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Ethnicity In Education

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Ethnicity on the Perception of Higher Education
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Introduction. Ethnicity has been a major concern all over the globe. Researchers have looked at how ethnicity affects most aspects of life: the social, political, and economic. In this paper, we will focus on education. How has ethnicity affected education? More specifically, how does ethnicity affect the perception of school beyond high school?
In high school institutions, the experience of multiracial students is similar to the general population of students. On the other hand, multiracial students in higher education will report a high level of academic barriers associated with their ethnicity (Smith & Maton, 2015). Consequently, minority …show more content…
Adjustments in the admission criteria to include minority ethnic students are being implemented. This will go a long way in improving morale from the ethnic students to join higher education. However, this adjustments in faculty and students have not been met with utmost confidence among the ethnic students and faculty as they doubt the commitment of the university to diversity. This distrust between the ethnic minority groups and the whites sparks up negative attitude and perceptions about higher learning.
Even in School beyond high school the minority ethnic students sometimes face unintentional racism during graduate intakes. The selection methods like competency frameworks, testing and using of A-level scores discriminate against some minority ethnic students who joined higher education through Further Education colleges. The interviewer bias also places the minority ethnic students at a disadvantage.
In general, it is seen that the minority ethnic students will often form negative perceptions about school beyond high school. The reason is mostly due to their past experiences and the current events in higher learning institutions. Trends are bound to change in the future as more people lose their racial views and begin treating all students as equals. Also, minority ethnic groups should adopt a more positive perception of higher

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