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Julian Assange Research Paper

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The outbreak of Wikileaks has aroused global shock and debate. Julian P. Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, is now one of the most controversial figures. He established the Wikileaks and published a large number of confidential documents from government agencies, including the U.S. government, on the website. The U.S. government regards Assange as an irritant; on the other hand, many people call him “Robin Hood on the Internet” because he is brave to fight the government for people’s right of knowing the truth. Is Assange a hero or a troublemaker? Is Wikileaks ethical or not? These issues have been argued by countless people for years. No one is able to provide a clear and correct answer. Assange and his Wikileaks have led us to the discussion of ethics. As far as I know, Wikileaks, whose purpose is to reveal secret information and news leaks, cannot be simply defined as completely ethical or unethical. The ethical standards on this issue will depend on the circumstances. We have the right and freedom to know and express, but we must be responsible to not cross the ethical line.
In December 2006, 35-year-old Australian reporter, Julian Assange, led his team of journalists and hackers to establish a website named Wikileaks. This website defines …show more content…
On one hand, supporters of Wikileaks indicate that people deserve the truth. They argue that Wikileaks can help the public to know more about the government, and thus further push the government to be more responsible and perform better. On the other hand, Wikileaks perturbs many people, because the website is available to everyone in the world without any jurisdiction to control the use of the published information. Anyone can access the documents on Wikileaks in any way, leading to the potential for unethical use of the information. If someone uses the secrets for an illegal or immoral purpose, can we still agree that Wikileaks is

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