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The Greatest Hero: Theodore Roosevelt

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Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president of the united states on March 4,1861. Lincoln was regarded as one of Americas greatest hero’s because he has such a huge impact on the nation, he had a big role as savior of the union and the emancipator of slaves. Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th president of the united states on September 14, 1901 and won a second term in 1904. Roosevelt was the governor of New York before he became the youngest to assume presidency at the age of 42 after the assassination of president William McKinley in 1901. He was well known for his anti-monopoly policies and ecological conservation. ("Theodore Roosevelt Biography.")
Before Abraham Lincoln became president he was known for his skill in wielding an ax and made …show more content…
He had a passion for animal life but by the encouragement of his father he developed a rigorous physical routine that included weightlifting and boxing. He went to Harvard for 2 years then went to Columbia law school. Roosevelt didn’t last long at law school instead he joined the New York state assembly as a representative from New York city becoming the youngest to serve in that position. He went through various public service positions like captain of the national guard, and minority leader of the New York assembly. Then he left the political life for two years and returned in 1886 where he resumed his career first as a civil service commissioner, then as a New York police commissioner and an assistant …show more content…
Roosevelt was known for his dedication to prosecuting monopolies under the Sherman antitrust act. Out of this commitment grew a bench mark of his first term the “Square Deal” which was a domestic program that embraced reform of the American workplace, government regulation of industry and consumer protection, with the overall aim of helping all classes of people. Roosevelts charismatic personality and impassioned combination if pounding fists and emphatic rhetoric helped in pushing his agenda ("Theodore Roosevelt Biography."). In 1905 Roosevelt initiated a massive public relations effort, engaging his unofficial policy of “Speak softly and carry a big stick” he bulked up the US Navy created “The great white fleet” sending it on a tour as a testament to US military power. He supported desegregation and women’s suffrage, he took a passive, sometimes contradictory approach to improving civil rights. Roosevelt had been deemed the country’s first environmentalist president. Theodore Roosevelt as ranked second best president by the American Historical Association before leaving the office in 1909 ("Theodore Roosevelt

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