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Diversity In The United States

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Introduction Diversity in the public sphere is a key value in modern American political discourse. Diversity in thought, diversity in individuals that are brought into the policy making process, and diversity in all aspects of business. One key issue that the United States are facing today is how undocumented find and obtain legal work in the United States. The four approaches of diversity will look at this problem from a variety of perspectives in order to gain a better understanding of the issue.
Main Body To frame this debate, the issue will be looked at a federal level due to immigration laws are determined by Congress and the President. Thus, immigrant statuses are determined by what the federal government passes as rules and regulations …show more content…
This method of diversity looks at whether or not immigrants have a say in whether or not they can make the policy at the correct level of government. This approach does not help with the diversity of the resource problem, because the institutional rules of the branches of government restrict immigrants from participating. To be a Representative an individual needs to be a US citizen for seven years, to be a Senator an individual has to be a citizen for nine years, and an immigrant cannot be eligible to be President since they have to be a natural born US citizen. Inversely, nativists have the ability to control the levers of power because they can easily overcome the citizenship requirements. That would allow Denis Kearny and his California Working People’s party to advocate for the Chinese Exclusion Act that would prevent Chinese immigration from the …show more content…
Thus in order for social justice to be achieve in a particular environment or institution, there has to be equal representation of genders, race, and beliefs in order for diversity to work. This forces organizations to have specific positions reserved for individuals that meet a select preconditions in order to be a member. This approach does not help the resource problem that has been selected because the Constitution has put the specific eligibility requirements in order to run, but individuals running for elected office have to make their case to a group individuals which can cause added scrutiny to political positions. Thus, this public scrutiny causes candidates to adopt positions that reflect their districts in order to gain and keep the seat. This helps explain the resource problem because politicians do not want to appear as an enemy of the working citizens of the home country (Ferguson,

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