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A Rover Research Paper

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Mars was once able to sustain human life from research by rovers. A Rover is a space vehicle designed to move across the surface of a planet or other celestial body. The Rovers have found a lot of information about Mars. First, The Red Planet is more than likely to be the first planet, humans search on for extraterrestrial beings (Warmflash 6). This will help continue the research for life with humans being there, we could go out on searches with Rovers and know what we are looking for better. For this reason a rover named Oppy has been beaming up a decades worth of information to space stations on Earth (Space Daily 2). Therefore, Rover’s have found useful information to send back to Earth. Water on Mars has been gone for billions of years. …show more content…
On Mars there is no sign of life. To clarify, on the planet nothing is found alive because everything is dried up. "The conclusion that the area was likely habitable for up to tens of millions of years is based on a calculation of how long it would take for that much sediment to be deposited into the area and then gradually turn to rock" (Kaufman 4). Through calculations scientist imagine it took millions of years for the Red Planet to physically change to how it looks. However, "This didn't really mean that organisms ever actually lived there" (Kaufman 3). Water and other things might have been there, but other things like living organisms could have been there even in the microbial level. Also, "How a lake could exist this far into Martian history remains a scientific enigma" (Kaufman 3). The atmosphere was said to have been gone so the lake itself was said to have dried up eons ago. Life on Mars isn't sustainable because everything has dried up. The atmosphere is to weak and doesn't protect from the Suns radiation. For example, NASA’s Rover, Curiosity discovered a potentially livable lake and groundwater system that dated back 3.7 billion years ago (Wall 2). The lake was possibly sustainable until the atmosphere went bad and the lake dried up because the water couldn't be held. With this in mind "Liquid water cannot exist for long periods in the surface of present-day Mars, whose atmosphere is just 1 percent as thick as that of Earth" (Wall 4). The atmosphere is so weak nothing can sustain life. However, Mars possibility for life was off and on for hundreds of millions of years (Wall 4). Mars was said to have different places that were sustainable but there is no oxygen but mainly carbon dioxide. Mars atmosphere is to weak to sustain any

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