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Diversity In Higher Education

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There is a plethora of aspects that adolescents dream about and think for their upcoming future. These young people dream of traveling to faraway places in all corners of the world or their dreams take the direction of being the next Freda Cello and or Steve Jobs. Then, there are some who wish to of expanding their mind and pushing themselves to broaden their perspectives in secondary education. In college, one of the aspects that will drastically challenge and change their perspectives is Diversity. College campus create an enriching atmosphere in which allows students to grow in their knowledge and experiences of different cultures, ideas, religion and tradition’s; however, college or universes can create a variety of issues with diversity …show more content…
College campus can provide the exposure that students need in order to experience and to learn about other people’s worlds. According to the Association for the Study of Higher Education, “… an institution's stance on increasing the representation of diverse racial/ethnic groups communicates whether maintaining a multicultural environment is a high institutional priority (Hurtado et al). The Association for the Study of Higher Education suggest that college campuses with a highly diverse population of students will provide the experience that a student needs. Universities similar in ideas can create a melting plot environment that students will thrive in and give them the help they need to live in a diverse country as America. Awareness of other ideas, traditions, religion, cultures, and many other things will create less conflict among different groups of …show more content…
The book, Everything’s an Argument, has suggested the following statement “The general principle here is our commitment to diversity has redefined the opposition to discrimination as the appreciation (rather than the elimination) of difference. So, with respect to race, the idea is just that racism is a bad thing (which of course it is) but race itself is a good thing.” This quote brings into light a very important aspect that is still present with diversity. There are many people who believe that racism has been destroyed and is not existence in modem America which is unfortunately false. Social media, newspapers, and other forms of media have given people of different racial groups to tell their stories of discrimination and prejudge. These stories are still everywhere today which should show Americans that racism is present and is still creating many issues. College students should be educated on this and gain awareness so that they can help combat racism in America. College campus can also promote racism by denying that it still exists and can create an environment where racism is tolerated if the issues is brushed under the rug. A major factor in ending racism is knowledge its prevalence in many different areas in American society. Through education of young adults and others, racism can be a less prevalent problem within in

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