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Harmony-Seeking-Idealist: A Personality Analysis

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The personality the 41Q quiz matched me with was the "Harmony-Seeking-Idealist." This particular personality did not have very many career pathways that I could particularly could see myself doing. However, there were two that did sound kind of interesting. Those two were phsycologists, and photogrophers. The Harmony-Seeking-Idealist is said to be a very sensitive, yet forceful determined person who has great values and is typically known to do the right thing and is valued for that. Instead of being a "leader" nor "follower," my personality type is said to be "individualistic" or "original."

The Jung personality quiz matched me up with the personality type of the ESFP. People with this personality supposivley are best …show more content…
considering the 41Q test said I was more of an introvert than and extrovert and th Jung test said the exact opposite. However, they did have some simmilarities, like how they both said my emotions often come before my brain resulting in my results to be feeling over thinking. Furthermore, they hardly had much in common. Both of the tests or quizes were actually on the bridge of opposite which I personally find kind of interesting. As I have previously said, the tests had more differences rather than simmilarities. Some of the examples are extrovert vs introvert. The 41Q said that I was more on the introvert side of the scale; while the Jung test said I was an extrovert rather than an introvert. There was also two different opinions on sensing over intuition; with Jung saying I was more sensing rather than intuitive, and 41Q saying I was more intuitive than sensing. Judging over preciving was another subject that seemed to have two different answers. With 41Q saying I would judge before preciving; and of course, Jung saying the opposite. In conclusion, I am undecided if I completely agree with one quiz over the other. I honestly belive I am a mixture of

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