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Home Wrestling Narrative

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It was the last home wrestling meet of my Sophomore year and Senior Night nonetheless. There I was, in the middle of my high school’s gymnasium. My feet resting on the blue, thick, and hardened foam wrestling mat; it gave off a rubber-musky scent. All the lights within the spacious room were off, all but the one resting just ten feet above my opponent and I, casting ominous shadows alongside the walls and bleachers. I positioned my feet at the designated starting points and waited anxiously for the referee’s signal. I eyed my opponent, a varsity Sandy wrestler. He was smaller height wise, his frame somewhat smaller than I, my mind was racing trying to ease my worries. My stomach was tight with nervousness, “Are you both ready?” the referee …show more content…
I came to the realization that my feeling of dread originated from my desire to not be on the mat at all. Once I was on it, I perceived it differently. It’s a difficult concept to explain, but I feel that Will Smith translated it to words greatly in one of his motivational speeches, “The point of maximum danger, is the point of minimum fear”. The match progressed, it was a blur of sweat and raw physical competition. By the third and last round, both my opponent and I were gassed to the point of hands-on-hips composure. I was too exhausted to think of anything besides winning, the nervousness being a distant memory. It was the final 30 seconds of the match and I was evenly matched with the Sandy wrestler. There are two ways to win in wrestling; by pinning both shoulders of your opponent or having the most points at the end of the match. Points are awarded based off of takedowns, reversals, escapes, and other technicalities. I stared down the Sandy wrestler. Off of the whistle, I launched myself forward and put my right foot in between his feet and crouched down. I grabbed his thigh and lifted it up, placing it between my own legs. While applying downward force and moving in a circular motion, I managed to get him off of his feet and onto his bottom. Sandy quickly turned around to be on all fours, actively avoiding being pinned. In a fluid motion I secured his hips with one arm around his waist, the other on his left elbow, and garnered the two points for a takedown. He quickly stood up and broke out of the hold. I had the one point lead now, as he received a point for escaping. Time was down to 10 seconds, as he made a low and desperate grab for my shin, I sprawled, keeping all my weight on his body. It was a teetering point, when suddenly I heard the sharp tone of the whistle. I had actually won. I heard a rumbling applause emanating from the bleachers as we both stood

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