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District Attorney Interview Questions

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The legal system in America offers voter the ability to choose whom they wish to appoint into the office of a legal official, giving power based solely on the people and the votes that they cast. In the Sutter area we have several positions that come into the effect of preserving and nourishing our basic human rights, while also taking care of the environment and the ecosystem. The elected officials in the Sutter area are picked primarily through the votes of the local people that live in the district. For this interview, I decided to interview District Attorney Ms.Amanda Hopper, whom was elected in her position. The district attorney of each county makes large decisions on the innocence of a person, offer plea bargains to reduce sentences for crimes, but they may also conduct their own trials with a specially picked group of peers watching. This fascinated me as Ms.Hooper helps the county on the behalf of balancing difficult choices to assure that she helps keep the streets of the city free from people that could be harmful. While the District Attorney is displayed in many shows as being a useless side person that is harsh and has a ‘what I say goes’ attitude, Amanda works closely with other members in her office and people in the court system. …show more content…
Therefore, there is a small hint that some candidates may use to attempt to get a term in office through promising drastic

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