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Abraham Lincoln: 16th President Or Best President

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16th president or best president.
Abe lincoln was born february 12th 1809. He had many accomplishments and was the 16 president he was also ran for senate in 1858 but unfortunately lost to stephen douglas.
Lincoln also had 4 sons and was the president who abolished slavery.He preserved the union during the civil war and was known for his great personality.
He lived in kentucky from 1809 to 1816. Abe's mom died when he was young however his dad remarried to a girl named sarah and abe lincoln also had a sister named sarah.
Abes sons were named Robert Lincoln Tod William and Edward.
In March 1830 abe lincoln moved to illinois, there Abe was well liked and very popular and where he developed his liking to politics.
Then on november 6th 1860 Abe

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