...The advent of the internet has made having an illicit affair easier than ever before. Their company mandate “Life is short, have an affair”. Based in Toronto, Ashley Madison is an online dating service marketed to people who are already in a relationship. The company encourages discreet encounters through its controversial slogan “Life is short, have an affair”. The company’s website goes as far as to guarantee an affair within three months of signing, providing full refunds to customers who failed to have an affair in that time period. The question that comes to mind is, is Ashley Madison profitable? Given what a controversial subject this company is based on, you might expect the opposite. However, while Ashley Madison has had trouble marketing its website due to ethical considerations of stakeholders, it is a company that has had financial success over a prolonged period of time without showing detrimental signs of leaving anytime soon. As one of the only companies in the industry of dating for married people, Ashley Madison has seen increasing growth in its member base, now at 32 million members. Since its launch in 2001, Ashley Madison has accumulated 110 employees and now operates in over 30 countries. An interesting case discussed in class was whether or not the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) should invest in Ashley Madison. In 2009, Ashley Madison offered to purchase $200,000 worth of advertising on TTC streetcars. The planned campaign featured a streetcar’s...
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...To Choose or Not to Choose When I read this topic, I knew right away this was going to be my essay subject. In the world of dating, I feel very strongly about whether you should choose your own dates. I have had the experience of allowing someone to arrange a date for me, which has only solidified my feelings on the matter. Although there are some advantages in going on an arranged date, I feel the disadvantages are far greater. So when asked “to choose or not to choose?” The answer is simple; I say “choose!” In the world of dating, what I consider the “pre-date” stage is that period of time when you decide to ask someone of interest out on a date, choose the time and place, and work out the details. With a bit of luck they will agree and then with much anticipation, you wait and prepare for the event. How you initially meet a person will vary; it could be someone from your social circle, someone you meet by chance or even someone you have conversed with online. In every scenario, someone has caught your attention and you decide to put yourself “on the line” and ask them out. Not so in an arranged date. One strong advantage to the “arranged” or “blind date” is there is little to no “pre-date” effort on your part because the work is done for you by a third party. There is no chance that you may be turned down or have your pride hurt, because the date itself is a sure thing. Consequently, there is also no guarantee of any attraction on your part. You have no idea if any...
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...The aim of this essay is to identify how gender is represented within the media, particularly looking at examples from the television show How I Met Your Mother (Fox, 2005-2014). Looking at how both male and females have been stereotyped, how it affects the audiences, using research from scholars Stuart Hall, Gaye Tuchman & George Gerbner to support and extract information to my argument. Representation has been defined by Oxford dictionaries as ‘the act of speaking or acting on behalf of someone’(Oxford dictionaries, Online, 2015). Media representation are the ‘ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspective’ (Twin cities, Online, 2015)...
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...is going to promote the benefits and applicable use of debate as a teaching strategy. There are many teaching strategies used today. Each is specifically distinguished and with its own discipline. Teaching strategies break off into braches to create types of lectures that fit with the learning styles of the students. There are a number of teaching strategies, some are: Role playing; where simulations in class can be an excellent way to engage students. Case studies; these have been used for actively engaging students in problem solving applicable to their discipline. Effective discussions; engage students in thinking and analyzing or in defending one side of an issue, rather than listening to lecture. Debates; where students are forced to deal with intricacy and gray areas and are rooted in rich content. Alongside these teaching strategies we have lecture types which consists of: Informal oral essay; a type of persuasive lecture. Expository; which explains the ‘what and why’ of the subject. Provocative; this...
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...SAFM_1.1_05_art_Jha 1/9/09 3:25 PM Page 65 Studies in South Asian Film and Media Volume 1 Number 1 © 2009 Intellect Ltd Article. English language. doi: 10.1386/safm.1.1.65/1 Looking for Love in All the White Places: A Study of Skin Color Preferences on Indian Matrimonial and Mate-Seeking Websites Sonora Jha Seattle University Mara Adelman Seattle University Abstract A preference for light skinned females is a global bias that affects all areas of human relationships, especially in marital mate selection. Further intensified by the meteoric rise in Internet dating and mate selection, this bias often serves an invalidating function for darker-skinned women. This study (1) analyzed ‘profiles’ and ‘preferences’ of brides and grooms (N=200), and (2) coded ‘success story wedding photos’ (N=200) posted on four Indian matrimonial websites. Results showed an overwhelming bias among males for brides lighter-skinned than themselves. Males were also more likely than females to state a preference for skin color in their prospective brides, and to use qualitative words like ‘beautiful’ and ‘lovely’ to describe their preferred match. Most significantly, the ‘success story’ wedding photos consistently had lighter-skinned brides than grooms. Darkskinned women were almost non-existent in these ‘success stories.’ This research points to a technology-abetted intensification of colorism. That is to say that the powerful profile ‘menu’ options and the visual imagery of predominantly...
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...Question 1 (a) i. Motorola Company ‘To be the leading product provider of innovative products that meets the expanding needs of customers around the world’ There are a lot of customers around the world, thus there’ll have different needs and wants demand by customers. Motorola would like to be the leading product provider. So, it has to be a product provider that can provide innovative products for all the customers in orders to fulfill what have been demand by the them. It can complete its tasks through the providing portfolio of technologies, solving method and services. ii. Honda Company "Maintaining a global viewpoint, we are dedicated to supplying products of the highest quality, yet at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction." Its mission statement is also known as their company principle. Honda company is trying to offer products at sensible price for customers in orders to fulfill customers’ contentment. It will offer the highest quality product in sequence to maintaining the global viewpoint. If the Honda management team works accordingly to the Management Policies it will definitely lead the company to achieve their mission in future. So, we now can see that Honda Company has a lot of brunches at all around the world in order to expand their business. iii. AirAsia “Create a globally recognized ASEAN brand” AirAsia provide the cheapest ticket that can let traveler travel to any Asian destination compare to other air line company. It is...
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...XXX10.1177/1529100612436522Finkel et al.Online Dating 2012 Research Article Online Dating: A Critical Analysis From the Perspective of Psychological Science Psychological Science in the Public Interest 13(1) 3–66 © The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1529100612436522 http://pspi.sagepub.com Eli J. Finkel1, Paul W. Eastwick2, Benjamin R. Karney3, Harry T. Reis4, and Susan Sprecher5 1 Northwestern University; 2Texas A&M University; 3University of California, Los Angeles; University of Rochester; and 5Illinois State University 4 Summary Online dating sites frequently claim that they have fundamentally altered the dating landscape for the better. This article employs psychological science to examine (a) whether online dating is fundamentally different from conventional offline dating and (b) whether online dating promotes better romantic outcomes than conventional offline dating. The answer to the first question (uniqueness) is yes, and the answer to the second question (superiority) is yes and no. To understand how online dating fundamentally differs from conventional offline dating and the circumstances under which online dating promotes better romantic outcomes than conventional offline dating, we consider the three major services online dating sites offer: access, communication, and matching. Access refers to users’ exposure to and opportunity to evaluate potential romantic...
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...Media coverage of crime is always accurate. The view of Media representing crime as an accurate one is not entirely true, since the dawn of time people have wanted to learn about what’s going on around them, within their streets and communities as well as further afield nationally and internationally, crime in particular in all its guises is probably the most fascinating and main topic for discussion and exploration by the general public, the Media institutions are only too happy to help out in this reporting , of course with a financial cost to the public, but not necessarily with reporting truths or with integrity, within this essay I will demonstrate instances of inaccuracy through the research. There are many on-going debates into Mass Medias influences on crime and violent crime in particular, but is this a true reflection of the current culture crisis or a fabrication to sell copy, taking for instance the Murder case of James Bulger in 1993, after the then 10year old boys Robert Thompson and Jon Venable led 2year old James away from a shopping centre in Liverpool to a brutal /senseless and pointless murder the Media was instantly ‘all over’ the case , even though a murder of children by children was extremely rare the reporting of and style of reporting throughout the case was reflecting to the public all that was now wrong in Britain, The Sun instantly called for ‘a crusade to rescue a sick society’, a ‘breed’ of violent children , single mother parenting , and...
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...debating which option the company should pursue. As the two whizzed down the car pool lane, passing cars stuck in traffic, they reflected on eHarmony’s success. This online personals site targeted marriage-minded individuals and offered a unique product which combined an extensive relationship questionnaire, a patented matching system and a guided communication system. Despite charging a premium for its services, eHarmony had experienced phenomenal membership growth while its competitors stalled. As a consequence, it was able to increase its paying membership base to slightly less than a half of its largest competitor, even though it entered the market six years after they did. The success of eHarmony did not go unnoticed. From the beginning, competitors had been copying some of the company’s product features and closing the price gap. More recently, Match, eHarmony’s biggest competitor, had increased its advertising expenditures by 80 percent. Some of the increase was aimed at reviving Match’s sagging growth. However, most of it was spent on supporting the growth of Match’s new dating site, called Chemistry, which like eHarmony was a match-making service. It utilized different matching criteria and methodology, and was priced roughly 10% below eHarmony. To make matters worse, free personals sites and online...
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...PRINCE GEORGE'S COMMUNITY COLLEGE Welcome to Psychology 1010 Fall 2015 (Tu/Th, ________ – ______ p.m. / Marlboro Hall – Rm. #1104) (August 25 – December 3) INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Janet E. Barber Psychological & Sociological Sciences and Human Svcs. OFFICE/HOURS: Marlboro Hall –M1104/2057 (Tu/Th, 3:25p - 4:25p) The best way to contact the professor is by email. By appointment: Online Office hours via Bb IM: Thursdays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm PHONE NUMBERS: Professor: (301) 322-0900 x 4143 Social Sciences Office/Phone No.: Marlboro Hall #2054 (301) 546-0525 EMAIL ADDRESS: BarberAJ@pgcc.edu (24 hour response time) The best way to contact the professor is by email. Note: All credit students (with the exception of Howard Community College students enrolled at Laurel College Center) are required to use Owl Mail for all college communication. Students, please be sure to place PSY1010-LD14, 16 or 17 in the subject line so that your email will not be overlooked, confused with another class section, or mistakenly deleted. Thank you. Monday – Friday your emails and phone messages will be returned within 24 hours. Your weekend...
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...Madhuri Suresh COM 101 Online Application Assignment 1 Bringing across an idea or opinion to another person, is no simple task. It is a challenge with no assurance that the recipient will understand your views as you intended. This challenge is predominant with strangers or acquaintances who do not have background information about the character or nature of the person they are talking to. Unfortunately, close relationships with someone regardless of partner, parent or friend are no exception to the risk of miscommunication. In the attempt of understanding communication processes better, many academics have created models of communication. They attempt to encapsulate the factors necessary for ideal communication into the representation of...
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...Stephanie Miller English 1020 11/26/13 Research essay Your life is busy and you try to keep up with your family and friends. What better way than social media? Most people use things like Facebook, twitter, Myspace, emails, and Skype. When your single and looking to date or a way to meet new people you also use social media, such as eHarmony, match or other dating sites. Social media has made it very easy, and plays a big role in our lives every day, but does it affect your personal relationships? How did the world communicate before cell phones, internet, and e-mail? We used a land line to call people if we wanted to talk. We used the postal services and sent thing though the mail. If something was really important we faxed documents. If you wanted to meet new people you went out and socialized. Many decades of people communicated and had relationships without social media. Before social media if you wanted a job you went out and went job hunting. Now if you want a job you just pick up the computer and look at sites online. You fill out applications on line and wait for the phone calls. The new age of social media has made socializing very easy, but do you really know who is on the other end of the message you just sent? Social media is a new way to get information from people and use it for other things. You have been talking to this guy for six months, and you believe that you are in love. Now this guy is asking you to send him money, so you send him some money just...
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...1 AC 19‐3‐2012 Item No.4.17 University of Mumbai Revised Syllabus for the S.Y.B.A. Program: B.A. Course: Psychology Semester III & IV (As per Credit Based Semester and Grading System with effect from the academic year 2012–2013) 2 Programme – Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) Credit Based Semester and Grading System S.Y.B.A. Psychology Syllabi To be implemented from the Academic year 2012-2013 Semester III Course Course Code Title UAPSY301 Social Psychology: Part I UAPSY302 Developmental Psychology: Part I Units 1. The Field of Social Psychology 2. Social Cognition 3. Social Perception 4. Attitudes 1.Introduction - Beginnings 2.The Start of Life; Birth and the Newborn Infant 3.Physical Development in Infancy 4.Cognitive Development in Infancy Credits 3 Marks 100 ( 60 +40) 100 ( 60 +40) 3 Semester IV Course Course Code Title UAPSY401 Social Psychology Part II Units 1. Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination 2. Social Influence 3. Aggression 4. Groups and Individuals 1. Physical, Social and Personality Development in the Preschool Years 2. Cognitive Development in Pre-school years 3. Physical, Social and Personality Development in Middle Childhood 4. Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Credits 3 Marks 100 ( 60 +40) UAPSY402 Developmental Psychology: Part II 3 100 ( 60 +40) UAPSY 301 Semester III. Social Psychology: Part I (Credits = 3) 3 lectures per week; 45 lectures per Semester Objectives: 1. To impart knowledge of the basic concepts and...
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...section Vi essay forms Many people use the term “essay” to mean any paper written for a class. In actuality, there are many different types of essays, each of which has a unique purpose, form, and style. We call these different types of essays “modes of discourse,” and they include expository, persuasive, and comparecontrast essays to name just a few. This section of the Guide has a dual purpose. First, various types of essays are described and suggestions are included about how to approach each particular type of writing. Second, the sample essays are good tools for you to see how these different essays look in their final form. These are not templates (no essay can be a carbon copy of another even in form), but they will give you a good idea of what a final piece of writing for each mode of discourse looks like. It would be advantageous to critically analyze the form and content of each sample against the instruction for how to write each type of essay. chapter 21 expository essays Jennifer propp An expository essay explains something using facts rather than opinions. The purpose of this type of essay is to inform an audience about a subject. It is not intended to persuade or present an argument of any kind. Writing this type of essay is a good way to learn about all the different perspectives on a topic. Many students use the expository essay to explore a variety of topics, and do so in a wide range of formats, including “process” and “definition”...
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...Social Networking Past, Present and Future CIS 105 Floyd Ball Dr. Esteban September 8, 2010 Abstract In this paper the reader will come to know of the past, present, and future of social networking. The reader will be supplied information on the infant years of social networking and the questions when and why it was created will be provided. The information supporting the history of social networking will be withdrawn from the website (http://www.digitaltrends.com/features/the history of social networking). The advantages and disadvantages of Social networking will be examined and discuss. Giving the reader a better understanding of why Social networking has over the years become a trend for man people all over the world (http:/ezinarticles.com). Social networking has evolved into a common medium for the individuals who just do not have the time to socialize anymore. This and the ramifications of the evolution of social networking will also be explored. The reader will be given examples of how and why social networking has become such a phenomenon. In the completion of reading this paper the reader will better understand some of the steps and processes of securing and protecting themselves when you using social networking. This information is vital because while social networking can be another outlet into making friends and sharing and receiving ideas and perspectives it to can be used by others with malicious motives. Finally the reader will be able to explore...
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