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One Day Before Moving Research Paper

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According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 12 percent of Americans move each year. Having a plan for packing before a move is essential for avoiding last-minute stress and preventing last-minute surprises. While this timetable assumes that you have at least a month to pack your belongings, feel free to adjust it a needed.

1. Things That You Need To Buy One Month Before Moving

Start collecting cardboard boxes, packing materials, tape and sharpies to write on the boxes. Buy colorful stickers to place on boxes to designate which room the box goes to in your new home. You will always need more boxes and tape than you though you would, so get more than you believe that you'll need, so you don't have to interrupt your final week of packing to …show more content…
Do the same in your garage, carport or storage building so when the big day arrives, everything is ready to go in clean, well-taped boxes. Buy clear plastic storage totes in various sizes that will fit in closets. Pack linens, shoes, and other items in your closets, leaving out only what you will need. Items will be ready to go on moving day and you can just place the totes in the closets on your new home for instantly organized space.

3. Decisions You Need To Make At Least Two Weeks Before Moving

If you need to move a lawn mover, ATV, snow blower or any similar item that holds hazardous materials, drain the fuel tank for the move after you but the lawn for the last time or after you've taken your final ride.

Decide what you'll do with live houseplants; plants don't do well in moving trucks. If you only have a few small plants, you easily take them in your car, however, if you have large plants, you might want to give them away.

Movers usually won't move firearms, so ensure you have a safe method of transporting your guns yourself. According to the ATF, you can ship your firearms to yourself, unless prohibited by state or local

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