Disney’s Backyard Brawl
If I was a member on the city council I would vote against SunCal plans to build in the resort district, I believe that Disney’s future development will bring more revenue and therefore more taxes paid out to the County and very likely employment opportunities for the community. I do think that Orange County has an obligation to provide affordable living to its residents. Orange County also has the ability to support SunCal plans at a different location. I also think that Orange County should protect Disney’s interests in the resort districts especially since Disney continues to be the biggest contributor to the area’s development. Further research reveals that Orange County has resources that can address this issue like Orange County Housing Authority, The Fair Housing Council of Orange County and the HUD program. Retrieved from http://ochousing.org/
I don’t think Disney has an obligation to provide nearby affordable housing for its employees but it may be in Disney’s best interest to consider being part of the solution. Disney’s employees posses a significant salience because they are a major part of the Disney experience that the tourists look for.
In an ever changing business environment, talents are hard to find and job market can become competitive and in Disney’s case their end product is to give the tourist the magical experience, so by attempting to help the city provide some solutions to affordable housing, Disney will ensure longevity, loyalty as well as increase productivity from their employees.
If I was the CEO of Disney I would collaborate with the Orange County Community Service division to help find affordable housing solutions that will ensure the satisfaction of Disney’s employees and reflect Disney’s support of the community. I would advocate for Disney’s employees using different departments at Disney Corporation such as Public relations and Media support to heighten the awareness of this matter. I would consider starting a home purchasing assistance program similar to tuition assistance offered by many corporation.