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Dmanisi Research Paper

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In recent years, several new findings have come out on the fossil record of Dmanisi, the fossil record and genetic lineage of Denisovan’s, and the genetic lineage of Neanderthals. These studies are helping to piece together an origin to a known human or bipedal species that can trace their lineage to the modern day humans. Dmanisi, the oldest hominin who was found outside of Africa, is being examined closely to find when and where the ancestors to Dmanisi broke off and left Africa to live elsewhere. The Denisovan’s have been a recent discovery and are still a mystery as to how they fit into the fossil and genetic lineage to us. One of the most surprising findings comes from the Neanderthal lineage, specifically a female Neanderthal genome that has unveiled an unknown human lineage. Everyday new bones, DNA fluctuations, and more are being uncovered and helping to paint a picture of all the ancestors who would have contributed to our being.

Recently, Dmanisi (Figure 1), has had his teeth examined, and has drawn conclusions to some once unexplainable phenomena’s. These studies show that, of Dmanisi. This has lead to the dating of the teeth and an estimated date of 1.8 million years ago. The discovery has also left a wide range of disparity that has left the researchers incapable of an explanation of such …show more content…
Even more surprising, is the fact that the nearest known Neanderthal relatives had been found around 2’100 miles away from the point of discovery (Figure 4). This finding suggests that the genomes from the Neanderthals may have been shared amongst a portion of Denisovans as well. This notion of genetic interbreeding was not thought of as possible with the vast distances between tribes, but after this recent discovery, the evidence supports this hypothesis. With Neanderthals being our closet relatives before they went extinct (around 40 thousand years ago), new hypothesis suggest that although Neanderthals had much more in

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