...Veronica Roth writes a dystopian series called Divergent that explores the life of a sixteen year-old girl named Beatrice “Tris” Prior. In the story everyone belongs to one of five factions; Abnegation, Amnity, Candor, Dauntless and Erudite. At sixteen years of age each adolescent is expected to take a test that determines where he or she belongs. The initiation ceremony held each year are where the adolescents declare which faction they are more like and belong to. In the beginning of the story, the readers learn that the main character Tris is in fact a divergent, someone that belongs to more than one faction. The story follows Tris’s choices and actions throughout the course of the series. This series is filled with ethical dilemmas and how Tris deals with them. Readers follow Tris through her experiences as the faction system becomes corrupted and controlled by Erudite, the faction that focuses on intelligence. Jeanine, the faction leader of Erudite is obsessed with the idea of “divergent” and believes them to be dangerous. Because of Tris being...
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...help people and be nice to everyone? Amity does that. Ever feel the need for all of it or more than just one? that’s Divergent . In the book “Divergent” by Veronica Roth there is sets of people when the government divided picked what they thought was best to restore their government. This book contains romance in more ways than one and has a big adventure ahead for Tris. It is set at the Dauntless headquarters sometime in the future....
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...Veronica Roth had the right idea when writing her book series Divergent. The faction system, specifically caught my attention. In modern society, there are many issues with the American education system and the faction system could be the way to fix it. Americans face difficulties in the American education system: from students getting suspended for plagiarizing to students getting suspended for being late to class. The only way to fix this problem is to separate students into groups based on their willingness to participate in school. In the story, there are many people who do not fit into just one faction and in America, there can not be a straight separation of groups or it would be considered segregation. Therefore, the plan is to create a variety of groups for students to be taught in. There is always room for...
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...Black Mass In “Divergent” political oppression is visible throughout the entire novel in many interesting ways that can be easily observed in fiction as well as reality. Besides fiction helps us explore areas that we do not yet understand completely by building further on the concept that is already understood. The biggest area explored in “Divergent” is oppression. Something seen throughout the whole world as well. So what is the putrid, vile thing that makes so many people fall into this slump of monotony and indifference? This plague and sickness is fear. Not the type of fear that acts like a natural alarm for harmful meaningless pain but the fear that has no significance. According to psychology today “Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger—if we didn't feel it, we couldn't protect ourselves from...
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...thinking involves all of these thinking styles, plus fluency, flexibility, and originality. Let’s say that you would like to find creative uses for the millions of automobile tires discarded each year. The creativity of your suggestions could be rated in this way: Fluency is defined as the total number of suggestions you are able to make. Flexibility is the number of times you shift from one class of possible uses to another. Originality refers to how novel or unusual your ideas are. By counting the number of times you showed fluency, flexibility, and originality, we could rate your creativity, or capacity for divergent thinking (Baer, 1993). Divergent thinking is widely used to measure creativity. In routine problem solving or thinking, there is one correct answer, and the problem is to find it. This leads to convergent thinking (lines of thought converge on the answer). Divergent thinking (see ✦Figure 1,...
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...world is changing quickly and a person who can think creatively and find innovative solutions for everyday problems can adjust more easily. This essay describes very broadly only a few of the factors that influence student creativity in schools. There is no standard definition of creativity. However, the main two criteria are the singularity and usefulness of the creative activity’s result. Creativity has been grouped into two main categories: Big-C Creativity and little-c creativity. Big-C encompasses mostly people with very unique talents and/ or skills (Mozart, etc) and scientific discoveries, paradigm shifts, etc. Little-c is a term for a much more widespread kind of everyday creativity. For example finding new ways to use ordinary items. A more specific example: turning a car into a sauna. Little-c creativity is the kind of creativity that everyday life in schools should pay attention to and develop. The type of thinking that is associated with creativity, is divergent thinking. It often happens spontaneously and generates lots of ideas, associations, etc. Unfortunately, mostly only convergent thinking has traditionally been encouraged in most school subjects. Convergent thinking follows certain steps to find the right answer. It is a myth that only art, music, crafts, etc can develop student´s creativity and divergent thinking. It can also be done for example, during a physics, chemistry or math lesson. Finding solutions...
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...Entrepreneur ambidexterity Ambidexterity = the ability both to explore and “search for new, useful adaptions”, and exploit through “the use and propagation of known adaptions”. This is vital to the survival and performance of organizations. Firms should maintain a balance between exploration and exploitation. There has been scant attention to what makes an individual ambidexterious. Several reasons warrant the examination of entrepreneur ambidexterity in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs): 1. Small business have limited resource endowments. Since exploration and exploitation compete for scarce resources, attention and organizational routines, the situation is likely to heighten the paradoxes facing entrepreneurs. 2. Most SMEs are owned and managed by one individual or a very small group of individuals: the owner-manager makes virtually all the strategic decisions. Ambidexterity: 1. Literally: the ability to use both hands with equal ease. 2. In management: used to refer to an organization’s ability to do two seemingly paradoxical things simultaneously: * To explore and exploit * Be efficient and be flexible * Align and adapt Distinction between exploration and exploitation (March): * Exploration: includes things like research, variation, risk-taking, experimentation, play, flexibility, discovery, innovation. * Exploitation: includes thing like improvement, choice, production, efficiency, implementation, execution...
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...Essay writing Writing skills are particularly important for management students. Once statements are made in writing, they are much more difficult to retract or change so the meanings of sentences need to be concise and clear. It is therefore vitally important to develop your skills in this more formalised and rigorous form of communication. The following suggestions should help in preparing your essay: Planning: Before you start writing it is important that you know enough about the topic to form an argument in response to the question set. Make sure you have read enough – not just textbooks or lecture notes. Planning your essay is very important. Another key step before you put pen to paper, or finger the keyboard, is to work out a structure for your essay. Making the structure explicit will help you be clear about your overall line of argument. Equally, being clear about your line of argument will help shape your sense of structure. For these reasons IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO DECIDE THE THEME AND ARGUMENT OF YOUR ESSAY BEFORE YOU START TO WRITE. However many of you will also find it useful to try writing parts of the essay in order to work out your structure and plan your argument. Writing a structure plan does NOT mean writing a list of everything you want to include in the essay – the ‘shopping list’ approach. Rather you need to think through the logical steps of the argument. What information or points do you need to make before you can argue a certain line...
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... 1. Write English Essay - Free Essay Writing Samples Online Adwww.curriki.org/writing-essays 1. Get Samples for Teachers & Students * Support Child Education * Register With Us * Open Educational Resource ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form Search Results 1. www.scribendi.com a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative. 2. anything resembling such a composition: a picture essay. Essay | Define Essay at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com/browse/essay More about Essay Feedback Essay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/?title=Essay Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing giving the author's own argument, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story. Michel de Montaigne - Five paragraph essay - Application essay - Introduction Writing Tips: Essay Builder - WritingDEN www2.actden.com/writ_Den/tips/essay/index.htm Explores the parts and provides step-by-step directions for writing essays. Essay | Define Essay at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com/browse/essay a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative. 2. anything resembling such a composition: a picture essay. Images for essayReport images More images for essay Essay Structure | - Harvard...
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...Creativity is one of the most difficult mental functions to study. While a concrete definition remains illusive, it has been established as a multifaceted phenomenon (Kitto, Lok & Rudowicz, 1994). One facet that is an important component of creative potential is divergent thinking (Vosburg, 1998), this is the ability to generate several alternative solutions to a problem. The mental processing involved occurs in such a way as to activate as many mental representations as possible, maintaining only a weak connection to the original stimulus (Molle, Marshall, Wolf, Fehm & Born, 1999). One of the more popular methods for assessing creative potential then, is through the administration of divergent thinking tests (Mumford, Marks, Connelly , Zaccaro & Johnson, 1998). In these tests people are requested to generate as many alternative answers as possible to a series of ill-defined, open-ended problems (Brown, 1989). The number of ideas used in answering the problem are counted, and can be taken as a performance measure of creative thinking. On the other side of the scale is convergent thinking. Here, very strong mental associations are maintained which upon activation come to a single conclusion that can only be either right or wrong , with a clear connection between the mental representation and the original stimulus (Molle et al., 1999). Thus, two opposite modes of thinking seem to exist, each serving a different function and each having tests that tap...
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...Academic essay on Annie Proulx's "Job Story" Choices are something we all make. Not necessarily important choices, but there will always be a time to make them. It's not always good choices, but they have to be made. There will always be consequences, whether it's bad or good. Throughout the story, Leeland Lee has to make a lot of choices. Where to live, where to work and when to work. All the different choices he made, put him in the position he is now. Leeland Lee is an awkward-looking young boy. His face is heavily boned, which he has gotten from his mom, his neck is quite thick and he has red-gold hair. His eyes are as pouchy as a middle-aged alcoholic. His nose is broad and lays close to his face. Lori Bovee is Leeland Lee's wife. She has an undistinguished oval face, and hair of medium length. Leeland Lee is the protagonist of the story, because he is the main character. I would say Leeland is a flat and static character as he is an endless optimist. He doesn't give up when it comes to finding a new job, and despite his wife dying he still gets a job at Unique Eats. The reason he is a static character is because he doesn't change at all. After getting several different jobs he doesn't change anything, after his mom and wife dies he doesn't change one single thing except the fact he isn't listening to the radio anymore, but since that have been an important factor of the story all along, it can also show a lot about how he has changed. The story starts November...
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...Essay on “Job History” written by Annie Proulx In the short story “Job History” written by Annie Proulx, we follow Leeland Lee from the time of his birth, until he is about fifty years old. In the short story we follow Leeland through his harsh life, with ups and downs, in the form of thoughts, feelings, incidents, etc. Leeland is born in a ranch in Wyoming, and lives there with his wife Lori. Leeland does not look particularly good, in fact he is a very unattractive man; (page 91, line 12)“Leeland’s face shows heavy bones from his mother’s side. His neck is thick and his red-gold hair plastered down in bangs. Even as a child his eyes are as pouchy as those of a middle-age alcoholic, the brows rod-straight above wandering out-of-line eyes. His nose lies broad and close to his face, his mouth seems to have been cut with a single chisel blow into easy flesh” And in the top of that, we see how Leeland through his life, tries to find a successful career, but fails consistently. He moves various times from place to place, too seek occupation and good business. But it is hard when you’re a high school dropout, without a career. Leeland have to changes his job constantly, because of his lack of luck, and since he can’t get along white his bosses. He is never able to stay at one job or place for long, which lead to problems in the family. He has a hard time supporting his wife, and their children financially. Throughout the story the author, Annie Proulx manages...
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...An essay is a piece of writing which is often written from an author's personal[->0] point of view[->1]. Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism[->2], political manifestos[->3], learned arguments[->4], observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. The definition of an essay is vague, overlapping with those of an article[->5] and a short story[->6]. Almost all modern essays are written in prose[->7], but works in verse[->8] have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope[->9]'s An Essay on Criticism[->10] and An Essay on Man[->11]). While brevity usually defines an essay, voluminous works like John Locke[->12]'s An Essay Concerning Human Understanding[->13] and Thomas Malthus[->14]'s An Essay on the Principle of Population[->15] are counterexamples. In some countries (e.g., the United States and Canada), essays have become a major part of formal education[->16]. Secondary students are taught structured essay formats to improve their writing skills, and admission essays[->17] are often used by universities[->18] in selecting applicants and, in the humanities and social sciences, as a way of assessing the performance of students during final exams. The concept of an "essay" has been extended to other mediums beyond writing. A film essay is a movie that often incorporates documentary film making styles and which focuses more on the evolution of a theme or an idea. A photographic essay[->19] is an attempt to cover a topic...
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...We all know love. We have all loved in some kind of way. We love our parents, significant others and even our friends. But we can also love other things like animals or material things. But what is the difference between loving and liking? And is it better not to love and feel pain or to love and be hurt in the progress? Jonathan Franzen seeks to answer these questions in his essay “Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts”. The essay “Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts” is, as mentioned, written by Jonathan Franzen and published in The New York Times, May 28, 2011. Jonathan Franzen is born in 1959, and he is an acclaimed American novelist and essayist. The essay is based on the commencement speech he delivered at Kenyon College in Ohio, USA. “Our technology has become extremely adept in creating products that correspond to our fantasy ideal of an erotic relationship, in which the beloved object asks for nothing and gives everything, instantly. (…)” As Franzen claims in his essay, many people can feel like they love their technological object. It gives them a satisfaction, which human interaction maybe wouldn’t. Franzen however thinks, that people in general don’t love material things: they like them. There is a major difference between loving and liking – even though it might appear small. “Liking, in general, is commercial culture’s substitute for loving.” Products are made to be likeable, but if that concept in transferred to a person, you would instantly see...
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...Reaction – “Salvation” The nonfiction short essay “Salvation” written by Langston Hughes in 1940, presents a theme on the literal and often manipulated perception of children. Hughes narrates the essay as he recounts his disappointing attempt at salvation. Hughes aunt told him that when she was saved by Jesus she saw a light, and felt something happen within herself. As children will do, Hughes took her story literally and was heartbroken as he sat in front of the church and watched other children “saved” while he was not. He believed that Jesus must not want him because he did not see or feel anything. In the end, Hughes is forced to lie about accepting Jesus and in turn rejects the Christian faith all together. I related to Hughes story on many accounts. I am a mother of three young children who perceive everything in life literally, and as a young girl I was raised in a very religious environment. I could visualize and almost feel Hughes devastation as he sat at the front of the church crushed by the thoughts of God not wanting him. “Still I kept waiting to see Jesus” (Barnet, Cain, & Burto, 2011, pp. 351). One of the churches that my family attended for a short time during my childhood practiced speaking in tongs. I specifically remember feeling just like Hughes during a service when other children were speaking in unnatural languages perceived to be sent from God himself. I could not understand why I was not chosen to talk for God and intern was hurt and...
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