup were made; they were made exactly the same. The only difference was that one sample had malunggay in it and one did not. I asked our helper to assist in the cooking and the choice of the ingredients used so that the soup would be Filipino-style cooking. We worked together to make the soup samples.

The following recipe was used:

Mongo Bean Soup With/Without Malunggay

Amount | | Ingredient | | 250 | grams | mongo beans | boiled in water until soft | 1 | tablespoon | cooking oil | | 1 | tablespoon | garlic | diced | 1 | small | onion | chopped | 200 | grams | chicken | cut into bite-sized pieces | ¼ | teaspoon | salt | | ¼ | teaspoon | pepper | | 1 | whole | Chicken Knorr Cube | | 2-3 | cups | malunggay leaves | rinsed and drained, optional |

Directions: 1. Cook mongo beans; drain. Set aside the water from the cooked beans. 2. Warm skillet. Add oil. 3. Sauté the onion and garlic in the oil over low heat until translucent, about 5-10 minutes. 4. Add salt and pepper. 5. Add Knorr cube to vegetables and gently stir. 6. Add chicken to skillet and cook until no longer pink and lightly browned. 7. Stir in the cooked mongo beans and cook about 5 minutes. 8. Add in the water from the cooked mongo beans and cook for another 30 minutes over medium low heat. 9. For mongo bean soup with malunggay, add malunggay and stir. Cook until just simmering and then remove from heat.

After cooking the soup, the next part of the action step was to find people who would try a sample of both soups and choose which they liked the best. I thought it might be hard, but it didn’t take that long. On the corner of our street, many tricycle drivers wait for people who want a ride out of our subdivision. Sometimes they wait a long time. They are not too busy and seemed like a good group to ask. They were very willing to help. We also asked some of our neighbors to try the soup too. I used paper cups and plastic spoons so that germs would not be passed from person to person. While the taste-testers were eating the malunggay I told them about the nutrients in the malunggay and how it was so healthy to eat. A copy of the basic nutritional facts was also given out to those who sampled the soup. All this went well. I was finished with this part of the action step in about an hour. The following chart shows the results of the taste preferences with or without malunggay: As can be seen by the findings, the mongo bean soup with malunggay in it was preferred by 100% of the group. The people who tried the soups liked both kinds; however all stated that they liked the soup with malunggay much better. I thought that some people would not like mongo beans, but everyone that was asked to taste a sample liked mongo bean soup. Because this is a common and well-liked dish in the Philippines, it is a good way to encourage the use of malunggay. Advantages: (1) Malunggay and mongo beans are both inexpensive. Since poverty in the Philippines is so prevalent, a high-nutrient source of food is needed to replace the nutrients that are missing in everyday meals. Mongo beans and malunggay are both easily grown and economical feasible. Some of the money that would have normally been spent on more costly foods can be used for other needs. With malunggay, people who are in poverty can more likely have a well-rounded diet. (2) People will be able to hear the facts about malunggay and the many ways it can help with malnutrition. While most people know about malunggay, they don’t know all the possible ways it can be used and how much it can help them. Malunggay is often used for pregnant woman but not for everyday cooking. Now they can learn to use it in most things helping them to get better nutrition. (3) A taste test allows people to experience the difference malunggay can add to foods, making simple, everyday foods like mongo bean soup more interesting to eat. As seen in the results, people liked malunggay in mongo bean soup much better than without it. Through having them taste malunggay, they see how it affects the food, making it more attractive in taste, color and texture. This will encourage them to use malunggay more and therefore have better nutrition while making the food more desirable. (4) Written facts in the form of a pamphlet describing the nutrients in malunggay will make the information stay in their thinking longer. It can also be referred to later, or shared with neighbors, family and/or friends. Also, if the written form is left in the home, people will have a reminder that they should use malunggay with their food. (5) Since a person with no experience, like me, was able to easily grow the malunggay in our own yard, people will believe that they can do it too. Since malunggay grows in almost any soil, any small space is enough to plant malunggay. A big yard is not needed and not even good soil is required. It also grows wild in many places and so it is easy to find. Disadvantages:

(1) Some people may not like malunggay or mongo beans. People’s tastes vary and even though most like these foods, some might not. In my research of this project, one person was quoted as saying, “Without fail, each lunch or dinner meal would commence with her “special soup” with malunggay……I did not like it. In fact, I probably dreaded it. The slimy dark green leaves had a bizarre mouth feel for an 8 year old.” Not all people like malunggay. So that is one problem with this experiment. Also, it might be good to have two kinds of soup in case someone does not like mongo beans. Malunggay can be used in a variety of foods so other foods might be used also. Malunggay powder could also be used. (2) Even though malunggay is tough, it might die. Some people might not have the room to plant malunggay by their house. If the person is living in a squatter village then they might not have a yard or even a small place to plant the malunggay in. Also they might not have a place where the malunggay will get enough sun and water. (3) Some people, especially those without much education, may not understand English. The presentation was done in English. Many Filipinos don’t know more than surface English. The taste give-a-way would do better if it was done by a Pilipino in their native language. If nothing else, that they could understand the concept better. (4) The cost of the plastic spoons and paper cups might make this project difficult to repeat on a large scale. Maybe just spoons could be used, or even paper scoops made.

main table of contents... Possibility 2 - As is well known, lots of people in the Philippines have malnutrition problems, especially the people who live in the province or in squatter villages, or in tenement housing, like the one pictured here. While Malunggay is common, not all people have access to it. If the seeds of malunggay or small starter branches could be given to those in financial need, it might help with the malnutrition problem. 100 grams of fresh malunggay leaves, compared to equal amounts of other food products, has: four times the calcium of milk, seven times the Vitamin C of oranges, four times the Vitamin A of carrots, three times the potassium of bananas, .75 times the iron of spinach, and 2 times the protein of yogurt. Since malunggay seeds are so easy to buy and plant, malunggay could be grown in starter pots and later given out to many on a large scale. main table of contents... Biblical Rational We know that when God created the earth, He was pleased with the result. This is shown by Genesis 1:31, "God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." His care did not stop with creation. Psalms 104: 14 points out that His care continues until the present. “He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate-bringing forth food from the earth." Because of God’s concern, man is given specific instructions that he is to take care of the land. For example, care for trees is mentioned in Deuteronomy 20:19. "If you besiege a town for a long time, making war against it in order to take it, you must not destroy its trees by wielding an axe against them. Although you may take food from them, you must not cut them down. Are trees in the field human beings that they should come under siege from you?"

Since God created the heavens and the earth we should take care of it. Buy not only the earth, but also mankind. One way to do this is to take care of the people inhabiting this earth. Like helping the people who are starving or don’t get enough nourishment to have healthy bodies. People should take care of what God has given them, including the earth we live on. Bibliography Duke, James A. “Moringa oleifera Lam.” Handbook of Energy Crops. unpublished. 7 January 1998. “Growing Moringa for Personal or Commercial Use.”

Laurena, Antonio C. “Malunggay for Wellness and Business.” 6 October 2007. presentation?from=email&type=share_slideshow&subtype=slideshow

“Malunggay / Horseradish Tree.” 5 November 2005.

“Malunggay.” 24 July 2008.

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Olson, Mark E. “Moringa oleifera Lam.” 1999.

Pati, Kumar. “MALUNGGAY”

Smit, Gino. “General Moringa (Malunggay) Presentation.”
February 2009. %20malunggay.pdf

Tacio, Henry “Malunggay: The Miracle Vegetable.” 2003 – 2009. Young, Richard Alan. “Bible Verses on Creation Care.” August 2001.

Oil right: Malungai Life Oil is a highly concentrated food supplement from malunggay leaves and seeds. It comes in a convenient and easily-digestible capsule made from seaweeds and has become the choice of health-conscious individuals who prefer organic and natural solutions.
The diverse health benefits of malunggay (Moringa oleifera) are no longer just a myth. While India’s ancient Ayurvedic tradition lists at least 300 medicinal uses for the plant, various modern scientific studies have shown that apart from being one of the world’s most nutritious crops, malunggay, likewise, has medicinal effects.
“The benefits of malunggay for increased milk production in lactating women have been thoroughly documented,” says pediatrician and public health specialist Marthony P. Basco, citing studies showing that women taking malunggay three months into pregnancy experience a more rapid onset and more abundant milk production when their child is born. “Studies indicate that ounce per ounce, malunggay contains seven times more vitamin C than oranges; four times more vitamin A than carrots.” Dr. Basco continues, “It has three times more potassium than bananas; three times more iron than spinach, three times more vitamin E than almonds, and two times more protein than yoghurt. Containing four times more calcium than milk, it is a preferable calcium source in an Asian population where lactose intolerance is more common.”
Malunggay or moringa has been called the “miracle tree.” It is otherwise known as the drumstick or horseradish tree, Indonesian kalor, Thai marum, chum ngay in Vietnam, la mu in Chinese, munaga in Hindi, and morango in Spanish. Partly because it is easy to propagate and can withstand a wide range of environmental conditions, the vegetable is cheap and readily accessible. However, the old appellation of malunggay as “poor man’s vegetables” is no longer quite accurate, and non-governmental organizations like Trees for Life, Church World Service and Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization have advocated moringa as “natural nutrition for the tropics.”
Other than a rich food source, however, specific components of Moringa preparations have been reported to have hypotensive, anticancer, and antibacterial activity. The results of the studies have been published in mainstream scientific journals.
“Admittedly, there are many anecdotal claims about the various curative properties of the plant,” says Dr. Basco. “But more and more biochemical and clinical studies worldwide have been proving that, in fact, there is basis to these claims.” Controlled studies by experts following stringent laboratory methods and standards have shown that malunggay has anti-arthritic properties and is a potent inhibitor of the Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), a herpes virus that is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis that is also associated with various types of human cancers.
Lifestyle Feature ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch:
In a study by Bharali, Tabassum and Assad of the Department of Biotechnology, University of Gauhati in India, moringa “has shown chemopreventive potential against chemical carcinogenesis in the liver.”
As a rich source of vitamin C, malunggay strengthens the immune system and fights infectious diseases including colds and flu; and its high calcium content is beneficial for bones and teeth.
A paper by Jed W. Fahey Sc. D of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Science mentions that “numerous studies point to the elevation of a variety of detoxification and antioxidant enzymes and biomarkers as a result of treatment with Moringa or with phytochemicals isolated from Moringa.” Perhaps, this is the basis of the vegetable’s antioxidant/ anti-aging claims.
Additional reported therapeutic and prophylactic uses being investigated include wart prevention and treatment; urinary tract infection treatment; prevention of dental caries and toothache; antihelminthic (to remove intestinal parasites); and cardiotonic benefits (or pertaining to the efficiency of contractions of the heart muscle). Malunggay is also believed to aid in lipid and blood sugar control; and is traditionally used for the treatment of colitis, flatulence and ulcers. Likewise, studies are underway on moringa as an “enerceutical” that affects alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathways.
The value of malunggay goes beyond its biological benefits, however, and one need not convince Filipinos to eat malunggay — whether in the form of leaves or fruit. As an essential component of food favorites chicken tinola, dinengdeng, or ginisang munggo, eating malunggay is a cultural thing. To get the purported health benefits, however, the vegetable should be eaten regularly. The difficulty is that supply from the market sources can prove erratic. Add to that the reality that space limitations in urban areas can prevent enthusiasts from maintaining garden patches where they can grow the vegetable, and obtaining a steady supply of malunggay can become a problem.
Fortunately, there is Malungai Life Oil, a highly concentrated extract obtained from malunggay leaves and seeds. As a highly concentrated food supplement that comes in a convenient and easily-digestible capsule made from seaweeds, it has become the choice of health-conscious individuals who prefer organic and natural solutions. Malunggay is grown away from urban areas in farms located in Nueva Ecija and Los Baños to lessen air and water-borne pollutants, and the technology protocol involves a system where leaves and seeds are cold-pressed to preserve the nutritional value of the extracted oil. An added benefit is that even the malunggay’s chlorophyll is extracted. The current popularity of chlorophyll in supplements lies in the fact that it is believed to promote wound healing, has antioxidant properties to fight free radicals; helps stimulate the production of red blood cells, and promotes good blood circulation.
But why use food supplements at all? We need to take better care of ourselves because our changing lifestyles expose us to more stress and toxins. Because of this, Malungai Life Oil is a top choice. As “the pure power of nature,” containing roughly one kilo of malunggay leaves in each capsule, we expect to reap all the advantages of ingesting a concentrated extract from “the tree of life.”

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