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Social Identity Paper

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Social Identities theory, it represents personal and social identity, these two terms can reflect the relationship between you and a group of people. We choose to find ourselves in our society in an easy way that helps us represent our roots, family, culture, and personal beliefs. Personal and social identity it is an important connection were we identify our social class and where we belong. Some of my social identities, I can say it varies base on my ethnicity, identity, race, religion and education. These terms helps me to identify my self as a white male Hispanic student, referring to the fact that I’m from Ciudad Juarez Chihuahua, and I live here in El Paso Texas for the passed sixteen years. I’m truly proud to be from Mexico, because …show more content…
Meaning that, it is a way to identify or describe our self versus chosen what are we, and what we want to be in life, in the most part we start growing and learning new things by watching other that are in our surroundings. These people like our families, friends from school, people from church or from work, they helps us find our self in the way, in how we see life by helping us to identify our real personalities. Referring to our ethnicity, our belief, morals, education, all these classifications helps us to identify what type of person you are Latino or Hispanic. I can say the only differences that I have done in this situation is the way that I help my brother and sister, helping them to develop new way of see life by helping identify themselves as part of their social

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